fork(2) download
  1. ; heavy hitters, the britney spears algorithm
  3. (define (take n xs)
  4. (let loop ((n n) (xs xs) (ys '()))
  5. (if (or (zero? n) (null? xs))
  6. (reverse ys)
  7. (loop (- n 1) (cdr xs)
  8. (cons (car xs) ys)))))
  10. (define (hashtable-pairs ht)
  11. (call-with-values
  12. (lambda () (hashtable-entries ht))
  13. (lambda (keys values)
  14. (map cons (vector->list keys) (vector->list values)))))
  16. (define (read-word)
  17. (let loop ((c (read-char)) (cs '()))
  18. (cond ((eof-object? c)
  19. (if (null? cs) c
  20. (list->string (reverse cs))))
  21. ((char-alphabetic? c)
  22. (loop (read-char) (cons (char-downcase c) cs)))
  23. ((pair? cs) (list->string (reverse cs)))
  24. (else (loop (read-char) cs)))))
  26. (define (word-freq n file-name)
  27. (define (freq-gt? a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b)))
  28. (with-input-from-file file-name (lambda ()
  29. (let ((freqs (make-hashtable string-hash string=?)))
  30. (do ((word (read-word) (read-word)))
  31. ((eof-object? word) (map car (take n
  32. (sort freq-gt? (hashtable-pairs freqs)))))
  33. (hashtable-update! freqs word add1 0))))))
  35. (define (misra-gries n file-name)
  36. (define (freq-gt? a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b)))
  37. (let ((keys (make-hashtable string-hash string=?)))
  38. (with-input-from-file file-name (lambda ()
  39. (do ((word (read-word) (read-word)))
  40. ((eof-object? word) (map car (take n
  41. (sort freq-gt? (hashtable-pairs keys)))))
  42. (if (or (hashtable-contains? keys word)
  43. (< (hashtable-size keys) n))
  44. (hashtable-update! keys word add1 0)
  45. (vector-for-each
  46. (lambda (word)
  47. (hashtable-update! keys word sub1 1)
  48. (when (zero? (hashtable-ref keys word 0))
  49. (hashtable-delete! keys word)))
  50. (hashtable-keys keys))))))))
  52. (define (space-saving n file-name)
  53. (define (freq-gt? a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b)))
  54. (let ((keys (make-hashtable string-hash string=?)))
  55. (with-input-from-file file-name (lambda ()
  56. (do ((word (read-word) (read-word)))
  57. ((eof-object? word) (map car (take n
  58. (sort freq-gt? (hashtable-pairs keys)))))
  59. (if (or (hashtable-contains? keys word)
  60. (< (hashtable-size keys) n))
  61. (hashtable-update! keys word add1 0)
  62. (let ((kv-pairs (hashtable-pairs keys)))
  63. (let loop ((min-k (caar kv-pairs))
  64. (min-v (cdar kv-pairs))
  65. (kv-pairs (cdr kv-pairs)))
  66. (if (pair? kv-pairs)
  67. (if (< (cdar kv-pairs) min-v)
  68. (loop (caar kv-pairs)
  69. (cdar kv-pairs)
  70. (cdr kv-pairs))
  71. (loop min-k min-v (cdr kv-pairs)))
  72. (begin
  73. (hashtable-delete! keys min-k)
  74. (hashtable-update! keys word
  75. add1 min-v))))))))))
Runtime error #stdin #stdout #stderr 0.04s 8744KB
Standard input is empty
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ERROR: In procedure primitive-load:
ERROR: In procedure scm_i_lreadparen: /home/gDVYky/prog.scm:75:45: end of file