fork download
  1. {-# OPTIONS -O2 -XBangPatterns #-}
  2. import Data.List
  3. import Data.Function (on)
  4. import Control.Arrow
  6. main = let (r,t) = nthHam 10000000000 in print t -- >> print (trival t)
  8. lg3 = logBase 2 3; lg5 = logBase 2 5; ww = logBase 2 30 / 2
  9. logval (i,j,k) = fromIntegral i + fromIntegral j*lg3 + fromIntegral k*lg5
  10. trival (i,j,k) = 2^i * 3^j * 5^k
  11. estval n = (6*lg3*lg5* fromIntegral n)**(1/3) -- estimated logval, base 2
  12. rngval n
  13. | n > 500000 = (ww - (3/estval n), 6/estval n) -- the space tweak! (thx, GBG!)
  14. | n > 500000 = (2.4496 , 0.0076 ) -- empirical estimation
  15. | n > 50000 = (2.4424 , 0.0146 ) -- correction, base 2
  16. | n > 500 = (2.3948 , 0.0723 ) -- (dist,width)
  17. | n > 1 = (2.2506 , 0.2887 ) -- around (log $ sqrt 30),
  18. | otherwise = (2.2506 , 0.5771 ) -- says WP
  20. nthHam :: Integer -> (Double, (Int, Int, Int)) -- on 64-bits, use Int!
  21. nthHam n -- n: 1-based: 1,2,3...
  22. | w >= 1 = error $ "Breach of contract: (w < 1): " ++ show w
  23. | m < 0 = error $ "Not enough triples generated: " ++ show (c,n)
  24. | m >= nb = error $ "Generated band is too narrow: " ++ show (m,nb)
  25. | otherwise = res
  26. where
  27. (d,w) = rngval n -- correction dist, width
  28. hi = estval n - d -- hi > logval > hi-w
  29. (m,nb) = ( fromIntegral $ c - n, length b ) -- m 0-based from top, |band|
  30. (s,res) = ( sortBy (flip compare `on` fst) b, s!!m ) -- sorted decreasing, result
  31. (c,b) = -- cb hi w
  32. (sum *** concat) . unzip $
  33. -- f (0 :: Integer) -- total triples count, band
  34. [ ( fromIntegral i+1, -- total triples w/ this (j,k)
  35. [ (r,(i,j,k)) | frac < w ] ) -- store it, if inside band
  36. | k <- [ 0 .. floor ( hi /lg5) ], let p = fromIntegral k*lg5,
  37. j <- [ 0 .. floor ((hi-p)/lg3) ], let q = fromIntegral j*lg3 + p,
  38. let (i,frac) = pr (hi-q) ; r = hi-frac ] -- r = i + q
  39. -- f 0 z == (sum $ map fst z, concat $ map snd z)
  40. where pr = properFraction -- pr 12.5 == (12, 0.5)
  41. {- f !c [] = (c,[]) -- code as a loop
  42.   f !c ((c1,b1):r) = let (cr,br) = f (c+c1) r -- to prevent space leak
  43.   in case b1 of { [v] -> (cr,v:br)
  44.   ; _ -> (cr, br) }
  45. -}
  47. cb :: Double -> Double -> (Integer, [(Double,(Int,Int,Int))]) -- ~ 20% faster
  48. cb hi w = gk 0 [] 0
  49. where
  50. kmax = floor ( hi /lg5)
  51. gk c b k | k > kmax = (c,b)
  52. | otherwise = gj c b 0
  53. where
  54. p = fromIntegral k*lg5
  55. jmax = floor ((hi-p)/lg3)
  56. gj c b j | j > jmax = gk c b (k+1)
  57. | otherwise = r `seq` c2 `seq` b2 `seq` gj c2 b2 (j+1)
  58. where
  59. q = fromIntegral j*lg3 + p
  60. (i,frac) = properFraction (hi-q)
  61. r = hi-frac
  62. c2 = c + fromIntegral i+1
  63. b2 = if frac < w then (r,(i,j,k)):b else b
Success #stdin #stdout 1.93s 7836KB
with `cb` (loops):
1T:  10.97s-7.8MB  (1126,16930,40)      t~n^0.67
100B: 2.35s-5.8MB  (10178,1384,279)     t~n^0.73
20B:  0.76s-5.8MB  (4077,927,890)
10B:  0.44s-5.8MB  (2177,8,1659)
1B:   0.02s-4.8MB  (1334,335,404)

with `f` (left fold over a list):
100B: (10178,1384,279) 3.39s-6.8MB vs 2.74s-6.9MB
10B:  (2177,8,1659)    0.64s-5.8MB vs 0.49s-5.9MB   of foldl' version in q3fma
1B:   (1334,335,404)   0.08s-4.8MB vs 0.05s-4.9MB

with HOF (`(sum *** concat) . unzip $` a list):
100B: prog: out of memory (requested 1048576 bytes)  (50B too)
20B: (4077,927,890)  2.44s-7.8MB
10B: (2177,8,1659)   1.91s-7.8MB
1B:  (1334,335,404)  0.34s-7.8MB