fork(4) download
  1. import Data.Char (isDigit)
  2. import Control.Arrow (first, second)
  4. type Order = (Int, Bool)
  5. type D = Double
  6. type DD = D -> D
  7. type DDD = D -> D -> D
  9. data Oper = Prinfix (DD, Order) | Prefix DD | Postfix DD | Infix (DDD, Order)
  10. data Expr = Operand D | Operator Oper | Statement [Expr]
  12. toOp' d xs l = lookup l xs >>= Just . Operator . d
  14. toOp 0 = toOp' Prinfix [("-", (negate, (5, True)))]
  15. toOp 1 = toOp' Prefix [("sqr", (^2))]
  16. toOp 3 = toOp' Postfix [("!", \x -> product [1..x])]
  17. toOp 4 = toOp' Infix [("+", ((+), (5, True))), ("-", ((-), (5, True))),
  18. ("*", ((*), (6, True))), ("/", ((/), (6, True))), ("^", ((**), (7, False)))]
  20. parse = fmap fst . parse' . takeWhile (not . null) . map fst .
  21. tail . iterate (head . lex . snd) . (,) "" . (++ ")") where
  22. (opg, ff) = (Operator $ Prinfix (id, (1, True)), fmap . first)
  23. add i t = ff (t :) . parse'' i
  24. parse' = ff Statement . add 0 opg
  25. parse'' pos (l:ls)
  26. | isDigit (head l) = ifp (<= 2) $ add 3 (Operand $ read l) ls
  27. | l == "(" = ifp (<= 2) $ uncurry (add 3) =<< parse' ls
  28. | l == ")" = ifp (>= 3) $ Just ([opg], ls)
  29. | pos <= 1 = choose 1
  30. | pos <= 4 = choose 4 where
  31. ifp g x = if g pos then x else Nothing
  32. choose i = flip (uncurry add) ls =<< case (toOp i l, ifp (< i) $ toOp (i - 1) l) of
  33. (Just t, Nothing) -> Just (i `rem` 2 + 1, t)
  34. (Nothing, Just t) -> Just (i, t)
  35. _ -> Nothing
  37. eval (Operand t) = t
  38. eval (Statement t) = fst . snd $ eval' (0, True) (undefined, t) where
  39. (opg, sf) = ((10, undefined), second . first)
  40. cond (pr1, as1) (pr2, as2) = pr1 > pr2 || pr1 == pr2 && if as1 == as2 then as1
  41. else error "cannot mix two operators"
  42. eval' _ (n, (Operator (Prefix g) : ts)) = sf g $ eval' opg (undefined, ts)
  43. eval' op (n, (Operator (Postfix g) : ts)) = eval' op (g n, ts)
  44. eval' op (n, tts@(Operator o : ts))
  45. | cond op opt = (opt, (n, tts))
  46. | otherwise = sf oper $ until (cond opt . fst) (eval' opt . snd) (opg, (n, ts))
  47. where (oper, opt) = case o of
  48. Prinfix t -> t
  49. Infix t -> first ($ n) t
  50. eval' op (n, t : ts) = eval' op (eval t, ts)
  52. calc = fmap eval . parse
  54. main = mapM_ (print . calc)
  55. [ "2 + 3"
  56. , "4 - 3"
  57. , "2 + (-3)"
  58. , "4 * 5"
  59. , "6/4"
  60. , "1.2 + 1/2"
  61. , "1/(-3)"
  62. , "0.5 + 0.2"
  63. , "3 ^ 2 ^ 2"
  64. , "17654/342"
  65. , "2/3 ^ 2"
  66. , "(2/3) ^ 2"
  67. , "(2 + 3) / (2 - 2)"
  68. , "2 + 345 + + + + 6"
  69. , " - sqr 5! +(-sqr(1 - 2^ 3) ^sqr 2 *9 !) "
  70. , "5 + 9 3"
  71. , "sqr sqr 3"
  72. ]
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 6392KB
Standard input is empty
Just 5.0
Just 1.0
Just (-1.0)
Just 20.0
Just 1.5
Just 1.7
Just (-0.3333333333333333)
Just 0.7
Just 81.0
Just 51.619883040935676
Just 0.2222222222222222
Just 0.4444444444444444
Just Infinity
Just (-2.09193100128e12)