fork(1) download
  1. #include <iostream>
  3. #include <iostream>
  4. #include <vector>
  6. using namespace std;
  8. struct Node {
  9. int data;
  10. int retrieval_cost;
  11. Node* next;
  12. Node* prev;
  13. Node(int d, int c) : data(d), retrieval_cost(c), next(nullptr), prev(nullptr) {}
  14. };
  16. class CircularDoublyLinkedList {
  17. private:
  18. Node* head;
  20. public:
  21. CircularDoublyLinkedList() : head(nullptr) {}
  23. ~CircularDoublyLinkedList() {
  24. Node* current = head;
  25. if (current) {
  26. do {
  27. Node* temp = current;
  28. current = current->next;
  29. delete temp;
  30. } while (current != head);
  31. }
  32. }
  34. // Function to add a node to the end of the list
  35. void addNode(int data, int retrieval_cost) {
  36. Node* newNode = new Node(data, retrieval_cost);
  37. if (!head) {
  38. head = newNode;
  39. head->next = head;
  40. head->prev = head;
  41. } else {
  42. Node* last = head->prev;
  43. last->next = newNode;
  44. newNode->prev = last;
  45. newNode->next = head;
  46. head->prev = newNode;
  47. }
  48. }
  50. // Function to display the CDL
  51. void display() const {
  52. if (!head) {
  53. cout << "Empty list!" << endl;
  54. return;
  55. }
  57. Node* current = head;
  58. do {
  59. cout << "Data: " << current->data << ", Retrieval Cost: " << current->retrieval_cost << endl;
  60. current = current->next;
  61. } while (current != head);
  62. }
  64. // Retrieval strategy function
  65. int retrieval_strategy(int target_value) {
  66. // Starting from the head of the list
  67. Node* current_node = head;
  68. int forward_cost = 0;
  69. int backward_cost = 0;
  70. int forward_steps = 1;
  71. int backward_steps = 1;
  73. // Traversing forward until we find the target value and calculating the total cost from forward direction
  74. while (current_node->data != target_value && current_node->next != head) {
  75. forward_cost += current_node->retrieval_cost;
  76. forward_steps++;
  77. current_node = current_node->next;
  78. }
  80. // Reseting current node to the head for backward traversal
  81. current_node = head;
  83. // Traversing backward until we find the target value and calculating the total cost from backward direction
  84. while (current_node->data != target_value && current_node->prev != head) {
  85. backward_cost += current_node->retrieval_cost;
  86. backward_steps++;
  87. current_node = current_node->prev;
  88. }
  90. // Adding retrieval cost to retrieve the target value
  91. forward_cost+=current_node->retrieval_cost;
  92. backward_cost+=current_node->retrieval_cost;
  94. // Printing the direction with the minimum cost and number of steps
  95. if (forward_cost <= backward_cost) {
  96. cout << "Direction: forward, Move " << forward_steps << " nodes including and starting from head" << endl;
  97. return forward_cost;
  98. } else {
  99. cout << "Direction: backward, Move " << backward_steps << " nodes including and starting from head" << endl;
  100. return backward_cost;
  101. }
  102. }
  103. };
  105. int main() {
  106. CircularDoublyLinkedList CDL;
  108. int n;
  109. cout << "Enter the number of nodes in the circular doubly linked list: ";
  110. cin >> n;
  112. cout << "Enter data and retrieval cost for each node:" << endl;
  113. for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  114. int data, cost;
  115. cout << "Node " << (i + 1) << ": ";
  116. cin >> data >> cost;
  117. CDL.addNode(data, cost);
  118. }
  120. int target_value;
  121. cout << "Enter the value of the node to retrieve: ";
  122. cin >> target_value;
  124. int total_cost = CDL.retrieval_strategy(target_value);
  125. cout << "Total cost to retrieve node with value " << target_value << ": " << total_cost << endl;
  127. cout << "Circular Doubly Linked List:" << endl;
  128. CDL.display();
  130. return 0;
  131. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0.01s 5300KB
10 5
20 2
30 4
40 8
50 1
Enter the number of nodes in the circular doubly linked list: Enter data and retrieval cost for each node:
Node 1: Node 2: Node 3: Node 4: Node 5: Enter the value of the node to retrieve: Direction: forward, Move 3 nodes including and starting from head
Total cost to retrieve node with value 30: 11
Circular Doubly Linked List:
Data: 10, Retrieval Cost: 5
Data: 20, Retrieval Cost: 2
Data: 30, Retrieval Cost: 4
Data: 40, Retrieval Cost: 8
Data: 50, Retrieval Cost: 1