fork(1) download
  1. #include <vector>
  2. #include <list>
  3. #include <map>
  4. #include <set>
  5. #include <deque>
  6. #include <queue>
  7. #include <stack>
  8. #include <bitset>
  9. #include <algorithm>
  10. #include <functional>
  11. #include <numeric>
  12. #include <utility>
  13. #include <sstream>
  14. #include <iostream>
  15. #include <iomanip>
  16. #include <cstdio>
  17. #include <cmath>
  18. #include <cstdlib>
  19. #include <cctype>
  20. #include <string>
  21. #include <cstring>
  22. #include <cstdio>
  23. #include <cmath>
  24. #include <cstdlib>
  25. #include <ctime>
  26. #include <string.h>
  27. #include <fstream>
  28. #include <cassert>
  29. using namespace std;
  32. typedef long long ll;
  33. const int M = 1e6;
  34. const ll mod = 1e9 + 7;
  36. ll cr[M], cl[M], c[M];
  38. struct node {/*{{{*/
  39. public:
  40. ll m, ml, mr, mm;
  41. int li, ri;
  42. void merge(node& l, node& r) {
  43. li =;
  44. ri = r.ri;
  45. ll s = (cr[l.ri] * cl[]) % mod;
  46. m = (l.m*r.m) % mod;
  47. m = (m + ((* % mod)*s) % mod;
  48. ml = (l.m* % mod;
  49. ml = (ml + ((* % mod)*s) % mod;
  50. mr = (r.m* % mod;
  51. mr = (mr + ((* % mod)*s) % mod;
  52. mm = (* % mod;
  53. mm = (mm + ((* % mod)*s) % mod;
  54. }
  55. node() {
  56. li = 0, ri = 0, ml = 1, mr = 1, mm = 0, m = 1;
  57. }
  58. void init() {
  59. li = 0, ri = 0, ml = 1, mr = 1, mm = 0, m = 1;
  60. }
  61. };/*}}}*/
  62. template<class node>
  63. class segtree {/*{{{*/
  64. template<bool b>class param {};
  65. inline void spltdwn(int idx, param<true>) { splt(idx); }
  66. inline void splt(int idx) {/*{{{*/
  67. idx >>= 1;
  68. if (idx>0)splt(idx);
  69. tree[idx].split(tree[idx << 1], tree[(idx << 1) | 1]);
  70. }/*}}}*/
  71. inline void spltdwn(int, param<false>) {};
  72. inline void split(node& a, node& b, node& c, param<true>) { return a.split(b, c); }
  73. inline void split(node&, node&, node&, param<false>) {}
  74. template<typename t, void (t::*)(t&, t&)> class T {};
  75. template<typename t> static char test(T<t, &t::split>*) { return 0; }
  76. template<typename t> static long double test(...) { return 0; }
  77. int u, v;
  78. node query(int root, int left_range, int right_range) {/*{{{*/
  79. if (u <= left_range && right_range <= v)
  80. return tree[root];
  81. int mid = (left_range + right_range) >> 1,
  82. l = root << 1,
  83. r = l | 1;
  84. if (has_split)split(tree[root], tree[l], tree[r], param<has_split>());
  85. node res;
  86. if (u >= mid)res = query(r, mid, right_range);
  87. else if (v <= mid)res = query(l, left_range, mid);
  88. else {
  89. node n1 = query(l, left_range, mid),
  90. n2 = query(r, mid, right_range);
  91. res.merge(n1, n2);
  92. }
  93. if (has_split) tree[root].merge(tree[l], tree[r]);
  94. return res;
  95. }/*}}}*/
  96. template<void(*fn)(node&)>
  97. void local_update(int root, int left_range, int right_range) {/*{{{*/
  98. if (u <= left_range && right_range <= v) {
  99. return fn(tree[root]);
  100. }
  101. int mid = (left_range + right_range) >> 1,
  102. l = root << 1,
  103. r = l | 1;
  104. if (has_split)split(tree[root], tree[l], tree[r], param<has_split>());
  105. if (v>mid)local_update<fn>(r, mid, right_range);
  106. if (u<mid)local_update<fn>(l, left_range, mid);
  107. tree[root].merge(tree[l], tree[r]);
  108. }/*}}}*/
  109. void mrgup(int idx) {/*{{{*/
  110. idx >>= 1;
  111. while (idx>0)
  112. tree[idx].merge(tree[idx << 1], tree[(idx << 1) | 1]),
  113. idx >>= 1;
  114. }/*}}}*/
  115. public:
  116. static bool const has_split = (sizeof(test<node>(0)) == sizeof(char));
  117. int N;
  118. int leftmost_leaf, rightmost_leaf;
  119. node* tree;
  120. node identity;
  121. segtree() { tree = 0; }
  122. ~segtree() {
  123. if (tree) delete[] tree;
  124. }
  125. void init(int n, const node a[], const node& identity) {/*{{{*/
  126. if (tree) delete[] tree;
  127. this->identity = identity;
  128. N = 0;
  129. while ((1 << N)<n)N++;
  130. leftmost_leaf = 1 << N;
  131. rightmost_leaf = leftmost_leaf << 1;
  132. tree = new node[rightmost_leaf];
  133. for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
  134. tree[i + leftmost_leaf] = a[i];
  135. for (int i = n + leftmost_leaf; i<rightmost_leaf; i++)
  136. tree[i] = identity;
  137. for (int i = leftmost_leaf - 1; i; i--)
  138. tree[i].merge(tree[i << 1], tree[(i << 1) | 1]);
  139. }/*}}}*/
  140. node query(int u, int v) {//[u,v]/*{{{*/
  141. this->u = u + leftmost_leaf;
  142. this->v = v + leftmost_leaf + 1;
  143. return query(1, leftmost_leaf, rightmost_leaf);
  144. }/*}}}*/
  145. node query(int u) {//faster version of query(u,u)/*{{{*/
  146. //indexing starts from 0
  147. u += leftmost_leaf;
  148. spltdwn(u, param<has_split>());
  149. return tree[u];
  150. }/*}}}*/
  151. template<void(*fn)(node&)>
  152. void update(int u, int v) {/*{{{*/
  153. //0-indexed
  154. this->u = u + leftmost_leaf;
  155. this->v = v + leftmost_leaf + 1;
  156. return local_update<fn>(1, leftmost_leaf, rightmost_leaf);
  157. }/*}}}*/
  158. template<void(*fn)(node&)>
  159. void update(int u) {//faster version of update(u,u)/*{{{*/
  160. //indexing starts from 0
  161. u += leftmost_leaf;
  162. spltdwn(u, param<has_split>());
  163. fn(tree[u]);
  164. mrgup(u);
  165. }/*}}}*/
  166. void split_down(int leaf_idx) {/*{{{*/
  167. spltdwn(leaf_idx + leftmost_leaf, param<has_split>());
  168. }/*}}}*/
  169. void merge_up(int leaf_idx) {/*{{{*/
  170. mrgup(leaf_idx + leftmost_leaf);
  171. }/*}}}*/
  172. bool is_leaf(int tree_idx) { return tree_idx >= leftmost_leaf; }
  173. int binary_search(node k) {/*{{{*/
  174. //search the last place i, such that merge( everyting to the left of i(including i) ) compares less than k
  175. int root = 1;
  176. node n = identity;
  177. //identity satisfies merge(identity,y) = merge(y,identity) = y for all y.
  178. assert(!(k<identity));
  179. while (!is_leaf(root)) {
  180. int left_child = root << 1,
  181. right_child = left_child | 1;
  182. if (has_split)
  183. split(tree[root], tree[left_child], tree[right_child], param<has_split>());
  184. node m;
  185. m.merge(n, tree[left_child]);
  186. if (m<k) {//go to right side
  187. n = m;
  188. root = right_child;
  189. }
  190. else root = left_child;
  191. }
  192. node m;
  193. m.merge(n, tree[root]);
  194. mrgup(root);
  195. if (m<k)return root - leftmost_leaf;
  196. else return root - 1 - leftmost_leaf;
  197. }/*}}}*/
  198. };/*}}}*/
  200. #define boost ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0)
  201. #define sz(a) int((a).size())
  202. #define rep(i, s, n) for(int i = s; i <= (n); ++i)
  203. #define rev(i, n, s) for(int i = (n); i >= s; --i)
  204. #define fore(x, a) for(auto &&x : a)
  205. const ll inf = mod-7;
  207. ll w[M];
  208. ll d[M], zo[M], s[M];
  210. node a[M];
  212. void upd(node &cur) {
  213. cur.m = c[];
  214. }
  216. int main() {
  217. #ifdef loc
  218. if(!freopen((string(FOLDER) + "inp.txt").c_str(), "r", stdin)) {
  219. assert(0);
  220. }
  221. freopen((string(FOLDER) + "out.txt").c_str(), "w", stdout);
  222. #endif
  223. boost;
  224. int t;
  225. cin >> t;
  226. rep(z, 1, t) {
  227. cout << "Case #" << z << ": ";
  228. int n, m;
  229. cin >> n >> m;
  230. ll w1, aw, bw;
  231. cin >> w1 >> aw >> bw;
  232. w[1] = w1;
  233. rep(i,2, m) {
  234. w[i] = ((aw*w[i - 1] + bw) % n) + 1;
  235. }
  236. ll d1, ad, bd;
  237. cin >> d1 >> ad >> bd;
  238. d[1] = d1;
  239. rep(i, 2, m) {
  240. d[i] = (ad*d[i - 1] + bd) % 3;
  241. }
  242. rep(i, 1, m) {
  243. zo[i] = max(1LL, min((ll)n, w[i] + d[i] - 1));
  244. }
  245. ll s1, as, bs;
  246. cin >> s1 >> as >> bs;
  247. s[1] = s1;
  248. rep(i, 2, m) {
  249. s[i] = ((as*s[i - 1] + bs) % inf) + 1;
  250. }
  251. rep(i, 0,n+1) {
  252. a[i].init();
  253. a[i].li = i;
  254. a[i].ri = i;
  255. }
  256. memset(cl, 0, sizeof(cl));
  257. memset(cr, 0, sizeof(cr));
  258. memset(c, 0, sizeof(c));
  259. rep(i, 1, n) c[i] = 1;
  260. segtree<node> p;
  261. p.init(n + 1, a, a[n + 1]);
  262. int res = 0;
  263. // cout << p.query(1, n).m << " ";
  264. rep(i, 1, m) {
  265. //cout << "(" << w[i] << " " << zo[i] << " " << s[i] << ") ";
  266. if (w[i] == zo[i]) {
  267. c[w[i]] += s[i];
  268. if (c[w[i]] >= mod) c[w[i]] -= mod;
  269. }
  270. else if (w[i] == zo[i] - 1) {
  271. cr[w[i]] += s[i];
  272. if (cr[w[i]] >= mod) cr[w[i]] -= mod;
  273. }
  274. else {
  275. cl[w[i]] += s[i];
  276. if (cl[w[i]] >= mod) cl[w[i]] -= mod;
  277. }
  278. p.update<&upd>(w[i]);
  279. res += p.query(1, n).m;
  280. // cout << p.query(1, n).m << " ";
  281. if (res >= mod) res -= mod;
  282. }
  283. cout << res << endl;
  284. }
  285. return 0;
  286. }
Compilation error #stdin compilation error #stdout 0s 0KB
Standard input is empty
compilation info
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 117, in compile
    raise py_exc
py_compile.PyCompileError:   File "", line 29
    using namespace std;
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Standard output is empty