fork(1) download
  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. ROWS = 2
  3. COLS = 3
  5. ## different cell representations
  6. def cell(r,c):
  7. ## exercise for the reader: _gues_ which of the following is the fastest
  8. ## ...
  9. ## then profile it :)
  10. index = COLS*(r) + c
  11. # return [ r,c ]
  12. # return ( r,c )
  13. # return index
  14. # return "(%i,%i)" % (r,c)
  16. def baseN(num,b,numerals="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"):
  17. return ((num == 0) and numerals[0]) or (baseN(num // b, b, numerals).lstrip(numerals[0]) + numerals[num % b])
  19. return baseN(index, 26)
  21. ORIGIN = cell(0,0)
  23. def debug(t): pass; #print t
  24. def dump(grid): print("\n".join(map(str, grid)))
  26. def print_path(path):
  27. ## Note: to 'normalize' to start at (1,1) node:
  28. # while ORIGIN != path[0]: path = path[1:] + path[:1]
  29. print " -> ".join(map(str, path))
  31. def bruteforce_hamiltonians(grid, whenfound):
  32. def inner(grid, whenfound, partial):
  34. cols = len(grid[-1]) # number of columns remaining in last rank
  35. if cols<1:
  36. # assert 1 == len(set([ len(r) for r in grid ])) # for debug only
  37. whenfound(partial) # disable when benchmarking
  38. pass
  39. else:
  40. #debug(" ------ cols: %i ------- " % cols)
  42. for i,rank in enumerate(grid):
  43. if len(rank)<cols: continue
  44. #debug("debug: %i, %s (partial: %s%s)" % (i,rank, "... " if len(partial)>3 else "", partial[-3:]))
  45. for ci,cell in enumerate(rank):
  46. partial.append(cell)
  47. grid[i] = rank[:ci]+rank[ci+1:] # modify grid in-place, keeps rank
  49. inner(grid, whenfound, partial)
  51. grid[i] = rank # restore in-place
  52. partial.pop()
  53. break
  54. pass
  55. # start of recursion
  56. inner(grid, whenfound, [])
  58. grid = [ [ cell(c,r) for r in range(COLS) ] for c in range(ROWS) ]
  60. dump(grid)
  62. bruteforce_hamiltonians(grid, print_path)
Success #stdin #stdout 0.01s 6660KB
Standard input is empty
['a', 'b', 'c']
['d', 'e', 'f']
a -> d -> b -> e -> c -> f
a -> d -> b -> f -> c -> e
a -> d -> c -> e -> b -> f
a -> d -> c -> f -> b -> e
a -> e -> b -> d -> c -> f
a -> e -> b -> f -> c -> d
a -> e -> c -> d -> b -> f
a -> e -> c -> f -> b -> d
a -> f -> b -> d -> c -> e
a -> f -> b -> e -> c -> d
a -> f -> c -> d -> b -> e
a -> f -> c -> e -> b -> d
b -> d -> a -> e -> c -> f
b -> d -> a -> f -> c -> e
b -> d -> c -> e -> a -> f
b -> d -> c -> f -> a -> e
b -> e -> a -> d -> c -> f
b -> e -> a -> f -> c -> d
b -> e -> c -> d -> a -> f
b -> e -> c -> f -> a -> d
b -> f -> a -> d -> c -> e
b -> f -> a -> e -> c -> d
b -> f -> c -> d -> a -> e
b -> f -> c -> e -> a -> d
c -> d -> a -> e -> b -> f
c -> d -> a -> f -> b -> e
c -> d -> b -> e -> a -> f
c -> d -> b -> f -> a -> e
c -> e -> a -> d -> b -> f
c -> e -> a -> f -> b -> d
c -> e -> b -> d -> a -> f
c -> e -> b -> f -> a -> d
c -> f -> a -> d -> b -> e
c -> f -> a -> e -> b -> d
c -> f -> b -> d -> a -> e
c -> f -> b -> e -> a -> d