fork download
  1. #ifndef FIXEDPOINT_H
  2. #define FIXEDPOINT_H
  4. //
  6. //fixedb uses a specified number of bits for the integer part, and an underlying type.
  7. // if you want a specific number of bits (7) for the fractional part, use
  8. // "BitsIn<unsigned>::Size-7" for the integer part
  10. //fixed uses a specified number as the denominator for the fractional part
  12. //fixedb is faster, but fixed gives a bigger range if the fractional part isn't
  13. // multiples of powers of two, and rounds at more predictable places.
  14. //fixedb will round to the closest 128th of a dollar instead of the 100th.
  16. //floating point only used as parameters to constructors (if desired) and in stream output
  17. //I intend to get accurate output later, eventually
  19. #include <cassert>
  20. #include <iomanip>
  21. #include <iostream>
  22. #include <climits>
  23. #include <limits>
  24. #include <locale>
  25. #include <sstream>
  26. #include <type_traits>
  28. #ifndef NFIXEDPOINTBOUNDS //both NFIXEDPOINTBOUNDS and NDEBUG must be defined to get these asserts
  29. #define BOUNDASSERT(x)
  30. #else
  31. #define BOUNDASSERT(x) assert(x)
  32. #endif
  34. //compile time logarithms
  35. template<unsigned long long num, unsigned long long base> struct ctlog { enum {value = ctlog<num/base, base>::value+1}; };
  36. template<unsigned long long base> struct ctlog<0, base> { enum {value = 0}; };
  37. //compile time exponents
  38. template<unsigned long long num, unsigned long long exp> struct ctpow { enum {value = num*ctpow<num-1, exp>::value}; };
  39. template<unsigned long long exp> struct ctpow<0, exp> { enum {value = 1}; };
  41. //general case of maxvalue relies on signed rollover which is Undefined Behavior. Please specialize
  42. template<class underlying, underlying one=1, bool biggerone=true> struct maxvalue { static const underlying value = maxvalue<underlying, one*2, (one*2>1)>::value; };
  43. template<class underlying, underlying one> struct maxvalue<underlying, one, false> { static const underlying value = one-underlying(1); };
  44. template<long long one> struct maxvalue<long long, one, true> { static const long long value = LLONG_MAX; };
  45. template<unsigned long long one> struct maxvalue<unsigned long long, one, true> { static const unsigned long long value = ULLONG_MAX; };
  46. template<long one> struct maxvalue<long, one, true> { static const long value = LONG_MAX; };
  47. template<unsigned long one> struct maxvalue<unsigned long, one, true> { static const unsigned long value = ULONG_MAX; };
  48. template<int one> struct maxvalue<int, one, true> { static const int value = INT_MAX; };
  49. template<unsigned one> struct maxvalue<unsigned, one, true> { static const unsigned value = UINT_MAX; };
  50. template<short one> struct maxvalue<short, one, true> { static const short value = SHRT_MAX; };
  51. template<unsigned short one> struct maxvalue<unsigned short, one, true> { static const unsigned short value = USHRT_MAX; };
  52. template<char one> struct maxvalue<char, one, true> { static const char value = CHAR_MAX; };
  53. template<signed char one> struct maxvalue<signed char, one, true> { static const signed char value = SCHAR_MAX; };
  54. template<unsigned char one> struct maxvalue<unsigned char, one, true> { static const unsigned char value = UCHAR_MAX; };
  56. //used so I can pass values and integeral_const to the same function
  57. template<class underlying>
  58. struct carrier {
  59. underlying value;
  60. carrier(underlying v) :value(v) {}
  61. operator underlying() {return value;}
  62. };
  65. #pragma warning(push)
  66. #pragma warning(disable:4100) //warning C4100: 'times' : unreferenced formal parameter
  67. #pragma warning(disable:4127) //warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
  68. #pragma warning(disable:4146) //warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
  69. #pragma warning(disable:4365) //warning C4365: 'initializing' : conversion from [STUFF] to 'const ulhstype', signed/unsigned mismatch
  70. #pragma warning(disable:4514) //warning C4514: [STUFF] : unreferenced inline function has been removed
  71. #pragma warning(disable:4710) //warning C4710: [STUFF] : function not inlined (this pragma doesn't work)
  72. #pragma warning(disable:4723) //warning C4723: potential divide by 0
  73. #pragma warning(disable:4724) //warning C4724: potential mod by 0
  74. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtype-limits"
  76. //multiplication
  77. //ignores signs, lhstype must be unsigned
  78. template<class lhstype, class timestype>
  79. std::pair<lhstype, lhstype> longmultiply(lhstype lhs, timestype times) {
  80. static const lhstype bits = ctlog<maxvalue<lhstype>::value, 2>::value;
  81. static const lhstype half = bits/2+bits%2;
  82. static const lhstype mask = lhstype(1<<half)-1;
  84. const lhstype umul((lhstype)(times.value>=0?times.value:-times.value));
  85. // a b P1
  86. // * c d
  87. // ----------------
  88. // e(a*d) f(b*d) P2
  89. // g(a*c) h(b*c)
  90. // -------------------------
  91. // i j k l P3
  92. // m n P4
  94. const lhstype a(lhs>>half); //P1
  95. const lhstype b(lhs&mask);
  96. const lhstype c(umul>>half);
  97. const lhstype d(umul&mask);
  98. const lhstype e(a*d); //P2
  99. const lhstype f(b*d);
  100. const lhstype g(a*c);
  101. const lhstype h(b*c);
  102. const lhstype l(f&mask); //P3
  103. const lhstype k((e&mask) + (h&mask) + (f>>half));
  104. const lhstype j((g&mask) + (e>>half) + (h>>half) + (k>>half));
  105. const lhstype i((g>>half) + (j>>half));
  106. const lhstype m(((i&mask)<<half) | (j&mask)); //P4
  107. const lhstype n(((k&mask)<<half) | l);
  108. return std::pair<lhstype, lhstype>(m, n);
  109. }
  110. //mulitiplication specializations are to be preferred
  111. template<class timestype>
  112. std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> longmultiply(unsigned int lhs, timestype times) {
  113. static_assert(sizeof(unsigned long long)>=sizeof(unsigned int)*2, "invalid assumption, comment out this overload");
  114. typedef unsigned long long unsignedlonglong; //Because GCC is stupid with function-style casts
  115. static const unsigned long long bits = CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned int);
  116. unsigned long long r = unsignedlonglong(lhs) * unsignedlonglong(times.value);
  117. return std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(r>>bits, r&((1ull<<bits)-1ull));
  118. }
  120. template<class timestype>
  121. std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short> longmultiply(unsigned short lhs, timestype times) {
  122. static_assert(sizeof(unsigned int)>=sizeof(unsigned short)*2, "invalid assumption, comment out this overload");
  123. static const unsigned bits = CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned short);
  124. unsigned int r = unsigned(lhs) * unsigned(times.value);
  125. return std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>(r>>bits, r&((1<<bits)-1));
  126. }
  128. template<class timestype>
  129. std::pair<unsigned char, unsigned char> longmultiply(unsigned char lhs, timestype times) {
  130. static_assert(sizeof(unsigned int)>=sizeof(unsigned char)*2, "invalid assumption, comment out this overload");
  131. static const unsigned bits = CHAR_BIT;
  132. unsigned int r = unsigned(lhs) * unsigned(times.value);
  133. return std::pair<unsigned char, unsigned char>(r>>bits, r&((1<<bits)-1));
  134. }
  136. //division
  137. //ignores signs, lhstype must be unsigned
  138. template<class lhstype, class dividetype>
  139. lhstype longdivision(std::pair<lhstype, lhstype> lhs, dividetype divide) {
  140. static const lhstype max = maxvalue<lhstype>::value;
  141. static const lhstype bits = ctlog<maxvalue<lhstype>::value, 2>::value;
  142. static const lhstype maxbits = max ^ (max>>2); // C000 0000
  144. const lhstype udiv(divide.value>=0?divide.value:-divide.value);
  145. BOUNDASSERT(lhs.first<udiv); //OVERFLOW
  146. lhstype result = 0;
  147. for(;;) {
  148. if (lhs.first == 0)
  149. return lhs.second/udiv+result;
  150. lhstype c = 0;
  151. int shift = 0;
  152. for(; ; shift+=2) {
  153. c = (lhs.first<<shift) | (shift?lhs.second>>(bits-shift):0);
  154. if (c&maxbits || shift==bits-2)
  155. break;
  156. }
  157. lhstype d = 0;
  158. if (udiv <= c) {
  159. d = (c/udiv);
  160. if (shift>0) // *= (max>>shift)+1 should result in *= 1, so...
  161. d *= (max>>shift)+1;
  162. } else if (shift<bits-2) {
  163. shift += 2;
  164. d = (c/(udiv/4));
  165. d *= (max>>shift)+1;
  166. assert(d>1);
  167. d -= 1; //sometimes it's one high?
  168. } else {
  169. d = 1;
  170. }
  171. assert(d>0);
  172. const std::pair<lhstype, lhstype> e(longmultiply(d, divide));
  173. assert((lhs.first > e.first) || (lhs.first==e.first && lhs.second>=e.second));
  174. result += d;
  175. if (e.second > lhs.second)
  176. lhs.first -= e.first+1;
  177. else
  178. lhs.first -= e.first;
  179. lhs.second -= e.second;
  180. }
  181. }
  183. //division specializations are to be preferred
  184. template<class dividetype>
  185. unsigned int longdivision(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> lhs, dividetype divide) {
  186. static_assert(sizeof(unsigned long long)>=sizeof(unsigned int)*2, "invalid assumption, comment out this overload");
  187. static const unsigned bits = CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned int);
  188. typedef unsigned long long unsignedlonglong; //Because GCC is stupid with function-style casts
  189. unsigned long long t = unsignedlonglong(lhs.first) << bits | unsignedlonglong(lhs.second);
  190. return unsigned(t/divide.value);
  191. }
  192. template<class dividetype>
  193. unsigned short longdivision(std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short> lhs, dividetype divide) {
  194. static_assert(sizeof(unsigned int)>=sizeof(unsigned short)*2, "invalid assumption, comment out this overload");
  195. static const unsigned bits = CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned short);
  196. unsigned int t = unsigned(lhs.first) << bits | unsigned(lhs.second);
  197. typedef unsigned short unsignedshort; //Because GCC is stupid with function-style casts
  198. return unsignedshort(t/divide.value);
  199. }
  200. template<class dividetype>
  201. unsigned char longdivision(std::pair<unsigned char, unsigned char> lhs, dividetype divide) {
  202. static_assert(sizeof(unsigned int)>=sizeof(unsigned char)*2, "invalid assumption, comment out this overload");
  203. static const unsigned bits = CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned char);
  204. unsigned int t = unsigned(lhs.first) << bits | unsigned(lhs.second);
  205. typedef unsigned char unsignedchar; //Because GCC is stupid with function-style casts
  206. return unsignedchar(t/divide.value);
  207. }
  209. //do a multiplication and division
  210. template<class lhstype, class timestype, class dividetype>
  211. lhstype muldiv(lhstype lhs, timestype times, dividetype divide) {
  212. typedef typename std::make_unsigned<lhstype>::type ulhstype;
  213. const bool neg = (((lhs<0)!=(times.value<0))!=(divide.value<0));
  214. const std::pair<ulhstype, ulhstype> a = longmultiply<ulhstype, timestype>((ulhstype)(lhs>=0?lhs:-lhs), times);
  215. const lhstype b = (lhstype)longdivision(a, divide);
  216. return (neg ? -b : b);
  217. }
  219. // base must be less than one tenth of the maximum value
  220. //base 16384 is:
  221. // INT_MAX/16384 = 262143.999938965 maximum value
  222. // INT_MIN/16384 = 0 minimum value
  223. // lg(16384, 2) = 14 binary digits after point
  224. // 32-lg(16384, 2) = 18 binary digits above point
  225. // 14/3.322 = 4.21 decimal digits after point
  226. // 18/3.322 = 5.41 decimal digits above point (these should add to near 9.62)
  227. template<class base = std::integral_constant<unsigned, 16384> >
  228. class fixedp
  229. {
  230. static_assert(base::value>0, "base must be greater than zero!");
  231. public:
  232. typedef typename base::value_type underlying;
  233. static const underlying fract = base::value;
  234. static const underlying max_value = maxvalue<underlying>::value;
  235. static const underlying min_value = std::numeric_limits<underlying>::is_signed ? -maxvalue<underlying>::value-1 : 0;
  236. inline fixedp() :data(0) {}
  237. inline fixedp(const fixedp& rhs) :data( {}
  238. inline fixedp(underlying rhs) : data(rhs*fract) {BOUNDASSERT(<=max_value/fract);}
  239. #ifndef NO_HAS_DOUBLE
  240. inline fixedp(double rhs) : data(underlying(rhs*fract+(1.0/fract/2.0))) {BOUNDASSERT(rhs<=max_value/fract && rhs>=min_value/fract);}
  241. #endif
  242. //second parameter ignored, used to signify that no math is required
  243. inline fixedp(underlying numerator, underlying) : data(numerator) {}
  244. template<class rhsbase>
  245. inline fixedp(const fixedp<rhsbase>& rhs) {assign<rhsbase, rhsbase::value/fract, rhsbase::value%fract, fract/rhsbase::value, fract%rhsbase::value>::asn(*this, rhs);}
  246. inline ~fixedp() {}
  247. inline fixedp& operator=(const fixedp& rhs) { data =; return *this; }
  248. inline fixedp operator+(const fixedp& rhs) const { BOUNDASSERT((data>=0)?(max_value-data><min_value-data)); return fixedp(,1); }
  249. inline fixedp& operator+=(const fixedp& rhs) { BOUNDASSERT((data>=0)?(max_value-data><min_value-data)); data +=; return *this; }
  250. inline fixedp operator-(const fixedp& rhs) const { BOUNDASSERT(((data<0)==(<0)) && (data>=0)?(max_value-data><; return fixedp(,1); }
  251. inline fixedp& operator-=(const fixedp& rhs) { BOUNDASSERT(((data<0)==(<0)) && (data>=0)?(max_value-data><; data -=; return *this; }
  252. inline fixedp operator*(underlying rhs) const { BOUNDASSERT(max_value/rhs.value>=data); return fixedp(data*rhs,1); }
  253. inline fixedp& operator*=(underlying rhs) { BOUNDASSERT(max_value/rhs.value>=data); data *= rhs; return *this; }
  254. inline fixedp operator*(const fixedp& rhs) const { return fixedp(muldiv(data, carrier<underlying>(, base()), 1); }
  255. inline fixedp& operator*=(const fixedp& rhs) { data = muldiv(data, carrier<underlying>(, base()); return *this;}
  256. inline fixedp operator/(underlying rhs) const {return fixedp(data/rhs,1); }
  257. inline fixedp& operator/=(underlying rhs) { data /= rhs; return *this; }
  258. inline fixedp operator/(const fixedp& rhs) const {return fixedp(muldiv(data, base(), carrier<underlying>(, 1); }
  259. inline fixedp& operator/=(const fixedp& rhs) {data = muldiv(data, base(), carrier<underlying>(; return *this;}
  260. inline fixedp operator+() const { return fixedp(+data,1); }
  261. inline fixedp operator-() const { return fixedp(-data,1); }
  262. inline fixedp& operator++() { BOUNDASSERT(max_value-fract>=data); data+=fract; return *this; }
  263. inline fixedp operator++(int) const { BOUNDASSERT(max_value-fract>=data); return fixedp(data+fract,1); }
  264. inline fixedp& operator--() { BOUNDASSERT(min_value+fract<=data); data-=fract; return *this; }
  265. inline fixedp operator--(int) const { BOUNDASSERT(min_value+fract<=data); return fixedp(data-fract,1); }
  266. inline bool operator==(const fixedp& rhs) const { return; }
  267. inline bool operator!=(const fixedp& rhs) const { return data!; }
  268. inline bool operator>(const fixedp& rhs) const { return data>; }
  269. inline bool operator>=(const fixedp& rhs) const { return data>; }
  270. inline bool operator<=(const fixedp& rhs) const { return data<; }
  271. inline bool operator<(const fixedp& rhs) const { return data<; }
  272. inline bool operator!() const { return !data; }
  273. inline fixedp operator~() const { return fixedp(~data,1); }
  274. inline fixedp operator&(const fixedp& rhs) const { return fixedp(data&,1); }
  275. inline fixedp& operator&=(const fixedp& rhs) { data &=; return *this; }
  276. inline fixedp operator|(const fixedp& rhs) const { return fixedp(data|,1); }
  277. inline fixedp& operator|=(const fixedp& rhs) { data |=; return *this; }
  278. inline fixedp operator^(const fixedp& rhs) const { return fixedp(data^,1); }
  279. inline fixedp& operator^=(const fixedp& rhs) { data ^=; return *this; }
  280. inline fixedp operator<<(underlying rhs) const { BOUNDASSERT(rhs<CHAR_BIT*sizeof(underlying));BOUNDASSERT(max_value/(1<<rhs)>=data); return fixedp(data<<rhs,1); }
  281. inline fixedp& operator<<=(underlying rhs) { BOUNDASSERT(rhs<CHAR_BIT*sizeof(underlying));BOUNDASSERT(max_value/(1<<rhs)>=data); data <<= rhs; return *this; }
  282. inline fixedp operator>>(underlying rhs) const { BOUNDASSERT(rhs<CHAR_BIT*sizeof(underlying)); return fixedp(data>>rhs,1); }
  283. inline fixedp& operator>>=(underlying rhs) { BOUNDASSERT(rhs<CHAR_BIT*sizeof(underlying)); data >>= rhs; return *this; }
  284. //converts this type to any other type
  285. template<typename convtype> convtype convert() const { return ((convtype)data)/((convtype)fract); }
  286. //gets the internal data
  287. inline underlying get_data() const {return data;}
  288. //not the best IO (actually it's pretty bad), but it works
  289. template <class e, class t> friend std::basic_ostream<e,t>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<e,t>& out, const fixedp& rhs) {
  290. out <<;
  291. underlying left = (*(<0?-1:1);
  292. if (left!=0 || out.flags()&std::ios_base::showpoint) {
  293. out << '.';
  294. std::streamsize digits = out.precision();
  295. do {
  296. if (fract < max_value/2) {
  297. left*=10;
  298. out << char(left/fract+'0');
  299. left = left%fract;
  300. } else {
  301. underlying t = left/(fract/10);
  302. out << char(t+'0');
  303. left = left%(fract/10)*10;
  304. }
  305. } while(--digits>0 && left!=0);
  306. }
  307. return out;
  308. }
  309. //not the best IO (actually it's pretty bad), but it works
  310. template <class e, class t> friend std::basic_istream<e,t>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<e,t>& in, fixedp& rhs) {
  311. underlying s;
  312. in >> s;
  313. if (max_value/fract < s)
  314. in.setstate(std::basic_ios<e,t>::badbit | std::basic_ios<e,t>::failbit);
  315. else
  316. = s*fract;
  317. e next = e(in.peek());
  318. if (in && next=='.') {
  319. in.ignore(1);
  320. s=0;
  321. underlying pow10=1;
  322. for(next=e(in.peek()); in && std::isdigit(next, in.getloc()); next=e(in.peek())) {
  323. if (pow10>max_value/10) break;
  324. if (pow10>fract) break;
  325. s = s*(underlying)10+(underlying)(next-'0');
  326. pow10 *= (underlying)10;
  327. in.ignore(1);
  328. }
  329. += muldiv(s, base(), carrier<underlying>(pow10)); //2677726520
  330. if (in && std::isdigit(next, in.getloc()) && next>='5')
  331. += 1;
  332. for(; in && std::isdigit(next, in.getloc()); next=e(in.peek()))
  333. in.ignore(1);
  334. }
  335. return in;
  336. }
  337. protected:
  338. //used for converting a fixedpoint of one base to another
  339. template<class rhsbase> friend class fixedp;
  340. underlying data;
  341. template<class rhsbase, underlying div1, underlying mod1, underlying div2, underlying mod2>
  342. struct assign { static inline void asn(fixedp& left, fixedp<rhsbase> rhs) { = muldiv(, rhsbase::value, base::value);} };
  343. template<class rhsbase, underlying mod1, underlying div2>
  344. struct assign<rhsbase, 0, mod1, div2, 0> { static inline void asn(fixedp& left, fixedp<rhsbase> rhs) { =;} };
  345. template<class rhsbase, underlying div1, underlying mod2>
  346. struct assign<rhsbase, div1, 0, 0, mod2> { static inline void asn(fixedp& left, fixedp<rhsbase> rhs) { =*div1;} };
  347. template<class rhsbase>
  348. struct assign<rhsbase,1,0,1,0> { static inline void asn(fixedp& left, fixedp<rhsbase> rhs) { =;} };
  349. };
  350. #pragma warning(pop)
  352. // // I would love to specialize this, but I heard I can't. Commented out for now.
  353. //namespace std {
  354. // template<class base>
  355. // class numeric_limits<fixedp<base> > {
  356. // typedef typename base::value_type underlying;
  357. // typedef fixedp<base> myt;
  358. // public:
  359. // //static myt denorm_min( ) throw() {return myt(1,1);}
  360. // static const int digits = numeric_limits<underlying>::digits;
  361. // static const int digits10 = numeric_limits<underlying>::digits10;
  362. // static myt epsilon() throw() {return myt(1,1);}
  363. // static const float_denorm_style has_denorm = denorm_absent;
  364. // static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;
  365. // static const bool has_infinity = false;
  366. // static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
  367. // static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
  368. // //static myt infinity() throw() {return myt(numeric_limits<underlying>::infinity,1);}
  369. // static const bool is_bounded = true;
  370. // static const bool is_exact = true;
  371. // static const bool is_iec559 = false;
  372. // static const bool is_integer = false;
  373. // static const bool is_modulo = true;
  374. // static const bool is_signed = numeric_limits<underlying>::is_signed;
  375. // static const bool is_specialized = true;
  376. // static myt lowest() throw() {return myt(numeric_limits<underlying>::lowest(),1);}
  377. // static myt max() throw() {return myt(numeric_limits<underlying>::max(),1);}
  378. // static const int max_digits10 = numeric_limits<underlying>::max_digits10+2;
  379. // static const int max_exponent = numeric_limits<underlying>::max_exponent/base::value;
  380. // static const int max_exponent10 = numeric_limits<underlying>::max_exponent10/base::value;
  381. // static myt min() throw() {return myt(numeric_limits<underlying>::min(),1);}
  382. // static const int min_exponent = numeric_limits<underlying>::min_exponent/base::value;
  383. // static const int min_exponent10 = numeric_limits<underlying>::min_exponent10/base::value;
  384. // //static Type quiet_NaN( ) throw() {return max();}
  385. // static const int radix = 2;
  386. // static myt round_error() throw() {return myt(1,1);}
  387. // static const float_round_style round_style = numeric_limits<underlying>::round_style;
  388. // //static myt signaling_NaN() throw() {return max();}
  389. // static const bool tinyness_before = false;
  390. // static const bool traps = false;
  391. // };
  392. //
  393. // template<class base> struct is_arithmetic<fixedp<base>> : true_type {}
  394. // template<class base> struct is_scalar<fixedp<base>> : true_type {}
  395. // template<class base> struct is_signed<fixedp<base>> : is_signed<base::value_type>::value_type {}
  396. // template<class base> struct is_unsigned<fixedp<base>> : is_unsigned<base::value_type>::value_type {}
  397. // template<class <class, class> base, class underlying, underlying fract>
  398. // struct make_signed<fixedp<base<underlying, fract>>> {typename fixed<base<make_signed<base::value_type>::type, base::value> type;}
  399. // template<class <class, class> base, class underlying, underlying fract>
  400. // struct make_unsigned<fixedp<base<underlying, fract>>> {typename fixed<base<make_unsigned<base::value_type>::type, base::value> type;}
  401. //}
  403. #endif //FIXEDPOINT_H
  435. #include <cassert>
  436. #include <iostream>
  437. #include <sstream>
  438. #include <ctime>
  439. #include <vector>
  441. static const unsigned data_size = 50000;
  442. #ifdef _DEBUG
  443. #define NFIXEDPOINTBOUNDS 1
  444. static const unsigned max_test = 100000;
  445. #else
  446. static const unsigned max_test = 1000000;
  447. #endif
  449. bool accuracy() {
  450. typedef fixedp<std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 2>> tinydenom;
  451. typedef fixedp<std::integral_constant<int, INT_MAX>> signedpercent; //2147483647
  452. typedef fixedp<std::integral_constant<unsigned int, UINT_MAX>> unsignedpercent; //4294967295
  453. {
  454. std::cout << "unsignedpercent a = .1234567890" << std::endl;
  455. unsignedpercent a = .1234567890; //theory 0.1234567890
  456. assert(a.get_data() == 530242871u); //actual 0.12345678894780576229095458984375
  457. std::cout << "unsignedpercent b = 1.0" << std::endl;
  458. unsignedpercent b = 1.0; //theory 1
  459. assert(b.get_data() == 4294967295u); //actual 1.0
  460. std::cout << "unsignedpercent c = a*b" << std::endl;
  461. unsignedpercent c = a*b; //theory 0.1234567890
  462. assert(c.get_data() == 530242871u); //actual 0.12345678894780576229095458984375
  463. std::cout << "unsignedpercent d = .5" << std::endl;
  464. unsignedpercent d = .5; //theory 0.5
  465. assert(d.get_data() == 2147483647u); //actual 0.49999999988358467814596013122843
  466. std::cout << "unsignedpercent e = d*d" << std::endl;
  467. unsignedpercent e = d*d; //theory 0.25
  468. assert(e.get_data() == 1073741823u); //actual 0.24999999982537701721894019684264
  469. std::cout << "unsignedpercent f = a*a" << std::endl;
  470. unsignedpercent f = a*a; //theory 0.015241578750190521
  471. assert(f.get_data() == 65462082); //actual 0.015241578690531099841587967202437
  472. }
  473. {
  474. std::cout << "signedpercent a = .1234567890" << std::endl;
  475. signedpercent a = .1234567890; //theory .1234567890
  476. assert(a.get_data() == 265121435); //actual 0.12345678877246416582375027510512
  477. std::cout << "signedpercent b = 1.0" << std::endl;
  478. signedpercent b = 1.0; //theory 1.0
  479. assert(b.get_data() == 2147483647); //actual 1.0
  480. std::cout << "signedpercent c = a*b" << std::endl;
  481. signedpercent c = a*b; //theory 0.1234567890 (mul=07E6B74D 70329165, t=0FCD6E9B)
  482. assert(c.get_data() == 265121435); //actual 0.12345678877246416582375027510512
  483. std::cout << "signedpercent d = .5" << std::endl;
  484. signedpercent d = .5; //theory 0.5
  485. assert(d.get_data() == 1073741823); //actual 0.49999999976716935623771015379471
  486. std::cout << "signedpercent e = d*d" << std::endl;
  487. signedpercent e = d*d; //theory 0.25
  488. assert(e.get_data() == 536870911); //actual 0.24999999965075403435656523069207
  489. std::cout << "signedpercent f = -.5" << std::endl;
  490. signedpercent f = -.5; //theory -0.5
  491. assert(f.get_data() == -1073741823); //actual -0.49999999976716935623771015379471
  492. std::cout << "signedpercent g = e*f" << std::endl;
  493. signedpercent g = e*f; //theory -0.125
  494. assert(g.get_data() == -268435455); //actual -0.12499999959254637341599276914075
  495. std::cout << "signedpercent h = a*a" << std::endl;
  496. signedpercent h = a*a; //theory 0.015241578750190521
  497. assert(h.get_data() == 32731040); //actual 0.015241578228418518895478229455407
  498. }
  499. {
  500. std::cout << "tinydenom k = .5" << std::endl;
  501. tinydenom k = .5; //theory 0.5
  502. assert(k.get_data() == 1); //actual 0.5
  503. std::cout << "tinydenom l = k*k" << std::endl;
  504. tinydenom l = k*k; //theory 0.25
  505. assert(l.get_data() == 0); //actual 0.0
  506. std::cout << "tinydenom m = 2147483646u" << std::endl;
  507. tinydenom m = 2147483646u; //theory 2147483646.0
  508. assert(m.get_data() == 4294967292u); //actual 2147483646.0
  509. std::cout << "tinydenom n = k*m" << std::endl;
  510. tinydenom n = k*m; //theory 1073741823
  511. assert(n.get_data() == 2147483646u); //actual 1073741823.0
  512. }
  513. std::stringstream ss;
  514. std::string t;
  515. //float f(0);
  516. tinydenom td(0u);
  517. signedpercent sp(0);
  518. unsignedpercent up(0u);
  520. ss.clear();
  521. ss << "2147483647.1234567890";
  522. std::cout << "ss >> td\n";
  523. ss >> td;
  524. assert(td.get_data() == 4294967294u); //4294967295u => 2147483647
  525. ss.clear();
  526. ss << td;
  527. std::cout << "ss << td\n";
  528. ss >> t;
  529. assert(t=="2147483647");
  531. ss.clear();
  532. ss << "0.1234567890";
  533. ss >> sp;
  534. assert(sp.get_data() == 265121435); //265121435 => 0.12345678877246416582375027510512
  535. ss.clear();
  536. ss << std::setprecision(9) << sp;
  537. ss >> t;
  538. assert(t=="0.123456789");
  540. ss.clear();
  541. ss << "0.1234567890";
  542. std::cout << "ss >> up\n";
  543. ss >> up;
  544. assert(up.get_data() == 530242871u); // 530242871u => 0.12345678897655028593180474963314
  545. ss.clear();
  546. std::cout << "ss << up\n";
  547. ss << std::setprecision(9) << up;
  548. ss >> t;
  549. assert(t=="0.123456789");
  551. return true;
  552. }
  554. template<class Type, class integer>
  555. void Speed(const char* name)
  556. {
  557. clock_t start, stop;
  558. Type total;
  559. std::cout << "timing " << name << std::endl;
  561. srand(0);
  562. std::vector<Type> data(data_size);
  563. for(unsigned int i=0; i<data_size; ++i)
  564. data[i] += Type(double(rand())/128.0+1.0);
  566. std::cout << "= ";
  567. total=integer(0);
  568. start = clock();
  569. for(unsigned i=0; i<max_test; ++i)
  570. total += data[i%data_size];
  571. stop = clock();
  572. std::cout << double(stop-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << '\t' << total << std::endl;
  574. std::cout << "+ ";
  575. total=integer(0);
  576. start = clock();
  577. for(unsigned i=0; i<max_test; ++i)
  578. total += data[i%data_size] + data[i*2%data_size];
  579. stop = clock();
  580. std::cout << double(stop-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << '\t' << total << std::endl;
  582. std::cout << "* ";
  583. total=integer(0);
  584. start = clock();
  585. for(unsigned i=0; i<max_test; ++i)
  586. total += data[i%data_size] * data[i*2%data_size];
  587. stop = clock();
  588. std::cout << double(stop-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << '\t' << total << std::endl;
  590. std::cout << "/ ";
  591. total=integer(0);
  592. start = clock();
  593. for(unsigned i=0; i<max_test; ++i)
  594. total += data[i%data_size] / data[i*2%data_size];
  595. stop = clock();
  596. std::cout << double(stop-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << '\t' << total << std::endl;
  597. }
  600. int main() {
  601. typedef fixedp<std::integral_constant<char, 2>> smdenom;
  602. typedef fixedp<std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 11047>> prime;
  603. typedef fixedp<std::integral_constant<int, 65536>> pow2;
  604. typedef fixedp<std::integral_constant<int, 1000>> notpow2;
  605. typedef fixedp<std::integral_constant<unsigned int, 429496729>> bigdenom; //0x19999999
  606. typedef fixedp<std::integral_constant<short, 16>> slow2; //0x19999999
  607. typedef fixedp<std::integral_constant<short, 19>> slown2; //0x19999999
  609. const bigdenom verify0(822083583, 1); //0822083583 0x30FFFFFF 1.9140625003456079871565215110171
  610. const bigdenom verify1(822083583, 1); //0822083583 0x30FFFFFF 1.9140625003456079871565215110171
  611. const bigdenom verify2 = verify0*verify1; //1573519358 0x5DC9FFFE 3.6636352543676764532472143693555
  612. const bigdenom verify3 = verify2/verify1; //0822083582 0x30FFFFFE 1.9140624980173015473652186999543
  613. std::cout << "0x822083583*0x822083583 = 3.663635254 = " << verify2 << std::endl;
  614. std::cout << "0x822083583/0x822083583 = 1.914062498 = " << verify3 << std::endl;
  615. std::cout << "UINT_MAX = " << UINT_MAX << " = " << ((unsigned)(UINT_MAX*1.0)) << std::endl;
  616. std::cout << "INT_MAX = " << INT_MAX << " = " << maxvalue<int>::value << std::endl;
  617. std::cout << "signed bits = " << "31 = " << ctlog<maxvalue<int>::value, 2>::value << std::endl;
  618. std::cout << "half signed bits = " << "16 = " << ctlog<maxvalue<int>::value, 2>::value/2+ctlog<maxvalue<int>::value, 2>::value%2 << std::endl;
  620. assert(accuracy());
  622. Speed<double, int>("double");
  623. Speed<float, int>("float");
  624. Speed<pow2, int>("int pow2");
  625. Speed<notpow2, int>("int not2");
  626. Speed<slow2, short>("short pow2");
  627. Speed<slown2, short>("short not2");
  628. return 0;
  629. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0.35s 3180KB
Standard input is empty
0x822083583*0x822083583 = 3.663635254 = 3.663635
0x822083583/0x822083583 = 1.914062498 = 1.914062
UINT_MAX = 4294967295 = 4294967295
INT_MAX = 2147483647 = 2147483647
signed bits = 31 = 31
half signed bits = 16 = 16
unsignedpercent a = .1234567890
unsignedpercent b = 1.0
unsignedpercent c = a*b
unsignedpercent d = .5
unsignedpercent e = d*d
unsignedpercent f = a*a
signedpercent a = .1234567890
signedpercent b = 1.0
signedpercent c = a*b
signedpercent d = .5
signedpercent e = d*d
signedpercent f = -.5
signedpercent g = e*f
signedpercent h = a*a
tinydenom k = .5
tinydenom l = k*k
tinydenom m = 2147483646u
tinydenom n = k*m
ss >> td
ss << td
ss >> up
ss << up
timing double
= 0.01	8.3618e+12
+ 0	1.66974e+13
* 0.01	6.99028e+19
/ 0.01	6.72316e+06
timing float
= 0.01	8.3622e+12
+ 0	1.66975e+13
* 0.01	6.98868e+19
/ 0.01	6.72076e+06
timing int pow2
= 0	17113.625
+ 0.01	-30770.9375
* 0.02	30720
/ 0.02	-15050.056152
timing int not2
= 0	1571581.724
+ 0.01	128846.26
* 0.07	-1565070.788
/ 0.02	-1250827.54
timing short pow2
= 0.01	-1913.5
+ 0	1036.5
* 0.03	-1024
/ 0.03	-552.5
timing short not2
= 0	-863.578947
+ 0.01	514.105263
* 0.02	-1044.842105
/ 0.04	-393.684210