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  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <math.h>
  4. #define M_PI 3.141592653589793238
  5. #define MATH_2PI (2*M_PI)
  6. #define sgn_float(X) ((X>0)-(X<0)) // returns the sign of X (1 or -1); for floats, doubles
  8. double roots_cubic_constrained(double pc[]){
  9. double a,b,c; // coefficients of input polynomial
  10. double Q, R, theta; // intermediate components of the numerical solution
  11. double A, B; // intermediate value needed for the second case R^2>=Q^3
  12. double x; // solution
  14. // applies to cubic equation x3 + ax2 + bx + c = 0
  15. if(pc[0]){ // ensure a cubic, so that we don't divide by 0
  16. // pc[0] = 1;
  17. a = pc[1] / pc[0]; // divide all coeffs by pc[0] to fit the form (making the coeff of x^3 to be 1)
  18. b = pc[2] / pc[0];
  19. c = pc[3] / pc[0];
  21. // Q = (pc[1] * pc[1] - 3 * pc[2])/9; // component for the solution
  22. // R = (2*pc[1]^3 - 9*px[1]*pc[2] + 27*pc[3])/54;
  23. Q = (a*a - 3*b)/9; // (5.6.10)
  24. R = (2*a*a*a - 9*a*b + 27*c)/54; // (5.6.10)
  26. if((R*R) < (Q*Q*Q)){ // if true, then there are 3 real roots
  27. theta = acos(R/sqrt(Q*Q*Q));
  29. x = -2*sqrt(Q)*cos(theta/3) - a/3; // (5.6.12)
  30. // if(0.99*(-8) < x & 1.01*(-4) > x){ // TODO use the fmcf floating pt comparison functions
  31. if(-8 < x && -4 > x){ // use float comparison becasue exact comparison does not matter
  32. return x;
  33. }
  35. x = -2*sqrt(Q)*cos((theta + MATH_2PI)/3) - a/3; // (5.6.12)
  36. // if(0.99*(-8) < x & 1.01*(-4) > x){
  37. if(-8 < x && -4 > x){ // use float comparison becasue exact comparison does not matter
  38. return x;
  39. }
  41. x = -2*sqrt(Q)*cos((theta + MATH_2PI)/3) - a/3; // (5.6.12)
  42. return x; // Paolo assures that there will be 1 root in the acceptable range
  44. }
  45. else{ // otherwise compute A (since Q and R are both real (since a,b,c are Real))
  46. // A = -sgn(R)*[|R| + sqrt(R^2-Q^3)]^(1/3)
  47. // A = fabs(R); // in order to compute sgn(R) via (R/A)
  48. // A = -(R/A)*(A+sqrt(R^2-Q^3))^(1/3); // (5.6.15)
  49. A = (R>0)-(R<0); // sign of R (sgn(R))
  50. A = sgn_float(R); // sign of R
  51. A = -(A)*cbrt(fabs(R)+sqrt(R*R-Q*Q*Q)); // (5.6.15)
  52. if(0 == A){ // (5.6.16)
  53. B = 0;
  54. }
  55. else{
  56. B = Q/A;
  57. }
  58. x = (A+B)-(a/3); // (5.6.17) the single real root.
  59. return x;
  60. }
  61. }
  62. else { // use the quadratic equation
  63. a = pc[1];
  64. b = pc[2];
  65. c = pc[3];
  67. printf ("%f, %f, %f\n", a,b,c);
  69. R = b*b-4*a*c; // Use R as the discriminant
  70. if(R >= 0){ // Should always be this case - otherwise there are no real roots
  71. Q = -(b + sgn_float(b)*sqrt(R))/2; // (5.6.4) with 'Q' substituted for 'q'
  72. printf("Q = %f\n", Q);
  73. x = Q/a; // (5.6.5)
  74. printf ("first %f\n", x);
  75. if(-8 < x && -4 > x){ // use float comparison becasue exact comparison does not matter
  76. return x;
  77. }
  78. x = c/Q; // (5.6.5)
  79. printf ("second %f\n", x);
  80. return x;
  81. }
  82. // else{
  83. // print("ERRGG!!!")
  84. // }
  85. }
  87. }
  90. int main(void) {
  91. // your code goes here
  92. double temp[5];
  93. double res;
  95. // temp[0] = 100.123;
  96. // temp[1] = .1234124;
  97. // temp[2] = .000234567891234;
  98. // temp[3] = .000000031415926535;
  99. // temp[4] = 492314.1;
  101. temp[0] = 1;
  102. temp[1] = -5;
  103. temp[2] = -21;
  104. temp[3] = 145;
  106. // res = pfit(&temp[2]);
  107. // res = pfit((double *)&temp[2]);
  108. res = roots_cubic_constrained(temp);
  109. printf("ans: %6.6f", res);
  110. // printf("main \n%3.3lg %3.3g %3.3g \n", temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]);
  112. return 0;
  113. }
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ans: -5.000000