fork download
  1. #include<stdio.h>
  2. #include<stdlib.h>
  4. int count;
  6. struct node{
  7. int value;
  8. struct node* next;
  9. };
  11. int constructFinal(int *final,struct node **parent,struct node **output,int value){
  12. if(final[value - 1] == 1)
  13. return 0;
  14. final[value - 1] = 1;
  15. count++;
  16. struct node* temp;
  17. temp = parent[value-1];
  18. while(temp!= NULL){
  19. constructFinal(final,parent,output,temp->value);
  20. temp = temp->next;
  21. }
  22. }
  24. int findIndex(int currentElement,struct node** output,int lower,int upper){
  25. if(lower >= upper)
  26. return lower;
  27. int mid =lower + ( upper - lower )/2;
  28. if(output[mid]->value < currentElement)
  29. return findIndex(currentElement,output,mid+1,upper);
  30. else if(output[mid]->value > currentElement)
  31. return findIndex(currentElement,output,lower,mid);
  32. }
  34. int main(){
  35. int numOfInp,sizeOfInp,i,currentElement,sizeOfOut,indexBinary,indexAdded;
  36. struct node *temp,*tempIter;
  37. numOfInp=1;
  38. while(numOfInp--){
  39. scanf("%d",&sizeOfInp);
  40. struct node **output; // if I initialise normal initialisation, I may not get the data as 0 by default, hence callocing
  41. struct node **parent;
  42. int *input;
  43. input = (int *)calloc(sizeOfInp,sizeof(int));
  44. for(i=0 ; i< sizeOfInp ; i++)
  45. scanf("%d",&input[i]);
  47. parent = (struct node**)calloc(sizeOfInp, sizeof(struct node*));
  49. output = (struct node**)calloc(sizeOfInp, sizeof(struct node*));
  50. sizeOfOut = 0;
  51. for(i=0;i<sizeOfInp;i++){
  52. indexBinary = -1;
  53. currentElement = input[i];
  54. if(sizeOfOut == 0){
  55. output[sizeOfOut] = (struct node*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct node));
  56. output[sizeOfOut]->value = currentElement;
  57. indexAdded = sizeOfOut;
  58. sizeOfOut++;
  59. }
  60. else{
  61. if(currentElement > output[sizeOfOut-1]->value){
  62. output[sizeOfOut] = (struct node*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct node));
  63. output[sizeOfOut]->value = currentElement;
  64. indexAdded = sizeOfOut;
  65. sizeOfOut++;
  66. }
  67. else{
  68. indexBinary = findIndex(currentElement,output,0,sizeOfOut-1);
  69. temp = (struct node*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct node));
  70. temp->next = output[indexBinary];
  71. output[indexBinary] = temp;
  72. output[indexBinary]->value = currentElement;
  73. indexAdded = indexBinary;
  74. }
  75. }
  77. //parent[currentElement-1] = (struct node*)calloc(sizeof(struct node));
  78. if(indexAdded > 0){
  79. tempIter = output[indexAdded-1];
  80. while(tempIter != 0 && tempIter->value < currentElement){ //for all the elements in the previous bucket
  81. temp = (struct node*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct node)); //add the values to parent
  82. temp->next = parent[currentElement-1];
  83. parent[currentElement-1] = temp;
  84. parent[currentElement-1]->value = tempIter ->value;
  85. tempIter = tempIter->next;
  86. }
  87. }
  88. else{
  89. parent[currentElement-1] = NULL; // these are the elements in the first bucket of output
  90. }
  91. }
  93. int *final;
  94. final = (int*)calloc(sizeOfInp,sizeof(int));
  95. temp = output[sizeOfOut -1];
  96. count=0;
  97. while(temp != NULL){
  98. constructFinal(final,parent,output,temp->value);
  99. temp=temp->next;
  100. }
  101. printf("%d\n",count);
  102. for(i=0;i<sizeOfInp;i++)
  103. if(final[i]==1)
  104. printf("%d ",i+1);
  105. printf("\n");
  106. free(output);
  107. free(parent);
  109. }
  110. return 0;
  111. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 2428KB
2 1 4 5 3
1 2 4 5