fork(1) download
  1. .model small
  2. .stack 100
  3. .data
  4. input db 'Nhap vao mot ky tu: $'
  5. no db ' Khong phai so$'
  6. yes db ' La so$'
  7. CLRF db 13,10,'$'
  9. .code
  10. main proc
  11. mov ax, @data
  12. mov ds, ax
  14. nhap:
  15. mov ah, 9
  16. lea dx, input
  17. int 21h
  18. mov ah, 1 ; nhap ky tu
  19. tiep:
  20. int 21h
  21. cmp al, 30h ; so sanh ky tu vua nhap vao voi 30h
  22. je thoat ; neu la so 0 thi thoat
  23. cmp al, 30h
  24. jb sai ; neu nho hon thi nhay den nhan sai
  25. cmp al, 39h
  26. jg sai ; neu lon hon thi nhay den sai
  27. jmp dung ; nhay vo dieu kien den tiep
  28. sai:
  29. mov ah, 9
  30. lea dx, no
  31. int 21h
  32. mov AH,9
  33. lea DX,CLRF
  34. int 21H
  35. jmp nhap
  36. dung:
  37. mov ah, 9
  38. lea dx, yes
  39. int 21h
  40. mov AH,9
  41. lea DX,CLRF
  42. int 21H
  43. jmp nhap
  44. thoat:
  45. mov ah, 9
  46. lea dx, yes
  47. int 21h
  48. mov ah, 4ch
  49. int 21h
  50. main endp
  51. end main
Compilation error #stdin compilation error #stdout 0s 0KB
Standard input is empty
compilation info
prog.asm:1: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels
prog.asm:1: error: parser: instruction expected
prog.asm:2: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels
prog.asm:2: error: parser: instruction expected
prog.asm:3: error: attempt to define a local label before any non-local labels
prog.asm:10: error: parser: instruction expected
prog.asm:50: error: symbol `main' redefined
prog.asm:50: error: parser: instruction expected
prog.asm:51: error: parser: instruction expected
Standard output is empty