fork(1) download
  1. /**
  2.  * Hash Table with open addressing, linear probing.
  3.  *
  4.  *
  5.  * INPUT: rows of the format:
  6.  * <command> <args>
  7.  * available commands:
  8.  * insert <string> <int>
  9.  * remove <string>
  10.  * get <string>
  11.  * print
  12.  * reset <int>
  13.  *
  14.  * Author: Erel Segal
  15.  * Date: 2010-10-13
  16.  */
  18. #include <string>
  19. #include <iostream>
  20. using namespace std;
  22. template <typename T,typename K> struct HashTableNode {
  23. K key;
  24. T value;
  25. bool isEmpty, isRemoved;
  27. HashTableNode<T,K>() { isEmpty=true; isRemoved=false; }
  28. HashTableNode<T,K>(K newKey, T newValue) { set(newKey,newValue); }
  30. void set(K newKey, T newValue) {
  31. key=newKey;
  32. value=newValue;
  33. isEmpty=isRemoved=false;
  34. }
  36. void remove() {
  37. isRemoved=true;
  38. }
  39. };
  43. /**
  44.  * A hash table with open addressing, linear probing.
  45.  * PARAMETERS:
  46.  * T - type of values stored in hash.
  47.  * K - type of keys by which the values are stored.
  48.  * hash - a hash function that gets a key and the table size m, and returns
  49.  * an integer in 0...m-1
  50.  */
  51. template <typename T, typename K, int HASH(K, int)> class HashTable {
  52. HashTableNode<T,K>* myTable;
  53. int mySize;
  55. int hashFunction(K key, int baseHashValue, int trialNumber) {
  56. return (baseHashValue + trialNumber) % mySize;
  57. }
  58. public:
  60. void reset(int newSize) {
  61. if (myTable) delete[] myTable;
  62. myTable = new HashTableNode<T,K>[newSize];
  63. mySize = newSize;
  64. }
  65. HashTable<T,K,HASH> (int newSize=10): myTable(NULL) { reset(newSize); }
  66. ~HashTable<T,K,HASH> () {
  67. // if (myTable) delete[] myTable; // runtime error!
  68. }
  71. /**
  72.   * Look for the given key in the hash.
  73.   * If it exists - return a pointer to the matching value.
  74.   * Otherwise - return NULL.
  75.   */
  76. T* get (K key) {
  77. int baseHashValue = HASH(key,mySize);
  78. for (int trialNumber=0; trialNumber<mySize; ++trialNumber) {
  79. int hashValue = hashFunction(key, baseHashValue, trialNumber);
  80. if (myTable[hashValue].isEmpty) {
  81. return NULL; // not found
  82. }
  83. if (myTable[hashValue].key==key) {
  84. if (myTable[hashValue].isRemoved) {
  85. return NULL; // found but deleted
  86. } else {
  87. return &myTable[hashValue].value;
  88. }
  89. }
  90. }
  91. return NULL; // not found
  92. }
  96. /**
  97.   * Insert the given value to the table, under the given key.
  98.   */
  99. void insert (K key, T value) {
  100. int baseHashValue = HASH(key,mySize);
  101. for (int trialNumber=0; trialNumber<mySize; ++trialNumber) {
  102. int hashValue = hashFunction(key, baseHashValue, trialNumber);
  103. if (myTable[hashValue].isEmpty || myTable[hashValue].isRemoved || myTable[hashValue].key==key) {
  104. // found a place to insert:
  105. myTable[hashValue].set(key,value);
  106. return;
  107. }
  108. }
  110. // could not find a place to insert:
  111. throw string("Hash Table overflow");
  112. }
  115. /**
  116.   * Look for the given key in the hash.
  117.   * If it exists - remove it.
  118.   * Otherwise - return NULL.
  119.   */
  120. void remove (K key) {
  121. int baseHashValue = HASH(key,mySize);
  122. for (int trialNumber=0; trialNumber<mySize; ++trialNumber) {
  123. int hashValue = hashFunction(key, baseHashValue, trialNumber);
  124. if (myTable[hashValue].isEmpty) {
  125. return; // not found
  126. }
  127. if (myTable[hashValue].key==key) {
  128. myTable[hashValue].remove();
  129. return;
  130. }
  131. }
  132. }
  136. friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const HashTable<T,K,HASH> theHash) {
  137. out << "{ ";
  138. for (int i=0; i<theHash.mySize; ++i) {
  139. if (!theHash.myTable[i].isEmpty && !theHash.myTable[i].isRemoved) {
  140. out << " (" << i << ") "
  141. << theHash.myTable[i].key << " -> "
  142. << theHash.myTable[i].value << ", ";
  143. }
  144. }
  145. out << " }";
  146. return out;
  147. }
  150. }; // template class HashTable<T,K,HASH>
  154. /**
  155.  * calculate a hash value for a string - convert the string to a number modulu the given base
  156.  */
  157. int string2number(string str, int modulu) {
  158. int num=0;
  159. for (size_t i=0; i<str.length(); ++i) {
  160. num = (num*256 + str[i])%modulu;
  161. }
  162. return num;
  163. }
  166. int main() {
  167. HashTable<int, string, &string2number> mapWordToNumber;
  168. cout << mapWordToNumber << endl;
  169. string command, word;
  170. int number;
  171. for (;;) {
  172. cin >> command;
  173. if (cin.eof()) return 0;
  174. try {
  175. if (command=="reset") {
  176. cin >> number;
  177. cout << command << " " << number << ":" << endl;
  178. mapWordToNumber.reset(number);
  179. } else if (command=="insert") {
  180. cin >> word >> number;
  181. cout << command << " " << word << " " << number << ":" << endl;
  182. mapWordToNumber.insert(word,number);
  183. } else if (command=="remove") {
  184. cin >> word;
  185. cout << command << " " << word << ":" << endl;
  186. mapWordToNumber.remove(word);
  187. } else if (command=="get") {
  188. cin >> word;
  189. cout << command << " " << word << ":";
  190. int* value = mapWordToNumber.get(word);
  191. if (value==NULL)
  192. cout << "doesn't exist!";
  193. else
  194. cout << *value;
  195. cout << endl;
  196. } else if (command=="print") {
  197. cout << mapWordToNumber << endl;
  198. }
  199. } catch (string error) {
  200. cout << "ERROR: " << error << endl;
  201. }
  202. }
  203. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 2868KB
reset 100
insert a 1
insert aa 2
insert aaa 3
get a
get aa
get aaa
get aaaa
insert aaaa 4
insert c 1
insert cc 2
insert ccc 3
insert cccc 4
insert a 6
insert aa 7
insert aaa 8
insert aaaa 9
get a
get aa
get aaa
get aaaa
remove a
remove aa
remove aaa
get a
get aa
get aaa
get aaaa
remove aaaa
get c
get cc
get ccc
get cccc
insert a 7
insert aa 7
insert aaa 7
get a
get aa
get aaa
get aaaa
insert aaaa 7

reset 10
insert a 1
insert aa 2
insert aaa 3
get a
get aa
get aaa
get aaaa
insert aaaa 4
insert c 1
insert cc 2
insert ccc 3
insert cccc 4
insert a 6
insert aa 7
insert aaa 8
insert aaaa 9
get a
get aa
get aaa
get aaaa
remove a
remove aa
remove aaa
get a
get aa
get aaa
get aaaa
remove aaaa
get c
get cc
get ccc
get cccc
insert a 7
insert aa 7
insert aaa 7
get a
get aa
get aaa
get aaaa
insert aaaa 7
get c
get cc
get ccc
get cccc
{  }
reset 100:
{  }
insert a 1:
insert aa 2:
insert aaa 3:
get a:1
get aa:2
get aaa:3
get aaaa:doesn't exist!
insert aaaa 4:
{   (21) aaa -> 3,   (29) aa -> 2,   (73) aaaa -> 4,   (97) a -> 1,  }
insert c 1:
insert cc 2:
insert ccc 3:
insert cccc 4:
{   (7) ccc -> 3,   (21) aaa -> 3,   (29) aa -> 2,   (43) cc -> 2,   (73) aaaa -> 4,   (91) cccc -> 4,   (97) a -> 1,   (99) c -> 1,  }
insert a 6:
insert aa 7:
insert aaa 8:
insert aaaa 9:
get a:6
get aa:7
get aaa:8
get aaaa:9
{   (7) ccc -> 3,   (21) aaa -> 8,   (29) aa -> 7,   (43) cc -> 2,   (73) aaaa -> 9,   (91) cccc -> 4,   (97) a -> 6,   (99) c -> 1,  }
remove a:
remove aa:
remove aaa:
get a:doesn't exist!
get aa:doesn't exist!
get aaa:doesn't exist!
get aaaa:9
remove aaaa:
get c:1
get cc:2
get ccc:3
get cccc:4
{   (7) ccc -> 3,   (43) cc -> 2,   (91) cccc -> 4,   (99) c -> 1,  }
insert a 7:
insert aa 7:
insert aaa 7:
get a:7
get aa:7
get aaa:7
get aaaa:doesn't exist!
insert aaaa 7:
{   (7) ccc -> 3,   (21) aaa -> 7,   (29) aa -> 7,   (43) cc -> 2,   (73) aaaa -> 7,   (91) cccc -> 4,   (97) a -> 7,   (99) c -> 1,  }
reset 10:
{  }
{  }
{  }
insert a 1:
insert aa 2:
insert aaa 3:
get a:1
get aa:2
get aaa:3
get aaaa:doesn't exist!
insert aaaa 4:
{   (1) aaa -> 3,   (3) aaaa -> 4,   (7) a -> 1,   (9) aa -> 2,  }
insert c 1:
insert cc 2:
insert ccc 3:
insert cccc 4:
{   (0) c -> 1,   (1) aaa -> 3,   (2) cccc -> 4,   (3) aaaa -> 4,   (4) cc -> 2,   (7) a -> 1,   (8) ccc -> 3,   (9) aa -> 2,  }
insert a 6:
insert aa 7:
insert aaa 8:
insert aaaa 9:
get a:6
get aa:7
get aaa:8
get aaaa:9
{   (0) c -> 1,   (1) aaa -> 8,   (2) cccc -> 4,   (3) aaaa -> 9,   (4) cc -> 2,   (7) a -> 6,   (8) ccc -> 3,   (9) aa -> 7,  }
remove a:
remove aa:
remove aaa:
get a:doesn't exist!
get aa:doesn't exist!
get aaa:doesn't exist!
get aaaa:9
remove aaaa:
get c:1
get cc:2
get ccc:3
get cccc:4
{   (0) c -> 1,   (2) cccc -> 4,   (4) cc -> 2,   (8) ccc -> 3,  }
insert a 7:
insert aa 7:
insert aaa 7:
get a:7
get aa:7
get aaa:7
get aaaa:doesn't exist!
insert aaaa 7:
get c:1
get cc:2
get ccc:3
get cccc:4
{   (0) c -> 1,   (1) aaa -> 7,   (2) cccc -> 4,   (3) aaaa -> 7,   (4) cc -> 2,   (7) a -> 7,   (8) ccc -> 3,   (9) aa -> 7,  }