#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct Song
Song( const std::string& name, const std::string& by )
: title(name), artiste(by) { std::cout << "Song::two arg constructor\n" ; }
Song( const Song& that ) : title(that.title), artiste(that.artiste)
{ std::cout << "Song::copy constructor\n" ; }
const std::string title ;
const std::string artiste ;
int main()
std::vector<Song> favourites ; // empty sequence
favourites.reserve(5) ; // reserve space for upto 5 songs
Song autumn( "Autumn in New York", "Billie Holiday" ) ; // Song::two arg constructor
favourites.push_back(autumn) ; // vector makes a copy: Song::copy constructor
std::cout << '\n' ;
// 1. construct an anonymous song object and pass that to push_back()
// 2. the vector makes a copy
favourites.push_back( Song( "Summertime", "Sarah Vaughan" ) ) ;
// Song::two arg constructor
// Song::copy constructor
std::cout << '\n' ;
// construct a song object in situ inside the vector (avoids the extra copy)
favourites.emplace_back( "It Might as Well Be Spring", "Astrud Gilberto" ) ;
// Song::two arg constructor
std::cout << '\n' ;
// allocate memory for a new buffer which can hold upto 50 songs
// copy the three songs into the new buffer
favourites.reserve(50) ; // reserve space for upto 5 songs
// Song::copy constructor
// Song::copy constructor
// Song::copy constructor