fork(2) download
  1. //
  2. // main.cpp
  3. // xrqrs
  4. //
  5. // Created by Saras Gupta on 06/01/15.
  6. // Copyright (c) 2015 sarasgupta. All rights reserved.
  7. //
  9. #include <iostream>
  10. #include <algorithm>
  11. #include <cmath>
  12. #include <vector>
  14. #define N 524288
  15. //2^19=524288
  16. #define mp(x,y) make_pair(x,y)
  18. using namespace std;
  20. typedef struct node {
  21. int lp[2],rp[2],l,r,ct,mx;
  22. //lp and rp point to the node's left and right child. [0] refers to the segment tree no. and [1] refers to the node number
  23. //l and r are the left and right limits of the node
  24. //ct is the counter for that node
  25. //mx stores the number of elements <=r
  26. }node;
  28. vector<vector<node> > v(500005);//array of segment trees
  29. int ctr=1,bin[20];
  30. //ctr is the number of segment trees which are valid
  31. //bin[i]=2^i
  33. //make a base segment tree when there are no elements in the array
  34. void init_tree(int it, int l, int r) {
  35. v[0][it].l=l;
  36. v[0][it].r=r;
  37. v[0][it].ct=0;
  38. v[0][it].mx=0;
  39. if (l!=r) {
  40. int mid=(l+r)/2;
  41. init_tree((2*it)+1, l, mid);
  42. init_tree((2*it)+2, mid+1, r);
  43. v[0][it].lp[0]=0;
  44. v[0][it].lp[1]=(2*it)+1;
  45. v[0][it].rp[0]=0;
  46. v[0][it].rp[1]=(2*it)+2;
  47. //add the index of the node's left and right child.
  48. }
  49. }
  51. void q0(int it, int l, int r, pair<int, int> itm) {
  52. if (v[ctr][it].l==l&&v[ctr][it].r==r) {
  53. v[ctr][it].lp[0]=v[itm.first][itm.second].lp[0];
  54. v[ctr][it].lp[1]=v[itm.first][itm.second].lp[1];
  55. v[ctr][it].rp[0]=v[itm.first][itm.second].rp[0];
  56. v[ctr][it].rp[1]=v[itm.first][itm.second].rp[1];
  57. //since there are no more changes below this node, we can easily point to the children of the previous segment tree as this node's children
  58. v[ctr][it].l=l;
  59. v[ctr][it].r=r;
  60. v[ctr][it].ct=v[itm.first][itm.second].ct+1;
  61. v[ctr][it].mx=0;
  62. if (l!=r) {
  63. v[ctr][it].mx=v[v[ctr][it].rp[0]][v[ctr][it].rp[1]].mx+v[v[ctr][it].rp[0]][v[ctr][it].rp[1]].ct;
  64. }
  65. }
  66. else {
  67. int mid=(v[ctr][it].l+v[ctr][it].r)/2;
  68. v[ctr][it].ct=v[itm.first][itm.second].ct;
  69. if (l<=mid) {
  70. //this means that we have to add a new node as the left child of this node and update this node accordingly
  71. node tp;
  72. v[ctr].push_back(tp);
  73. v[ctr][it].lp[0]=ctr;
  74. v[ctr][it].lp[1]=v[ctr].size()-1;
  75. v[ctr][v[ctr].size()-1].l=v[ctr][it].l;
  76. v[ctr][v[ctr].size()-1].r=mid;
  77. q0(v[ctr].size()-1, l, min(mid, r), mp(v[itm.first][itm.second].lp[0], v[itm.first][itm.second].lp[1]));
  78. }
  79. else {
  80. //else we can just point to the children of the prevous segment tree's node
  81. v[ctr][it].lp[0]=v[itm.first][itm.second].lp[0];
  82. v[ctr][it].lp[1]=v[itm.first][itm.second].lp[1];
  83. }
  84. if (r>mid) {
  85. //this means that we have to add a new node as the right child of this node and update this node accordingly
  86. node tp;
  87. tp.l=mid+1;
  88. tp.r=r;
  89. v[ctr].push_back(tp);
  90. v[ctr][it].rp[0]=ctr;
  91. v[ctr][it].rp[1]=v[ctr].size()-1;
  92. v[ctr][v[ctr].size()-1].l=mid+1;
  93. v[ctr][v[ctr].size()-1].r=v[ctr][it].r;
  94. q0(v[ctr].size()-1, max(mid+1, l), r, mp(v[itm.first][itm.second].rp[0], v[itm.first][itm.second].rp[1]));
  95. }
  96. else {
  97. //else we can just point to the children of the prevous segment tree's node
  98. v[ctr][it].rp[0]=v[itm.first][itm.second].rp[0];
  99. v[ctr][it].rp[1]=v[itm.first][itm.second].rp[1];
  100. }
  101. v[ctr][it].mx=v[v[ctr][it].rp[0]][v[ctr][it].rp[1]].mx+v[v[ctr][it].rp[0]][v[ctr][it].rp[1]].ct;
  102. //updating mx of this node
  103. }
  104. }
  106. int q3(pair<int, int> it, int r, int sum) {
  107. if (v[it.first][it.second].l==r&&v[it.first][it.second].r==r) {
  108. return v[it.first][it.second].ct+sum;
  109. }
  110. else {
  111. int mid=(v[it.first][it.second].l+v[it.first][it.second].r)/2;
  112. sum+=v[it.first][it.second].ct;
  113. if (mid>=r) {
  114. return q3(mp(v[it.first][it.second].lp[0], v[it.first][it.second].lp[1]), r, sum);
  115. }
  116. else {
  117. return q3(mp(v[it.first][it.second].rp[0], v[it.first][it.second].rp[1]), r, sum);
  118. }
  119. }
  120. }
  122. int q3f(int l, int r, int x) {
  123. //ans(l,r,x)=ans(0, r, x)-ans(0, l-1, x)
  124. int ans=q3(mp(r, 0), x, 0);
  125. //{r, 0} refers to the index of the root of the segment tree
  126. if (l>1) {
  127. ans-=q3(mp(l-1, 0), x, 0);
  128. }
  129. return ans;
  130. }
  132. int q4t(int l, int r, int k) {
  133. //Res ipsa loquitur
  134. pair<int, int> il(l-1, 0);
  135. pair<int, int> ir(r, 0);
  136. int p1=0,p2=0;
  137. while (v[ir.first][ir.second].r-v[ir.first][ir.second].l>=1) {
  138. p1+=v[ir.first][ir.second].ct;
  139. p2+=v[il.first][il.second].ct;
  140. int p=v[v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[0]][v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[1]].mx + v[v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[0]][v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[1]].ct+p1;
  141. int q=v[v[il.first][il.second].lp[0]][v[il.first][il.second].lp[1]].mx + v[v[il.first][il.second].lp[0]][v[il.first][il.second].lp[1]].ct+p2;
  142. if (p-q>=k) {
  143. ir=mp(v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[0], v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[1]);
  144. il=mp(v[il.first][il.second].lp[0], v[il.first][il.second].lp[1]);
  145. }
  146. else {
  147. ir=mp(v[ir.first][ir.second].rp[0], v[ir.first][ir.second].rp[1]);
  148. il=mp(v[il.first][il.second].rp[0], v[il.first][il.second].rp[1]);
  149. }
  150. }
  151. return v[ir.first][ir.second].r;
  152. }
  154. int q1t(int l, int r, int k) {
  155. //if you understand q4t() than you can make this yourself
  156. pair<int, int> il(l-1, 0);
  157. pair<int, int> ir(r, 0);
  158. int p1=0,p2=0;
  159. int ctrr=r-l+1;
  160. for (int i=18; i>=0; i--) {
  161. int p=v[v[ir.first][ir.second].rp[0]][v[ir.first][ir.second].rp[1]].mx + v[v[ir.first][ir.second].rp[0]][v[ir.first][ir.second].rp[1]].ct - (v[v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[0]][v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[1]].mx + v[v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[0]][v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[1]].ct);
  162. int q=v[v[il.first][il.second].rp[0]][v[il.first][il.second].rp[1]].mx + v[v[il.first][il.second].rp[0]][v[il.first][il.second].rp[1]].ct - (v[v[il.first][il.second].lp[0]][v[il.first][il.second].lp[1]].mx + v[v[il.first][il.second].lp[0]][v[il.first][il.second].lp[1]].ct);
  163. if (bin[i]&k) {
  164. if (p-q<ctrr) {
  165. ir=mp(v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[0], v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[1]);
  166. il=mp(v[il.first][il.second].lp[0], v[il.first][il.second].lp[1]);
  167. ctrr-=p-q;
  168. }
  169. else {
  170. ir=mp(v[ir.first][ir.second].rp[0], v[ir.first][ir.second].rp[1]);
  171. il=mp(v[il.first][il.second].rp[0], v[il.first][il.second].rp[1]);
  172. ctrr-=ctrr-(p-q);
  173. }
  174. }
  175. else {
  176. if (p-q==0) {
  177. ir=mp(v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[0], v[ir.first][ir.second].lp[1]);
  178. il=mp(v[il.first][il.second].lp[0], v[il.first][il.second].lp[1]);
  179. ctrr-=p-q;
  180. }
  181. else {
  182. ir=mp(v[ir.first][ir.second].rp[0], v[ir.first][ir.second].rp[1]);
  183. il=mp(v[il.first][il.second].rp[0], v[il.first][il.second].rp[1]);
  184. ctrr-=ctrr-(p-q);
  185. }
  186. }
  187. }
  188. return v[ir.first][ir.second].r;
  189. }
  191. int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
  192. int m,type,l,r,x,cctt=0;
  193. cin>>m;
  194. for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
  195. bin[i]=1<<i;
  196. }
  197. v[0].resize((long long int)((2*(pow(2, ceil(log2(N)))))-1));
  198. init_tree(0, 0, N-1);
  199. for (int i=0; i<m; i++) {
  200. cin>>type;
  201. if (type==0) {
  202. cctt++;
  203. cin>>x;
  204. v[ctr].clear();
  205. node tp;
  206. tp.l=0;
  207. tp.r=N-1;
  208. v[ctr].push_back(tp);
  209. //initializing the root for this segment tree
  210. q0(0, x, N-1, mp(ctr-1, 0));
  211. ctr++;
  212. }
  213. else if (type==1) {
  214. cin>>l>>r>>x;
  215. cout<<q1t(l, r, x)<<endl;
  216. }
  217. else if (type==2) {
  218. cin>>x;
  219. ctr-=x;
  220. //for deleting the last k elements just forget that the last k elements ever existed, it doesn't affect the trees before it.
  221. }
  222. else if (type==3) {
  223. cin>>l>>r>>x;
  224. cout<<q3f(l, r, x)<<endl;
  225. }
  226. else {
  227. cin>>l>>r>>x;
  228. cout<<q4t(l, r, x)<<endl;
  229. }
  230. }
  231. return 0;
  232. }
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