fork download
  1. <?php
  2. $animals = array("dog","cat","snake","tiger");
  3. foreach($animals as $animals)
  4. echo $animals . "<br />";
  5. ?>
Compilation error #stdin compilation error #stdout 0s 0KB
Standard input is empty
compilation info
Visual Basic.Net Compiler version (Mono 3.8 - tarball)
Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Rolf Bjarne Kvinge. All rights reserved.

/home/lEscRA/prog.vb (1,4): Compiler error around this location, the compiler hasn't implemented the error message, nor error recovery, so the compiler will probably crash soon.
   at vbnc.Helper.ErrorRecoveryNotImplemented(Span Location)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAttribute(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAttributeList(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent, vbnc.Attributes Attributes)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAttributeBlock(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent, vbnc.Attributes Attributes)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAttributes(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent, vbnc.Attributes ByRef Attributes)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAssemblyMembers(vbnc.AssemblyDeclaration Parent, System.String RootNamespace)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAssemblyDeclaration(System.String RootNamespace, vbnc.AssemblyDeclaration assembly)
   at vbnc.Parser.Parse(System.String RootNamespace, vbnc.AssemblyDeclaration assembly)
   at vbnc.Compiler.Compile_Parse()
   at vbnc.Compiler.Compile()
   at vbnc.Compiler.Compile(System.String[] CommandLine)
   at vbnc.Main.Main(System.String[] CmdArgs)
/home/lEscRA/prog.vb (1,4) : error VBNC90019: Expected '>'.
/home/lEscRA/prog.vb (1,4): Compiler error around this location, the compiler hasn't implemented the error message, nor error recovery, so the compiler will probably crash soon.
   at vbnc.Helper.ErrorRecoveryNotImplemented(Span Location)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAttributes(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent, vbnc.Attributes ByRef Attributes)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAssemblyMembers(vbnc.AssemblyDeclaration Parent, System.String RootNamespace)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAssemblyDeclaration(System.String RootNamespace, vbnc.AssemblyDeclaration assembly)
   at vbnc.Parser.Parse(System.String RootNamespace, vbnc.AssemblyDeclaration assembly)
   at vbnc.Compiler.Compile_Parse()
   at vbnc.Compiler.Compile()
   at vbnc.Compiler.Compile(System.String[] CommandLine)
   at vbnc.Main.Main(System.String[] CmdArgs)
/home/lEscRA/prog.vb (1,4) : error VBNC99999: Hanging attributes.
/home/lEscRA/prog.vb (1,4) : error VBNC30203: Identifier expected.
/home/lEscRA/prog.vb (2,1) : error VBNC30037: Symbol is not valid.
/home/lEscRA/prog.vb (3,8) : error VBNC30203: Identifier expected.
/home/lEscRA/prog.vb (3,9) : error VBNC30037: Symbol is not valid.
/home/lEscRA/prog.vb (4,6) : error VBNC30037: Symbol is not valid.
/home/lEscRA/prog.vb (5,2) : error VBNC30203: Identifier expected.
There were 8 errors and 0 warnings.
Compilation took 00:00:00.6065350
Standard output is empty