fork download
  2. (** how to sharing the code is still a problem
  3.   how to encode the relationship
  4.   Monad => MonadState
  5.  *)
  6. module type MONAD = sig
  7. type ('a,'param) t
  8. val return: 'a -> ('a,'param) t
  9. val (>>=): ('a,'param) t -> ('a -> ('b,'param) t) -> ('b,'param) t
  10. end
  11. module type Monad =sig
  12. type a
  13. type param
  14. module Repr (M:MONAD):sig
  15. val extract: (a,param) M.t
  16. end
  17. end
  19. module type MONADSTATE =sig
  20. include MONAD
  21. val gets: ('s->'a) -> ('a,'s)t
  22. end
  24. module type MonadState = sig
  25. type a
  26. type param
  27. module Repr(M:MONADSTATE) : sig
  28. val extract:(a,param) M.t
  29. end
  30. end
  31. (*
  32.   reify a type constructor ['a t] as a module
  33.  *)
  34. type ('a,'param) monad =
  35. (module Monad with type a = 'a and type param='param)
  36. type ('a,'param) monad_state =
  37. (module MonadState with type a = 'a and type param = 'param)
  40. (* result can not esscape M *)
  41. (* let get (type s) (mx :s monad) (module M: MONAD) =
  42.  * let module MX = (val mx) in
  43.  * let module NX = MX.Repr(M) in
  44.  * NX.extract *)
  46. module Make(M:MONAD) = struct
  47. include M
  48. (* let unwrap (x:) *)
  49. let run (type s) (type param) (mx : (s,param) monad) : (s,param) t =
  50. let module MX = (val mx) in
  51. let module NX = MX.Repr(M) in NX.extract
  52. end
  54. (* let unwrap (type s) (type p) (x: : (s,p) monad=
  55.  * (module struct
  56.  * type a = s
  57.  * type param = p
  58.  * module Repr (M : MONAD) = struct
  59.  * let extract = x
  60.  * end
  61.  * end ) *)
  63. (** how to reuse [return] for monad_state
  64.   if not reusable,
  65.   reuse liftM
  66.  *)
  67. let return (type s) (type p) x : (s,p) monad=
  68. (module struct
  69. type a = s
  70. type param = p
  71. module Repr (M : MONAD) = struct
  72. let extract = M.return x
  73. end
  74. end )
  76. let (>>=) (type s) (type t) (type p)
  77. (mx:(s,p) monad)
  78. (f:s -> (t,p) monad)
  79. : (t,p) monad =
  80. (module struct
  81. type a = t
  82. type param = p
  83. module Repr (M:MONAD) = struct
  84. let extract =
  85. let module MX = (val mx) in
  86. let module RX = MX.Repr(M) in
  87. M.(RX.extract >>= fun x ->
  88. let my = f x in
  89. let module MY = (val my) in
  90. let module RY = MY.Repr(M) in
  91. RY.extract)
  92. end
  93. end);;
  96. let liftM f mx = mx >>= fun x -> return (f x)
  97. let (>>) mx my = mx >>= fun _ -> my
  98. (* let guard p = if p then return () else fail *)
  104. module OptionM = Make(struct
  105. type ('a,'param) t = 'a option
  106. let return x = Some x
  107. let (>>=) mx f = match mx with None -> None | Some x -> f x
  108. end)
  110. module ListM = Make(struct
  111. type ('a,'param) t = 'a list
  112. let return x = [x]
  113. let (>>=) mx f = List.(concat (map f mx))
  114. end)
  115. ;;
  116. (* module StateM = Make(struct
  117.  * type 'a t = (s -> ('a*s))
  118.  * end) *)
  119. let v : (int,unit) monad =
  120. liftM succ (return 3) >>= fun x -> return (succ x);;
  122. match v with Some v -> print_int v
  123. | None -> print_string "None";;
  125. List.iter print_int ( v );;
  126. module StateM = struct
  127. include Make(struct
  128. type ('a,'param) t = ('param -> ('a*'param))
  129. let return x = (fun s -> (x,s))
  130. let (>>=) mx f = fun s ->
  131. let a,s = mx s in
  132. f a s
  133. let gets f = fun s -> return (f s)
  134. end)
  135. end
  137. (*
  138.   gets :: (s->a) -> a monad
  139.  *)
Compilation error #stdin compilation error #stdout 0s 0KB
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File "", line 35, characters 5-11:
Syntax error
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