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  1. # Must have R, RStudio, RTools, and JAGS installed. I have R3.3.1, RSTudio 0.97.551, RTools 3.4, and JAGS 4.2.0.
  2. # Must install.package(rjags)
  3. #
  4. # Model
  5. # K = number of species in sample
  6. # N = number of possible species in the sample
  7. # M = number of short reads
  8. # theta[N] = Indicator of species in sampe, species are numbered 1-N; 0 out, >0 in; prior multinomial(priorspecies,K)
  9. # alpha[N]= Abundance of species in the sample;
  10. # prior dirichlet with those in sample have prior proportion 1/K thse not in sample have prior proportion 1/N
  11. # z[M] = latent, unknown assignment of reads to species; possible values are 1-N; each read is assigned a value using alpha[] probabilities
  12. # r[M] = list of BLAST alignments associated with each reads
  13. # r[m] ~ multinomial(length(r[m], coMatch[z[m],]); this is currently one read and a trick is used to get the likelihood
  14. # coMatch[N, N] = given true species (row), the likelihood of aligning to another species (col)
  17. library(rjags)
  19. K <- 5
  20. N <- 100
  21. M <- 1000
  22. theta <- rep(0,N)
  23. theta[1:K] <- 1
  24. alpha <- rep(0,N)
  25. alpha[theta] <- 1/K
  27. # First example has only one BLAST return that includes
  28. # 1 (1/50th),
  29. # 2 (9/50th),
  30. # 3 (2/50th),
  31. # 4 (2/50th),
  32. # 5 (2/50th),
  33. # 6 (10/50th),
  34. # 8 (2/50th),
  35. # 9 (3/50th),
  36. # 10 (8/50th), and
  37. # 50 (11/50th)
  38. r <- sample(c(1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,8,8,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50), size=M, replace=T)
  40. # Sepcify a simple coMatch matrix that makes all off-diagonal entries low probability
  41. likelihood <- matrix(0.1,nrow=100, ncol=100)
  42. diag(likelihood) <- rep(1,100)
  45. write('
  46. model {
  47. # Likelihood:
  48. for( i in 1 : M ) {
  49. zeros[i] ~ dpois(phi[i]) # likelihood is exp( - phi[i])
  50. phi[i] <- -1*log(likelihood[r[i], z[i]])
  51. z[i] ~ dcat(alpha[])
  52. }
  54. # Prior:
  56. alpha ~ ddirch(abundance)
  57. for(j in 1:N){
  58. abundance[j] <- min(theta[j]*1/K, 1/N)
  59. }
  60. theta ~ dmulti(priorSpecies, K)
  62. }', "mixturemodel4.bug")
  64. # Hyperparameters
  65. # priorAbundance <- rep(1/N,N)
  66. # priorAbundance[theta] <- 1
  67. priorSpecies <- rep(1/N,N)
  69. # false data variable for implementing a vector likelihood function in rjags
  70. zeros <- rep(0,M)
  73. # Create a data list
  74. dataList <- list(
  75. "r"= r,
  76. "zeros" = zeros,
  77. "likelihood" = likelihood,
  78. "K" = K,
  79. "N" = N,
  80. "M"= M,
  81. "priorSpecies" = priorSpecies)
  83. # List of parameters to be monitored
  84. parameters <- c(
  85. "alpha",
  86. "theta")
  88. # Set initial values
  89. initsValues <- list(
  90. "alpha" = alpha,
  91. "theta" = theta)
  94. # JAGS Set-up
  95. adaptSteps <- 50 #number of steps to "tune" the samplers
  96. burnInSteps <- 50 #number of steps to "burn-in" the samplers
  97. nChains <- 1 #number of chains to run
  98. numSavedSteps <- 50 #total number of steps in chains to save
  99. thinSteps <- 1 #number of steps to "thin" (1=keep every step)
  100. nIter <- ceiling((numSavedSteps*thinSteps )/nChains) #steps per chain
  102. # Create, initialize, and adapt the model
  103. jagsModel <- jags.model("mixturemodel4.bug",
  104. data=dataList,
  105. inits=initsValues,
  106. n.chains=nChains,
  107. n.adapt=adaptSteps)
Success #stdin #stdout #stderr 0.22s 60752KB
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Error in library(rjags) : there is no package called ‘rjags’
Execution halted