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  1. import random
  2. from Queue import Queue
  4. class Pow:
  5. def __init__(self, base, exp):
  6. self.base = base
  7. self.exp = exp
  9. class Pair:
  10. def __init__(self, x, y):
  11. self.x = x
  12. self.y = y
  14. def gcd(a, b):
  15. while b: a, b = b, a % b
  16. return a
  18. def rabin_miller(p):
  19. if p < 2: return False
  20. if p != 2 and p % 2 == 0: return False
  21. s = p - 1
  22. while s % 2 == 0: s >>= 1
  23. for i in xrange(10):
  24. a = random.randrange(p - 1) + 1
  25. temp = s
  26. mod = pow(a, temp, p)
  27. while temp != p-1 and mod != 1 and mod != p-1:
  28. mod = (mod * mod) % p
  29. temp = temp * 2
  30. if mod != p-1 and temp % 2 == 0:
  31. return False
  32. return True
  34. def brent(n):
  35. if n % 2 == 0: return 2;
  36. x, c, m = random.randrange(0,n), random.randrange(1,n), random.randrange(1,n)
  37. y, r, q = x, 1, 1
  38. g, ys = 0, 0
  39. while True:
  40. x = y
  41. for i in range(r):
  42. y, k = (y*y+c)%n, 0
  43. while True:
  44. ys = y
  45. for i in range(min(m,r-k)):
  46. y, q = (y*y+c)%n, q*abs(x-y)%n
  47. g, k = gcd(q,n), k+m
  48. if k >= r or g > 1: break
  49. r = 2 * r
  50. if g > 1: break
  51. if g == n:
  52. while True :
  53. ys, g = (x*x+c)%n, gcd(abs(x-ys),n)
  54. if g > 1: break
  55. return g
  57. def pollard(n):
  58. if n % 2 == 0:
  59. return 2;
  60. x = random.randrange(2,1000000)
  61. c = random.randrange(2,1000000)
  62. y = x
  63. d = 1
  64. while d == 1:
  65. x = (x * x + c) % n
  66. y = (y * y + c) % n
  67. y = (y * y + c) % n
  68. d = gcd(x - y, n)
  69. if d == n:
  70. break
  71. return d
  73. # Prime Factorization by Pollard Rho alrorithm
  74. #
  75. def factor(n):
  76. q1 = Queue()
  77. q2 = []
  78. q1.put(n)
  79. while not q1.empty():
  80. l = q1.get()
  81. if rabin_miller(l):
  82. q2.append(l)
  83. continue
  84. d = pollard(l)
  85. if d == l: q1.put(l)
  86. else:
  87. q1.put(d)
  88. q1.put(l / d)
  89. return q2
  91. # Square root of n in integer.
  92. def sqrt(n):
  93. if n <= 0: return 0
  94. s = 1
  95. t = n;
  96. while s < t:
  97. s <<= 1
  98. t >>= 1
  99. while True:
  100. t = s
  101. s = (n / s + s) >> 1
  102. if s >= t: break
  103. return t
  105. # Return (a|n).
  106. # (a|n) = 0 if a = 0 (mod p)
  107. # = +1 if x^2 = a (mod p) for some x
  108. # = -1 if there is no such x
  109. def jacobi(a, n):
  110. t = 1
  111. while a != 0:
  112. while a % 2 == 0:
  113. a = a / 2
  114. if n % 8 == 3 or n % 8 == 5: t = -t
  115. (a, n) = (n, a)
  116. if a % 4 == 3 and n % 4 == 3: t = -t
  117. a = a % n
  118. if n == 1: return t
  119. return 0
  121. # Return a^n (mod p)
  122. def pow_mod(a, n, p):
  123. if n == 0: return 1
  124. if n % 2 == 0: return pow_mod(a * a % p, n / 2, p)
  125. return a * pow_mod( a, n - 1, p ) % p
  127. # Find x who satisfies x*x=n (mod prime p) by Shanks-Tonelli algorithm.
  128. #
  129. def mod_sqrt_by_shanks_tonelli(prime, arg):
  130. y = 2
  131. result = 0
  132. r = 0
  133. q = prime - 1
  134. if jacobi(arg, prime) == -1: return -1
  135. while jacobi(y, prime) != -1: y += 1
  136. result = prime - 1
  137. while q % 2 == 0:
  138. r += 1
  139. q /= 2
  140. result >>= r
  141. y = pow_mod(y, result, prime)
  142. result >>= 1
  143. b = pow_mod(arg, result, prime)
  144. result = arg * b
  145. result %= prime
  146. b *= result
  147. b %= prime
  148. while b != 1:
  149. t = b * b
  150. t %= prime
  151. m = 1
  152. while t != 1:
  153. t *= t
  154. t %= prime
  155. m += 1
  156. t = 0
  157. t |= (1 << (r-m-1))
  158. t %= prime
  159. y %= prime
  160. t = pow_mod(y, t, prime)
  161. y = t * t
  162. r = m
  163. result *= t
  164. result %= prime
  165. b *= y % prime
  166. b %= prime
  167. return result
  169. # Express prime p as a sum of squared two integers, based on Serret's algorithm.
  170. # See p.122 of "The higher arithmetic: an introduction to the theory of numbers".
  171. def square_sum_of_prime_by_serret(p):
  172. if p == 2: return Pair(1, 1)
  173. if p % 4 != 1: return None
  174. q = Pair(p, mod_sqrt_by_shanks_tonelli(p, p - 1))
  175. if 2 * q.y >= p: q.y = p - q.y
  176. v = []
  177. while q.y > 0:
  178. v.append(q.x / q.y)
  179. q.x, q.y = q.y, q.x - (q.x / q.y) * q.y
  180. q.x = v[len(v) / 2]
  181. q.y = 1
  182. for i in range(len(v)/2+1, len(v)):
  183. q.x, q.y = v[i] * q.x + q.y, q.x
  184. if 2 * q.x >= p:
  185. q.x = p - q.x
  186. q.y = sqrt(p - q.x * q.x)
  187. if q.y < q.x:
  188. q.x, q.y = q.y, q.x
  189. return q
  191. def expand(a, b, c, d, u):
  192. q = Pair(0, a * d + b * c)
  193. if a * c >= b * d:
  194. q.x = a * c - b * d
  195. else:
  196. q.x = b * d - a * c
  197. if q.y < q.x:
  198. q.x, q.y = q.y, q.x
  199. for p in u:
  200. if p.x == q.x: return False
  201. u.append(q)
  202. return u
  204. # Find all pairs x>0 and y>0 which satisfy x^2+y^2=n (x<y).
  205. # n is the form of exponent expression.
  206. def square_sum_of_integer(v):
  207. n = 0
  208. u, v1, v2 = [], [], []
  209. for p in v:
  210. if p.base == 2 or p.base % 4 == 1:
  211. for i in range(p.exp): v1.append(p.base)
  212. n += p.exp
  213. else:
  214. if p.exp % 2 != 0: return False
  215. for i in range(p.exp / 2): v2.append(p.base)
  216. if len(v1) == 0:
  217. q = Pair(1, 0)
  218. for p in v:
  219. for i in range(p.exp): q.x *= p.base
  220. u.append(q)
  221. return false
  222. w = []
  223. r = square_sum_of_prime_by_serret(v1[0])
  224. if r == None:
  225. r.x = r.y = v1[0]
  226. u.append(r)
  227. for i in range(1, len(v1)):
  228. r = square_sum_of_prime_by_serret(v1[i])
  229. if r != None:
  230. for q in u:
  231. w = expand(q.x, q.y, r.x, r.y, w)
  232. w = expand(q.x, q.y, r.y, r.x, w)
  233. u, w = w, u
  234. w = []
  235. for i in range(1, len(v2)):
  236. for q in u:
  237. q.x *= v2[i]
  238. q.y *= v2[i]
  239. return u
  241. def solve(n):
  242. r = 0
  243. t = 10**(n/2)
  244. v = []
  245. u = []
  246. m = t*t + 1
  248. p = factor(m)
  249. p.sort()
  250. q = Pow(p[0], 1)
  251. for i in range(1, len(p)):
  252. if p[i] != p[i-1]:
  253. v.append(q)
  254. q = Pow(p[i], 1)
  255. else: q.exp += 1
  256. v.append(q)
  258. u = square_sum_of_integer(v)
  260. for s in u:
  261. if s.x % 2 != 0: s.x, s.y = s.y, s.x
  262. x = t / 2 + s.x / 2
  263. y = (1 + s.y) / 2
  264. if x >= t / 10 and x < t and y < t:
  265. # print " " + str(t * x + y)
  266. r += t * x + y
  267. x = t / 2 - s.x / 2
  268. if x >= t / 10 and x < t and y < t:
  269. # print " " + str(t * x + y)
  270. r += t * x + y
  271. print str(n) + ': ' + str(r)
  273. for n in range(2, 38, 2):
  274. solve(n)
  275. solve(68)
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