fork download
  1. #include <cstring>
  3. // Will use ALL available options by default
  4. // Pwd. complexity: 26 + 10 + 32 + 26 = 94^N
  5. struct GeneratePwdOptions {
  6. enum ECharSetType {
  7. CST_ALPHA, // latin letters; low: [97, 122] AND up: [65, 90] (total of 26 unique)
  8. CST_DIGITS, // arabic numbers [48, 57] (10 unique)
  9. CST_SYMBOLS // printable symbols: punctuation AND so on, EXCLUDING space
  10. };
  12. static const ECharSetType CHAR_SETS[];
  13. static const size_t CHAR_SET_COUNT_; // big AND small alphas counts as a one charset
  15. //// ALL codes are shown for the ANSI ASCII table
  16. bool useAlpha = true;
  17. bool useDigits = true;
  18. bool useSymbols = true;
  19. bool caseSensetive = true; // use both lower AND upper case (if false - ONLY lowercase)
  20. };
  21. const GeneratePwdOptions DEFAULT_GENERATE_PWD_OPTIONS_;
  22. const GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType GeneratePwdOptions::CHAR_SETS[] =
  23. {ECharSetType::CST_ALPHA, ECharSetType::CST_DIGITS, ECharSetType::CST_SYMBOLS};
  24. const size_t GeneratePwdOptions::CHAR_SET_COUNT_ = sizeof(CHAR_SETS) / sizeof(*CHAR_SETS);
  26. #include <functional>
  27. #include <random>
  28. #include <chrono>
  30. // 'pwdBuf' should be at least (len + 1U) large
  31. // 'len' should be >= 8U (returns empty str. if NOT)
  32. // Returns empty str. on ANY error
  33. // 'charPerSet' is an OUTPUT statistics (OPTIONAL)
  34. // Complexity - linear: O(2*len)
  35. template <const bool Optimized = true>
  36. char* generatePwd(char* pwdBuf, const size_t len = 16U,
  37. const GeneratePwdOptions& options = DEFAULT_GENERATE_PWD_OPTIONS_,
  38. size_t charPerSet[GeneratePwdOptions::CHAR_SET_COUNT_] = nullptr) throw()
  39. {
  40. static const auto MIN_PWD_LEN_ = 8U;
  41. static_assert('z' > 'a' && 'Z' > 'A' && '9' > '0', "Incorrect char codes");
  42. // [33, 47] U [58, 64] U [91, 96] U [123, 126]
  43. static const char SPEC_SYMBOLS[] = {"!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"};
  45. if (!pwdBuf || !len) return nullptr;
  46. *pwdBuf = '\0';
  47. if (len < MIN_PWD_LEN_) return pwdBuf;
  49. const size_t timeSeed =
  50. static_cast<size_t>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
  51. const std::mt19937 engine(timeSeed);
  53. const std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> charIdxDistribution(size_t(), len - 1U);
  54. auto rollCharIdx = std::bind(charIdxDistribution, engine); // callable
  56. auto charSetCount = size_t();
  57. if (options.useAlpha) ++charSetCount;
  58. if (options.useDigits) ++charSetCount;
  59. if (options.useSymbols) ++charSetCount;
  61. if (!charSetCount) return pwdBuf; // error: charset NOT specified
  63. // Each set can place a strictly limited amount of chars
  64. const auto maxCharPerSetCount = len / charSetCount;
  65. // At least 1 char form each set
  66. const std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> charPerSetDistribution(1U, maxCharPerSetCount);
  67. auto rollCharPerSetCount = std::bind(charPerSetDistribution, engine); // callable
  69. size_t localCharPerSet[GeneratePwdOptions::CHAR_SET_COUNT_] = {0}; // statistics
  70. auto const currCharPerSet = charPerSet ? charPerSet : localCharPerSet; // replace if NOT provided
  72. struct Randomizer_ {
  73. Randomizer_() throw() { // 'srand' will be called ONLY once during initialiation
  74. srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(nullptr)));
  75. }
  76. };
  77. static const Randomizer_ R_; // static init. is a thread safe in C++11
  79. auto charSetLeftCount = charSetCount;
  80. size_t charPlacedCount = size_t(); // total amount of chars already placed in the buf.
  82. auto getCharCountPerSet = [&]() throw() {
  83. // If last - fill the rest of the buf.
  84. return charSetLeftCount ? rollCharPerSetCount() : (len - charPlacedCount);
  85. };
  87. // Also updates statistics for the specified charset
  88. auto getRandomChar = [&](const GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType charSetType) throw() {
  89. size_t firstIdx = size_t(), lastIdx = size_t();
  90. switch (charSetType) {
  91. case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_ALPHA: lastIdx = 'z' - 'a'; break;
  92. case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_DIGITS: lastIdx = '9' - '0'; break;
  93. case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_SYMBOLS:
  94. lastIdx = (sizeof(SPEC_SYMBOLS) / sizeof(*SPEC_SYMBOLS)) - 2U; break; // skip '\0'
  95. }
  96. const auto idx = firstIdx + (rand() % (lastIdx - firstIdx + 1U)); // from set
  98. auto actualChar = '\0';
  99. switch (charSetType) {
  100. case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_ALPHA:
  101. // Randomize case (if neeeded)
  102. actualChar = options.caseSensetive ? (rand() % 2 ? 'A' : 'a') : 'a';
  103. actualChar += idx;
  104. ++currCharPerSet[0U];
  105. break;
  106. case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_DIGITS:
  107. actualChar = '0' + idx;
  108. ++currCharPerSet[1U];
  109. break;
  110. case GeneratePwdOptions::CST_SYMBOLS:
  111. actualChar = SPEC_SYMBOLS[idx];
  112. ++currCharPerSet[2U];
  113. break;
  114. }
  115. return actualChar;
  116. };
  118. // Places random count of a random chars from the specified set at random blank positions
  119. auto addCharsA = [&](const GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType charSetType) throw() {
  120. --charSetLeftCount;
  121. const auto charCount = getCharCountPerSet();
  123. size_t charIdx = size_t(); // actual idx. in the array
  124. // Add random chars from the curr. set
  125. for (size_t charNumber = size_t(); charNumber < charCount; ++charNumber) {
  126. while (pwdBuf[charIdx = rollCharIdx()]); // roll while NOT free space for the symbol
  127. pwdBuf[charIdx] = getRandomChar(charSetType);
  128. }
  129. charPlacedCount += charCount;
  130. };
  132. // Places random count of a random chars from the specified set at predefined positions
  133. // (sequentially)
  134. auto addCharsB = [&](const GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType charSetType) throw() {
  135. --charSetLeftCount;
  136. const auto charCount = getCharCountPerSet();
  138. // Add random chars from the curr. set: O(charCount)
  139. for (size_t charNumber = size_t(); charNumber < charCount; ++charNumber, ++charPlacedCount) {
  140. pwdBuf[charPlacedCount] = getRandomChar(charSetType);
  141. }
  142. };
  144. switch (Optimized) {
  145. case false:
  146. memset(pwdBuf, 0, len + 1U);
  147. if (options.useDigits) addCharsA(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_DIGITS);
  148. if (options.useSymbols) addCharsA(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_SYMBOLS);
  149. if (options.useAlpha) addCharsA(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_ALPHA);
  150. break;
  151. default: // true
  152. if (options.useDigits) addCharsB(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_DIGITS);
  153. if (options.useSymbols) addCharsB(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_SYMBOLS);
  154. if (options.useAlpha) addCharsB(GeneratePwdOptions::ECharSetType::CST_ALPHA);
  155. // Random shuffle: O(charPlacedCount)
  156. for (size_t charNumber = size_t(); charNumber < charPlacedCount; ++charNumber) {
  157. std::swap(pwdBuf[charNumber], pwdBuf[rollCharIdx()]);
  158. }
  159. pwdBuf[charPlacedCount] = '\0';
  160. }
  161. return pwdBuf;
  162. }
  164. #include <cassert>
  165. #include <iostream>
  167. int main() {
  168. char pwdBuf[64U];
  169. std::cout << generatePwd(pwdBuf, sizeof(pwdBuf) - 1U) << std::endl;
  171. const GeneratePwdOptions options = {true, true, false, false};
  172. std::cout << generatePwd(pwdBuf, sizeof(pwdBuf) / 2U - 1U, options) << std::endl;
  174. const auto pwdLen = 32U;
  175. assert(pwdLen < sizeof(pwdBuf));
  176. GeneratePwdOptions options2;
  177. options2.useAlpha = false;
  178. const auto pwd = generatePwd(pwdBuf, pwdLen, options2);
  179. const auto len_ = strlen(pwd);
  180. assert(len_ == pwdLen);
  181. for (size_t idx = 0U; idx < len_; ++idx) {
  182. assert(!isalpha(pwdBuf[idx]));
  183. }
  184. std::cout << pwd << std::endl;
  186. return 0;
  187. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 3464KB
Standard input is empty