fork download
  1. uses math;
  2. const finp='';
  3. fout='';
  4. maxc=round(1e9);
  5. maxn=20005;
  6. type point=^ptype;
  7. ptype=record
  8. v,info:longint;
  9. link:point;
  10. end;
  11. bg=record
  12. key,cs:longint;
  13. end;
  15. var fi,fo:text;
  16. g,g1:array[1..maxn] of point;
  17. d,pos:array[0..maxn,1..2] of longint;
  18. heap:array[1..2*maxn] of bg;
  19. free:array[0..maxn,1..2] of boolean;
  20. i,n,m,s,t,k,u,v,x,u1,nheap,j,test,y:longint;
  22. Procedure them(u1,u2:longint);
  23. var p:point;
  24. begin
  25. new(p);
  26. p^.v:=u2;
  27. p^.info:=x;
  28. p^.link:=g[u];
  29. g[u]:=p;
  30. end;
  32. Procedure them1(u1,u2:longint);
  33. var p:point;
  34. begin
  35. new(p);
  36. p^.v:=u2;
  37. p^.info:=x;
  38. p^.link:=g1[u];
  39. g1[u]:=p;
  40. end;
  42. Procedure update(v,u:longint);
  43. var parent,child:longint;
  44. begin
  45. child:=pos[v,u];
  46. if child=0 then
  47. begin
  48. inc(nheap);child:=nheap;
  49. end;
  50. parent:=child div 2;
  51. while (parent>0) and (d[heap[parent].key,heap[parent].cs]>d[v,u]) do
  52. begin
  53. heap[child]:=heap[parent];
  54. pos[heap[child].key,heap[child].cs]:=child;
  55. child:=parent;
  56. parent:=child div 2;
  57. end;
  58. heap[child].key:=v;
  59. heap[child].cs:=u;
  60. pos[v,u]:=child;
  61. end;
  63. Function pop:longint;
  64. var r,c,v,v1:longint;
  65. begin
  66. pop:=heap[1].key;u1:=heap[1].cs;
  67. v:=heap[nheap].key;v1:=heap[nheap].cs;
  68. dec(nheap);
  69. r:=1;
  70. while r*2<=nheap do
  71. begin
  72. c:=r*2;
  73. if (c<nheap) and (d[heap[c+1].key,heap[c+1].cs]<d[heap[c].key,heap[c].cs]) then inc(c);
  74. if d[v,v1]<=d[heap[c].key,heap[c].cs] then break;
  75. heap[r]:=heap[c];
  76. pos[heap[r].key,heap[r].cs]:=r;
  77. r:=c;
  78. end;
  79. heap[r].key:=v;
  80. heap[r].cs:=v1;
  81. pos[v,v1]:=r;
  82. end;
  84. Procedure dijkstra;
  85. var p:point;
  86. begin
  87. for i:=1 to n do
  88. for j:=1 to 2 do free[i,j]:=false;
  89. for i:=1 to n do
  90. for j:=1 to 2 do pos[i,j]:=0;
  91. for i:=1 to n do
  92. for j:=1 to 2 do d[i,j]:=maxc;
  93. nheap:=0;
  94. d[s,1]:=0;
  95. update(s,1);
  96. repeat
  97. u:=pop;
  98. if (u=t) and (u=0) then break;
  99. free[u,u1]:=true;
  100. if u1=1 then
  101. begin
  102. p:=g[u];
  103. while p<>nil do
  104. begin
  105. v:=p^.v;
  106. if not free[v,1] and (d[v,1]>d[u,1]+p^.info) then
  107. begin
  108. d[v,1]:=d[u,1]+p^.info;
  109. update(v,1);
  110. end;
  111. p:=p^.link;
  112. end;
  113. p:=g1[u];
  114. while p<>nil do
  115. begin
  116. v:=p^.v;
  117. if not free[v,2] and (d[v,2]>d[u,1]+p^.info) then
  118. begin
  119. d[v,2]:=d[u,1]+p^.info;
  120. update(v,2);
  121. end;
  122. p:=p^.link;
  123. end;
  124. end else
  125. begin
  126. p:=g[u];
  127. while p<>nil do
  128. begin
  129. v:=p^.v;
  130. if not free[v,2] and (d[v,2]>d[u,2]+p^.info) then
  131. begin
  132. d[v,2]:=d[u,2]+p^.info;
  133. update(v,2);
  134. end;
  135. p:=p^.link;
  136. end;
  137. end;
  138. if nheap=0 then break;
  139. until false;
  140. if (d[t,1]=maxc) and (d[t,2]=maxc) then writeln(fo,-1) else
  141. writeln(fo,min(d[t,1],d[t,2]));
  142. end;
  144. BEGIN
  145. assign(fi,finp);reset(fi);
  146. assign(fo,fout);rewrite(fo);
  147. readln(fi,test);
  148. for y:=1 to test do
  149. begin
  150. readln(fi,n,m,k,s,t);
  151. for i:=1 to n do
  152. begin
  153. g[i]:=nil;g1[i]:=nil;
  154. end;
  155. for i:=1 to m do
  156. begin
  157. readln(fi,u,v,x);
  158. them(u,v);
  159. end;
  160. for i:=1 to k do
  161. begin
  162. readln(fi,u,v,x);
  163. them1(u,v);
  164. them1(v,u);
  165. end;
  166. dijkstra;
  167. end;
  168. close(fi);close(fo);
  169. END.
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