fork download
  1. // 50 points subtask for "Bear and Shuffled Points", by Errichto
  2. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  3. using namespace std;
  4. long long ans[1000*1005];
  5. long long sq(long long a) { return a * a; }
  6. struct P {
  7. int x, y;
  8. long long dist(const P & other) {
  9. return sq(x - other.x) + sq(y - other.y);
  10. }
  11. long long cross(const P & B, const P & C) {
  12. return (long long) (B.x - x) * (C.y - y)
  13. - (long long) (B.y - y) * (C.x - x);
  14. }
  15. bool convex(P & B, P & C) { return cross(B, C) < 0; }
  16. };
  17. vector<P> CH(vector<P> w) {
  18. if((int) w.size() == 1) return w;
  20. // find the convex hull
  21. vector<P> hull;
  22. for(int rep = 0; rep < 2; ++rep) {
  23. int rep_hack = hull.size();
  24. for(P C : w) {
  25. while((int) hull.size() >= rep_hack + 2) {
  26. P & A = hull[hull.size() - 2];
  27. P & B = hull[hull.size() - 1];
  28. if(A.convex(B, C)) break;
  29. hull.pop_back();
  30. }
  31. hull.push_back(C);
  32. }
  33. hull.pop_back();
  34. reverse(w.begin(), w.end());
  35. }
  36. return hull;
  37. }
  39. int main() {
  40. int n;
  41. scanf("%d", &n);
  42. long long ans = 0;
  43. vector<P> hull;
  44. for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  45. int x, y;
  46. scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
  47. P a = P{x, y};
  48. for(P p : hull) ans = max(ans, p.dist(a));
  49. hull.push_back(a);
  50. printf("%lld\n", ans);
  51. sort(hull.begin(), hull.end(), [](P & a, P & b) {
  52. return make_pair(a.x, a.y) < make_pair(b.x, b.y); });
  53. hull = CH(hull);
  54. }
  55. }
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