Implementation of the robust taboo search of: E. Taillard
"Robust taboo search for the quadratic assignment problem",
Parallel Computing 17, 1991, 443-455.
Data file format:
n, optimum solution value
(nxn) flow matrix,
(nxn) distance matrix
Copyright : E. Taillard, 1990-2004
Standard C version with slight improvement regarding to
1991 version, E. Taillard, 14.03.2006
Compatibility: Unix and windows gcc, g++, bcc32.
This code can be freely used for non-commercial purpose.
Any use of this implementation or a modification of the code
must acknowledge the work of E. Taillard
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const int infinite = 999999999;
const int FALSE = 0;
const int TRUE = 1;
typedef int* type_vector;
typedef int** type_matrix;
int N[200]; /*solution*/
int opt;
double somme_sol = 0.0;
int to,count;
long long int minimum_cost=2000000000;
/*************** L'Ecuyer random number generator ***************/
double rando()
static int x10 = 12345, x11 = 67890, x12 = 13579, /* initial value*/
x20 = 24680, x21 = 98765, x22 = 43210; /* of seeds*/
const int m = 2147483647; const int m2 = 2145483479;
const int a12= 63308; const int q12=33921; const int r12=12979;
const int a13=-183326; const int q13=11714; const int r13=2883;
const int a21= 86098; const int q21=24919; const int r21= 7417;
const int a23=-539608; const int q23= 3976; const int r23=2071;
const double invm = 4.656612873077393e-10;
int h, p12, p13, p21, p23;
h = x10/q13; p13 = -a13*(x10-h*q13)-h*r13;
h = x11/q12; p12 = a12*(x11-h*q12)-h*r12;
if (p13 < 0) p13 = p13 + m; if (p12 < 0) p12 = p12 + m;
x10 = x11; x11 = x12; x12 = p12-p13; if (x12 < 0) x12 = x12 + m;
h = x20/q23; p23 = -a23*(x20-h*q23)-h*r23;
h = x22/q21; p21 = a21*(x22-h*q21)-h*r21;
if (p23 < 0) p23 = p23 + m2; if (p21 < 0) p21 = p21 + m2;
x20 = x21; x21 = x22; x22 = p21-p23; if(x22 < 0) x22 = x22 + m2;
if (x12 < x22) h = x12 - x22 + m; else h = x12 - x22;
if (h == 0) return(1.0); else return(h*invm);
/*********** return an integer between low and high *************/
int unif(int low, int high)
{return low + (int)((double)(high - low + 1) * rando()) ;}
void transpose(int *a, int *b) {int temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp;}
int min(int a, int b) {if (a < b) return(a); else return(b);}
double cube(double x) {return x*x*x;}
/* compute the cost difference if elements i and j */
/* are transposed in permutation (solution) p */
int compute_delta(int n, type_matrix a, type_matrix b,
type_vector p, int i, int j)
{int d; int k;
d = (a[i][i]-a[j][j])*(b[p[j]][p[j]]-b[p[i]][p[i]]) +
for (k = 0; k < n; k = k + 1) if (k!=i && k!=j)
d = d + (a[k][i]-a[k][j])*(b[p[k]][p[j]]-b[p[k]][p[i]]) +
/* Idem, but the value of delta[i][j] is supposed to */
/* be known before the transposition of elements r and s */
int compute_delta_part(type_matrix a, type_matrix b,
type_vector p, type_matrix delta,
int i, int j, int r, int s)
(b[p[i]][p[s]]-b[p[j]][p[s]]+b[p[j]][p[r]]-b[p[i]][p[r]]) );
void tabu_search(int n, /* problem size */
type_matrix a, /* flows matrix */
type_matrix b, /* distance matrix */
type_vector best_sol, /* best solution found */
int *best_cost, /* cost of best solution */
int tabu_duration, /* parameter 1 (< n^2/2) */
int aspiration, /* parameter 2 (> n^2/2)*/
int nr_iterations) /* number of iterations */
{type_vector p; /* current solution */
type_matrix delta; /* store move costs */
type_matrix tabu_list; /* tabu status */
int current_iteration; /* current iteration */
int current_cost; /* current sol. value */
int i, j, k, i_retained, j_retained; /* indices */
int min_delta; /* retained move cost */
int autorized; /* move not tabu? */
int aspired; /* move forced? */
int already_aspired; /* in case many moves forced */
/***************** dynamic memory allocation *******************/
= (int*)calloc(n
, sizeof(int)); delta
= (int**)calloc(n
,sizeof(int*)); for (i
= 0; i
< n
; i
= i
+1) delta
] = (int*)calloc(n
, sizeof(int)); tabu_list
= (int**)calloc(n
,sizeof(int*)); for (i
= 0; i
< n
; i
= i
+1) tabu_list
] = (int*)calloc(n
, sizeof(int));
/************** current solution initialization ****************/
for (i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1) p[i] = best_sol[i];
/********** initialization of current solution value ***********/
/**************** and matrix of cost of moves *****************/
current_cost = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1) for (j = 0; j < n; j = j + 1)
{current_cost = current_cost + a[i][j] * b[p[i]][p[j]];
if (i < j) {delta[i][j] = compute_delta(n, a, b, p, i, j);};
*best_cost = current_cost;
/****************** tabu list initialization *******************/
for (i = 0; i < n; i = i + 1) for (j = 0; j < n; j = j+1)
tabu_list[i][j] = -(n*i + j);
/******************** main tabu search loop ********************/
for (current_iteration = 1; current_iteration <= nr_iterations;
current_iteration = current_iteration + 1)
{/** find best move (i_retained, j_retained) **/
i_retained = infinite; /* in case all moves are tabu */
j_retained = infinite;
min_delta = infinite;
already_aspired = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i = i + 1)
for (j = i+1; j < n; j = j+1)
{autorized = (tabu_list[i][p[j]] < current_iteration) ||
(tabu_list[j][p[i]] < current_iteration);
aspired =
(tabu_list[i][p[j]] < current_iteration-aspiration)||
(tabu_list[j][p[i]] < current_iteration-aspiration)||
(current_cost + delta[i][j] < *best_cost);
if ((aspired && !already_aspired) || /* first move aspired*/
(aspired && already_aspired && /* many move aspired*/
(delta[i][j] < min_delta) ) || /* => take best one*/
(!aspired && !already_aspired && /* no move aspired yet*/
(delta[i][j] < min_delta) && autorized))
{i_retained = i; j_retained = j;
min_delta = delta[i][j];
if (aspired) {already_aspired = TRUE;};
if (i_retained
== infinite
) printf("All moves are tabu! \n"); else
{/** transpose elements in pos. i_retained and j_retained **/
transpose(&p[i_retained], &p[j_retained]);
/* update solution value*/
current_cost = current_cost + delta[i_retained][j_retained];
/* forbid reverse move for a random number of iterations*/
tabu_list[i_retained][p[j_retained]] =
current_iteration + (int)(cube(rando())*tabu_duration);
tabu_list[j_retained][p[i_retained]] =
current_iteration + (int)(cube(rando())*tabu_duration);
/* best solution improved ?*/
if (current_cost < *best_cost)
{*best_cost = current_cost;
for (k = 0; k < n; k = k+1) best_sol[k] = p[k];
printf("Solution of value: %d found at iter. %d\n", current_cost
, current_iteration
); };
/* update matrix of the move costs*/
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i = i+1) for (j = i+1; j < n; j = j+1)
if (i != i_retained && i != j_retained &&
j != i_retained && j != j_retained)
{delta[i][j] =
compute_delta_part(a, b, p, delta,
i, j, i_retained, j_retained);}
{delta[i][j] = compute_delta(n, a, b, p, i, j);};
/* free memory*/
for (i
=0; i
< n
; i
= i
+1) free(delta
]); free(delta
); for (i
=0; i
< n
; i
= i
+1) free(tabu_list
]); } /* tabu*/
void generate_random_solution(int n, type_vector p)
{int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) p[i] = i;
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) transpose(&p[i], &p[unif(i, n-1)]);
void generate_solution(int n, type_vector p)
{int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) p[i] = N[i];
void define_initial_permutation(int n,type_vector p)
int f, g;
int flag;
int used_num[200];
/* 初期順列の生成 */
for( f=0; f<n; f++)
int main()
{int n; /* problem size */
type_matrix a, b; /* flows and distances matrices*/
type_vector solution; /* solution (permutation) */
int cost; /* solution cost */
int pass_cost;
int nr_iterations, /* number of tabu search iterations */
nr_resolutions, no_res; /* number of trials */
FILE* data_file;
char file_name[30];
int i, j;
char bidon[1000];
/************** read file name and problem size ***************/
printf("Data file name : \n"); data_file
= fopen(file_name
,"r"); fscanf(data_file
,"%d%d", &n
, &opt
); fscanf(data_file
,"%[^\n]", bidon
printf("Number of tabu search iterations:\n"); scanf("%d",&nr_iterations
); printf("Number of trials:\n"); scanf("%d",&nr_resolutions
/****************** dynamic memory allocation ******************/
= (int*)calloc(n
, sizeof(int));
= (int**)calloc(n
, sizeof(int*)); for (i
= 0; i
< n
; i
= i
+1) a
] = (int*)calloc(n
, sizeof(int)); b
= (int**)calloc(n
,sizeof(int*)); for (i
= 0; i
< n
; i
= i
+1) b
] = (int*)calloc(n
, sizeof(int));
/************** read flows and distances matrices **************/
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) for (j = 0; j < n; j = j+1)
,"%d", &a
for (i = 0; i < n; i = i+1) for (j = 0; j < n; j = j+1)
,"%d", &b
for(no_res = 1; no_res <= nr_resolutions; no_res++)
{ printf("trials:%d\n",no_res
if(no_res == 1){
// generate_random_solution(n, solution);
printf("first trial gone!\n"); } else
{ generate_solution(n,solution);
if(count == 10){
count = 0;
// generate_random_solution(n,solution);
} }
tabu_search(n, a, b, /* problem data */
solution, &cost, /* tabu search results */
8*n, n*n*5, /* parameters */
nr_iterations); /* number of iterations */
printf("%d Solution found by tabu search:\n", cost
); if(cost == pass_cost)
else count = 0;
pass_cost = cost;
if(minimum_cost > cost)
minimum_cost = cost;
if (minimum_cost == opt)
for (i = 0; i < n; i = i+1){
N[i] = solution[i];
somme_sol += minimum_cost;
); printf("Average cost: %f, average dev: %f\n", somme_sol/nr_resolutions, 100*(somme_sol/nr_resolutions - opt)/opt);
printf("Araival ave: %d, mimimum cost: %d\n" , to
, minimum_cost
); for (i
= 0; i
< n
; i
= i
+1) free(b
]); for (i
= 0; i
< n
; i
= i
+1) free(a
]); printf("Press return to end programme\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS;