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  1. #include <study.hpp>
  3. // Lesson: Find average of several doubles
  4. // Every exercise will consist of a number of non-negative doubles. After all
  5. // are read, the stream will become invalid.
  7. // Syntax: Check stream state to see if there is more data for this exercise,
  8. // check the lesson to check if there are more exercises. Lesson created with
  9. // a macro.
  11. int main()
  12. {
  13. START_LESSON(lesson);
  14. while(lesson) // Will be false after the last exercise
  15. {
  16. double d;
  17. double total = 0.0;
  18. int count = 0;
  19. while (study::cin >> d) // Will be true until all data is read.
  20. {
  21. total += d;
  22. ++count;
  23. }
  24. study::cout << (total/count) << study::endl; // Submits the answer.
  25. }
  26. }
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