fork download
  1. void solve(std::istream& in, std::ostream& out) {
  2. int n;
  3. in >> n;
  4. using Z = ZnConst<1000000007>;
  5. int mx = 2500001;
  6. vector<int> v(n);
  7. struct Info {
  8. int pos, ans;
  9. Z c;
  10. };
  11. vector<vector<Info>> infos(mx);
  12. //for (int i: range(mx)) { //initialize lazily
  13. // infos[i].push_back({-1, 0, Z::rawValueOf(1)});
  14. //}
  15. struct PrefInfo {
  16. Z sum, sumcpos;
  17. };
  18. vector<vector<PrefInfo>> prefs(mx);
  19. //for (int i: range(mx)) {
  20. // prefs[i].push_back({Z(), Z()});
  21. // prefs[i].push_back({Z::rawValueOf(1), Z::valueOf(-1)});
  22. //}
  24. vector<pair<int, int>> gcds;
  25. for (int i: range(n)) {
  26. in >> v[i];
  27. }
  29. gcds.push_back({-1, -1});
  31. for (int i: range(n)) {
  32. vector<pair<int, int>> newgcd;
  33. newgcd.push_back({-1, -1});
  34. for (auto j = 1; j < gcds.size(); ++j) {
  35. auto g = gcds[j];
  36. g.first = gcd(g.first, v[i]);
  37. if (g.first == newgcd.back().first) {
  38. newgcd.back().second = g.second;
  39. } else {
  40. newgcd.emplace_back(g.first, g.second);
  41. }
  42. }
  43. newgcd.emplace_back(v[i], i);
  45. gcds = move(newgcd);
  47. for (int j = 1; j < gcds.size(); ++j) {
  48. int g = gcds[j].first;
  49. if (infos[g].empty()) { // fixing mempry problems
  50. infos[g].push_back({-1, 0, Z::rawValueOf(1)});
  51. prefs[g].push_back({Z(), Z()});
  52. prefs[g].push_back({Z::rawValueOf(1), Z::valueOf(-1)});
  53. }
  54. auto endofgood = std::partition_point(infos[g].begin(), infos[g].end(), [&](Info info) {
  55. return info.pos < gcds[j].second;
  56. }) - infos[g].begin();
  58. Info new_info = {i, -1, Z::valueOf(0)};
  59. new_info.ans = infos[g][endofgood - 1].ans + 1;
  60. auto start_of_same_answer = std::partition_point(infos[g].begin(), infos[g].end(), [&](Info info) {
  61. return info.ans < new_info.ans - 1;
  62. }) - infos[g].begin();
  63. auto center = std::partition_point(infos[g].begin(), infos[g].end(), [&](Info info) {
  64. return info.pos < gcds[j - 1].second;
  65. }) - infos[g].begin();
  67. if (center >= start_of_same_answer) {
  68. new_info.c += (prefs[g][center].sum - prefs[g][start_of_same_answer].sum) * (gcds[j].second - gcds[j - 1].second);
  69. }
  70. int st = (int) max(center, start_of_same_answer);
  71. new_info.c += gcds[j].second * (prefs[g][endofgood].sum - prefs[g][st].sum) -(prefs[g][endofgood].sumcpos - prefs[g][st].sumcpos);
  72. infos[g].push_back(new_info);
  73. prefs[g].push_back({prefs[g].back().sum + new_info.c, prefs[g].back().sumcpos + new_info.c * new_info.pos});
  74. }
  75. }
  77. int maxans = 0;
  78. for (int i: range(mx)) {
  79. if (!infos[i].empty()) {
  80. maxans = max(maxans, infos[i].back().ans);
  81. }
  82. }
  84. Z res;
  85. for (int i: range(mx)) {
  86. for (auto t: infos[i]) {
  87. if (t.ans == maxans) {
  88. res += t.c;
  89. }
  90. }
  91. }
  93. out << maxans << ' ' << res << "\n";
  94. }
Compilation error #stdin compilation error #stdout 0s 0KB
Standard input is empty
compilation info
prog.cpp:1:17: error: variable or field 'solve' declared void
 void solve(std::istream& in, std::ostream& out) {
prog.cpp:1:12: error: 'istream' is not a member of 'std'
 void solve(std::istream& in, std::ostream& out) {
prog.cpp:1:26: error: 'in' was not declared in this scope
 void solve(std::istream& in, std::ostream& out) {
prog.cpp:1:30: error: 'ostream' is not a member of 'std'
 void solve(std::istream& in, std::ostream& out) {
prog.cpp:1:44: error: 'out' was not declared in this scope
 void solve(std::istream& in, std::ostream& out) {
Standard output is empty