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  1. import sys
  2. import math
  4. if sys.version_info < (3,):
  5. range = xrange
  7. def primes(upto, func):
  8. if upto > 25000: return large_primes(upto, func)
  9. upto -= 1
  10. flags = [True] * upto
  11. for i in range(upto-1):
  12. if flags[i]:
  13. prime = i + 2
  14. k = i + prime
  15. while k < upto:
  16. flags[k] = False
  17. k += prime
  18. func(prime)
  20. def large_primes(upto, func):
  21. # The Algorithm is adapted from
  22. # This code is a translated version of Andreas Raab's #largePrimesUpTo:do: method
  23. # which was written for the Squeak Smalltalk environment.
  25. idx_limit = math.sqrt(upto) + 1
  26. flags = [0xFF] * (int((upto + 2309) / 2310) * 60 + 60)
  27. primes_up_to_2310 = []
  28. primes(2310, lambda p: primes_up_to_2310.append(p))
  29. mask_bit_idx = [None]*2310
  30. mask_bit_idx[0] = 0
  31. mask_bit_idx[1] = 1
  32. bit_idx = 1
  33. for i in range(5):
  34. func(primes_up_to_2310[i])
  35. idx = 5
  36. for n in range(2, 2310):
  37. while primes_up_to_2310[idx] < n: idx += 1
  38. if n == primes_up_to_2310[idx]:
  39. bit_idx += 1
  40. mask_bit_idx[n] = bit_idx
  41. elif n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0 or n % 5 == 0 or n % 7 == 0 or n % 11 == 0:
  42. mask_bit_idx[n] = 0
  43. else:
  44. bit_idx += 1
  45. mask_bit_idx[n] = bit_idx
  46. for n in range(13, upto, 2):
  47. mask_bit = mask_bit_idx[n % 2310]
  48. if mask_bit:
  49. byte_idx = int(n / 2310) * 60 + (mask_bit-1 >> 3)
  50. bit_idx = 1 << (mask_bit & 7)
  51. if flags[byte_idx] & bit_idx:
  52. func(n)
  53. if n < idx_limit:
  54. idx = n * n
  55. if (idx & 1) == 0: idx += n
  56. while idx <= upto:
  57. mask_bit = mask_bit_idx[idx % 2310]
  58. if mask_bit:
  59. byte_idx = int(idx / 2310) * 60 + (mask_bit-1 >> 3)
  60. mask_bit = 255 - (1 << (mask_bit & 7))
  61. flags[byte_idx] = flags[byte_idx] & mask_bit
  62. idx += 2 * n
  64. max = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) == 2 else 100
  65. q = c = 0
  67. def f(p):
  68. global q, c
  69. q = p
  70. c += 1
  72. primes(max, f)
  73. print(q, c)
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