#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define pb push_back #define se second #define fi first using namespace std; inline int ctoi(char c) {return (c)-'0';} inline void Atoa(string &inp){ for(int i = 0;i < inp.length();++i)inp[i] = tolower(inp[i]);} typedef pair<int,int> pii; typedef long long ll; void words_extracter(vector<string> &words,string inp) { stringstream ss; ss.str(inp); while(getline(ss,inp,' ')) words.pb(inp); } const int MAXN = 150; int DP[MAXN+1][MAXN+1][MAXN+1]; int ans = 0; int solve(string abb,vector<string> words,int i,int j,int k) { if(DP[i][j][k] != -1) { return DP[i][j][k]; } if(i == words.size()) { if(k == abb.length()) { if(DP[i][j][k] == -1) return DP[i][j][k] = 1; else return DP[i][j][k] += 1; }else{ return (DP[i][j][k] == -1 ? DP[i][j][k] = 0 : DP[i][j][k]); } }else{ if(k == abb.length()) { return (DP[i][j][k] == -1 ? DP[i][j][k] = 0 : DP[i][j][k]); } } bool prev = true; if(prev) { for(int t_j = j;t_j < words[i].length();++t_j) { if(words[i][t_j] == abb[k]) { prev = false; if(DP[i][j][k] == -1) DP[i][j][k] = 0; DP[i][j][k] += solve(abb,words,i,t_j+1,k+1); DP[i][j][k] += solve(abb,words,i+1,0,k+1); } } } if(prev) { return (DP[i][j][k] == -1 ? DP[i][j][k] = 0 : DP[i][j][k]); } return (DP[i][j][k] == -1 ? DP[i][j][k] = 0 : DP[i][j][k]); } int main() { int n; cin >> n; while(n != 0) { map<string,bool> insig; for(int i = 0;i < n;++i) { string s; cin >> s; insig[s] = 1; } loop:string abb,t_abb; cin >> abb; t_abb = abb; Atoa(abb); string temp,inp; cin >> inp; if((abb == "last" && inp == "CASE")) { cin >> n; continue; } vector<string> words; words.pb(inp); getline(cin,temp); stringstream ss; ss.str(temp); while(getline(ss,temp,' ')) { if(!insig[temp]) { inp += temp; if(temp != "") words.pb(temp); } } //main code goes here /* what we have got is abbreviation : abb input string without insig : inp solve() function */ memset(DP,-1,sizeof(DP)); ans = 0; solve(abb,words,0,0,0); for(int j = 0;j < words[0].length();++j) { if(DP[0][j][0] != -1) ans += DP[0][j][0]; } cout << t_abb ; if(ans) printf(" can be formed in %d ways\n",ans); else printf(" is not a valid abbreviation\n"); goto loop; } }
Standard input is empty
is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid 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a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid 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abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not 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is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid 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abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation 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abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviation is not a valid abbreviat