fork download
  1. #include<bits/stdc++.h>
  2. #include<time.h>
  3. #define llu long long unsigned
  4. #define MAXSIZE 10000
  5. #define pb push_back
  7. using namespace::std;
  9. typedef vector <int> vi;
  10. typedef pair < int, int > ii;
  11. typedef vector < ii > vii;
  12. typedef vector <vii> vvii;
  13. typedef vector < vi > vvi;
  15. //r2 keeps track of the no. of open window children of root of /**each**/ tree in the forest
  16. map <int, llu> r2;
  17. map <int, llu> aux_map;
  18. vi tree;
  19. vector <int> track;
  20. vector <bool> vs;
  21. //class disjoint_sets
  22. //{
  23. // public :
  24. //
  25. // unordered_map <int, int > parent;
  26. // unordered_map <int, int > rank;
  27. //
  28. // //constructor
  29. // disjoint_sets(deque <int> &universe)
  30. // {
  31. // for(int x : universe)//for(auto it = universe.begin() ; it != universe.end() ; ++it) //: line no nodes req
  32. // {
  33. // parent[x] = x;
  34. // rank[x] = 0;
  35. // }
  36. // }
  37. // int find(int item)
  38. // {
  39. // if(parent[item] == item)
  40. // return item;
  41. // else return find(parent[item]);
  42. // }
  43. // void unite(int a, int b)
  44. // {
  45. // int a_parent = find(a);
  46. // int b_parent = find(b);
  47. // if(rank[a_parent] > rank[b_parent])
  48. // {
  49. // parent[b_parent] = a_parent;
  50. // rank[a_parent] += rank[b_parent];
  51. // }
  52. // else if(rank[a_parent] < rank[b_parent])
  53. // {
  54. // parent[a_parent] = b_parent;
  55. // rank[b_parent] += rank[a_parent];
  56. // }
  57. // else
  58. // {
  59. // parent[a_parent] = b_parent;
  60. // rank[b_parent] ++;
  61. // }
  62. // }
  63. // void disp()
  64. // {
  65. // for(pair < int, int > p : parent) //for(auto it = parent.begin() ; it != parent.end() ; ++it)
  66. // cout<<p.second<<" ";
  67. // }
  68. //};
  70. int dfs_fun(vvi &g, int x, vector <int> &key, vector <bool> &vs) //function for second query
  71. {
  72. vs[x] = true;
  73. int res = (key[x] == 1) ? 1 :0;
  75. for(auto it : g[x])
  76. if(!vs[it])
  77. {
  78. if(key[it] == 1)
  79. {
  80. vs[it] = true;
  81. return 1;
  82. }
  84. res = dfs_fun(g, it, key, vs);
  85. if(res) return res;
  86. }
  87. return res;
  88. }
  90. llu dfs(vvi &g, vector <bool> &vs, int v, vi &key)
  91. {
  92. vs[v] = true;
  93. llu c = 1; //contribution of the node on which dfs has been called, ...we'll return c-1 later if this nodes window is closed
  94. for(auto it = g[v].begin() ; it != g[v].end() ; ++it)
  96. if(!vs[*it])
  97. c += dfs(g, vs, *it, key); //increment c by the no of open window nodes rooted at c
  100. if(key[v]) {
  101. r2[v] = c ; //map r2 keeps track of no. of open window nodes rooted at each node of the graph
  102. return c ;
  103. }
  104. {
  105. r2[v] = c-1 ; //if the node has its window closed,adjust its contribution which was initiated as 1
  106. return c-1;
  107. }
  108. }
  110. void drought(vvi &g, vi &key, int V, vi &r1)
  111. {
  112. vs = vector<bool> (V+1, false);
  113. vs[0] = true;
  114. for(int i = 1 ; i <= V ; ++i)
  115. if(!vs[i])
  116. {
  117. tree.pb(i); // the vector tree keeps track of root of each tree in the forest
  118. r1.pb(dfs(g, vs, i, key)); //the vector r1 stores the no of 'open window' nodes rooted at each root of the forest including the status of root
  119. }
  120. }
  122. long long unsigned calculate(vi tree, map<int, llu> &r2)
  123. {
  124. long long unsigned count = 0;
  125. for(auto it : tree)
  126. count += (r2[it]*(r2[it]-1))/2;
  127. return count;
  128. }
  130. int main()
  131. {
  132. // ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);
  133. // cin.tie(0);
  134. srand(time(0));
  135. track.reserve(50050);
  136. tree.reserve(50050);
  137. int V, E, s, d, w, st, auxi = 0;
  139. //cout<<"\nenter the no of nodes and edges :\t ";
  140. cin>>V>>E;
  142. //deque <int> aux;
  143. // for(int i = 0; i < V ; ++i) aux.pb(i+1);
  144. // disjoint_sets dso(aux);
  146. for(int i = 0 ; i <= V ; ++i) r2[i] = 0;
  148. tree.pb(0);
  149. vi r1;
  150. vi key(V+1);
  151. vvi g(V+1);
  153. //cout<<"\nenter the window status \n";
  154. key[0] = 0;
  156. for(int i = 1 ; i <= V ; ++i)
  157. {
  158. //st = rand()%2;
  159. cin>>st;
  160. key[i] = st;
  161. }
  163. /**cout<<"\nutilising rand(), the window status and links bw friends that have been formed are :\n";**/
  166. // for(int i = 1 ; i <= V ; ++i)
  167. // cout<<key[i]<<' ';
  168. //cout<<"\nenter each edge\n";
  169. for(int i = 0 ; i < E ;++i)
  170. {
  171. cin>>s;
  172. cin>>d;
  173. g[s].pb(d);
  174. g[d].pb(s);
  175. }
  178. drought(g, key, V, r1);
  180. // cout<<"\nno of open window children rooted @ a prticular node(including its own status) : node -> open window children "<<endl;
  181. // cout<<"\nigonre the case for 0"<<endl;
  182. // for(auto it : r2)
  183. // cout<<it.first<<" -> "<<it.second<<endl;
  184. ///****************************************************************************************************************************/
  185. //cout<<"\nanswer to query 1 is : \t";
  186. cout<<calculate(tree, r2)<<' ';
  188. tree.pb(V+1); // last element of the vector tree contains V+1 to make the do while loop (to find answer to query 2)ahead functional
  189. auto it1 = tree.begin()+1; //root of the very first tree
  190. auto it2 = it1+1; //root of the next tree
  191. llu rubik = 0;
  192. vector <int> remaining;
  194. // cout<<"\n3 cases for second answer :";
  195. // cout<<"\n1.element has at least 1 open window child also there is some open window node rooted at the same root at which the element is hence at least the way between these 2 nodes connects 'em";
  196. // cout<<"\n2.element has its window open and has at least one open window child, hence the path bw them connects 'em";
  197. // cout<<"\n3.else the node must have at least two open window nodes rooted @ itself";
  198. while(*it1 != V+1) //for root of each tree in the forest do the following
  199. {
  200. llu x = *it1 ; //first element of the present tree
  201. llu root_id = r2[x]; //no. of open window nodes rooted @ node x
  202. while( x < *it2 ) //for each element of the tree rooted at it1 do the following
  203. {
  204. if(r2[x] > 0 && r2[x] < root_id) //element has at least 1 open window child also there is some open window node rooted at the same root at which the element is hence at least the way between these 2 nodes connects 'em
  205. {rubik++;} //cout<<"\t 1. "<<x<<endl;}
  207. else {
  208. if(key[x] == 1 && r2[x] > 1) //element has its window open and has at least one open window child, hence the path bw them connects 'em
  209. {rubik++;} //cout<<"\t 2. "<<x<<endl;}
  211. else //else for the element must have at least two open window nodes rooted @ itself
  212. remaining.pb(x);
  213. } //store these elements in a vector, w'll deal with those later, this requires another loop
  214. x++;
  215. }
  216. it1++; /*increment the tree*/
  217. it2++;
  219. }
  220. // for(auto it : remaining)
  221. // cout<<"\n"<<"3. "<<it<<endl;
  222. for(auto it : remaining)
  223. {
  224. vs = vector<bool> (V+1, false);
  225. track = vector<int> (V+1, 0);
  226. int i = 0;
  228. while(count(begin(track), end(track), 1)<2 && i < g[it].size()) //loop till either we find at least 2 open window children rooted at concerned node 'x' (lying in remaining) or we visit all adj nodes of x
  229. {
  230. track.pb(dfs_fun(g, it, key, vs));
  231. i++;
  232. }
  233. if(count(begin(track), end(track), 1)>=2) {rubik++;} //cout<<"\n"<<it<<" contributes towards the second answer";}
  234. }
  235. //cout<<"the result of query 2 is :\t";
  236. cout<<rubik<<endl;
  238. return 0;
  239. }
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