#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// represents the position of a chess piece on a chess board in algebraic notation.
class Position
// horizontal positions are known as rank and represented by letters A through H
// internally stored as capital letters, but we convert from lowercase if that was passed in the constructor
typedef char Rank;
// vertical postion or file represented by numbers 1 through 8
// (actually stored as ascii values).
typedef char File;
// the Delta type is used to represent a move from position
// can be a positive or negative offset for rank and file
struct Delta
Delta( int rankOffset, int fileOffset ) : rank(rankOffset), file(fileOffset) {}
int rank;
int file;
// define maximum and minimum values for dimension of chessboard.
// we don't have to actually model a chessboard to solve this problem,
// however if we needed to deal with other pieces on the chessboard it might be useful to do so
static const Rank minRank = 'A';
static const Rank maxRank = 'H';
static const File minFile = '1';
static const File maxFile = '8';
// default constructor initializes to "A1"
Position() : m_rank(minRank), m_file(minFile) {}
// construct from a string as read from input
// PRECONDITION: pos is a 2 character string representing an chess position in algebraic notation
// may be uppercase or lowercase
Position( const char* strPos )
throw std::invalid_argument( "strPos must point to a 2 character string in algebraic chess notaion" );
Rank r = toupper(strPos[0]);
File f = strPos[1];
if( isValidFile(f) && isValidRank(r) )
m_rank = r;
m_file = f;
throw std::invalid_argument( "rank and/or file are out of range" );
// return true if its a legal move, ie: within the bounds of the chessboard
bool isValidMove( const Delta& delta ) const
return isValidRank( m_rank + delta.rank ) && isValidFile( m_file + delta.file);
// move by the supplied delta
Position& move( const Delta& delta )
if ( isValidMove( delta) )
// we are relying on the property that ascii values are consecutive
// for consecutive numbers and letters, which makes the move calculation
// nice and easy
m_rank += delta.rank;
m_file += delta.file;
throw std::invalid_argument( "move is out of range" );
return *this;
// accessors for rank
Rank getRank() const
return m_rank;
// accessors for file
File getFile() const
return m_file;
// define equality operator which will be useful for determining when we have reached the goal
bool operator==(const Position &rhs) const
return m_rank == rhs.m_rank && m_file == rhs.m_file;
// for completeness, define inequality operator
bool operator!=(const Position &rhs) const
// use equality relationship to avoid duplicating code
return !( (*this) == rhs);
// and why not an compound addition operator for moving positions by Deltas
Position& operator+=( const Delta &delta )
return move( delta );
// once again for completeness we can define and addition operator using the above += definition
// returns a const Position so result cant be used as an lvalue
const Position operator+( const Delta& delta ) const
Position newPos = *this;
newPos += delta;
return newPos;
// so we can display our positions
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Position& pos )
stream << pos.m_rank << pos.m_file;
return stream;
// so we can read positions from standard input
friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& stream, Position& pos )
string strPos;
stream >> strPos;
Position tempPos( strPos.c_str() );
pos = tempPos;
return stream;
// range check rank
bool isValidRank( Rank r ) const
return r <= maxRank && r >= minRank;
// range check file
bool isValidFile( File f ) const
return f <= maxFile && f >= minFile;
Rank m_rank;
File m_file;
// base class representing chess pieces basic functionality
class ChessPiece
// we don't want anyone instantiating this class directly,
// they must derived from it and call initDeltas() to setup
// the allowable moves for the piece
ChessPiece( const Position& pos ) : m_currentPos(pos)
// list of Deltas representing the directions and distances this piece is allowed to move
typedef vector<Position::Delta> Deltas;
// return the rank and file offsets determining this pieces relative movements
const Deltas& getDeltas() const
return m_deltas;
// list of positions used to represent where this piece can move to
typedef vector<Position> Moves;
// returns a list of valid moves from the current position
const Moves& getValidMoves() const
if( !m_validMoves.size() )
// lazily calculate valid moves from current position
Deltas deltas = getDeltas();
for( Deltas::const_iterator i = getDeltas().begin(); i != getDeltas().end(); i++ )
const Position::Delta& delta = *i;
if( m_currentPos.isValidMove( delta ) )
Position newPos = m_currentPos + delta;
m_validMoves.push_back( newPos );
return m_validMoves;
// return current position
const Position& getPosition() const
return m_currentPos;
// helper so derived classes can initialize m_deltas from a
// plain old c style array
void initDeltas( const Position::Delta * d, size_t numberOfDeltas)
m_deltas = Deltas( d, d + numberOfDeltas );
// current position
Position m_currentPos;
// list of directions and distances the chess piece can move.
// Should be initialized by any derived classes
Deltas m_deltas;
// all the moves in relation to the current position.
// it is defined as mutable to allow for lazy evaluation
mutable Moves m_validMoves;
// all valid moves for a knight
static Position::Delta deltas[] = {
Position::Delta(1,2), Position::Delta(2,1),
Position::Delta(2,-1), Position::Delta(1,-2),
Position::Delta(-2,-1), Position::Delta(-1,-2),
Position::Delta(-2,1), Position::Delta(-1,2)
// Knight is an instance of ChessPiece with movement deltas which allow it to move
// 2 squares horizontaly and 1 square vertically and vice versa
class Knight : public ChessPiece
Knight( const Position& pos) : ChessPiece(pos)
// setup the valid moves
initDeltas( deltas , sizeof(deltas)/sizeof(deltas[0]) );
// utility class for finding shortest path to goal utilizing Uniform Cost Search,
// also known as Least Cost Search, a variation of Bredth First Search.
// template argument must support operator= otherwise it wont compile ;)
template<class State>
class UniformCostSearch
// path to our goal state is represented as a list of states
typedef vector<State> States;
// abstract helper class which provide goal test function and
// successor states for the search
class SearchHelper
// override this function to return true if we have reached the goal
virtual bool isGoal( const State& s) const = 0;
// override this function to return a list of successor states from the current state
virtual States getSuccessors( const State& s ) const = 0;
// constructor takes the start state and a helper function object
UniformCostSearch( const State& start, const SearchHelper& helper ) : m_start(start), m_helper(helper) {}
// initiates a uniform cost search to find the shortest path to the goal state.
// if no path is found then it returns an empty list
States findShortestPathToGoal()
// the frontier is an ordered list of paths we have blazed fro mthe start state (from shortest to longest),
// since every action has the same cost there is no need to use a priority queue
typedef queue<States> Frontier;
// keep track of states which have already been explored.
// for larger searches a set would be better, but it requires State to support
// operator< so lets use a list even though search time is linear
typedef vector<State> Explored;
// first check if we are already at the goal. If so we're done
if( m_helper.isGoal(m_start))
States result;
return result;
// set of states we have visited so far
Explored explored;
// ordered list of paths which have already been blazed.
// Start with the path containing the start state only.
Frontier frontier;
States initialPath;
initialPath.push_back( m_start );
// keep going whilst there are still unexplored paths
while( !frontier.empty() )
// expand the shortest path in the frontier first
States path = frontier.front();
State s = path.back();
// now explore the successor states
States successors = m_helper.getSuccessors( s );
for( typename States::const_iterator i = successors.begin(); i != successors.end(); i++)
const State& state = *i;
// has this state been explored already?
if( find( explored.begin(), explored.end(), state ) == explored.end() )
// no... mark it as explored
// construct a new path with the current state at the end
States exploredPath(path);
if( m_helper.isGoal(state))
// return the path to the goal
return exploredPath;
// haven't found the path to the goal yet so add this path to the frontier and keep exploring
frontier.push( exploredPath );
// if we got here we couldn't find a path to the goal
States emptyPath;
return emptyPath;
// start state
State m_start;
// search helper
const SearchHelper& m_helper;
// this helper class is used to determine when we have reached the goal and also
// generate the successor positions
class KnightsTravailHelper : public UniformCostSearch<Position>::SearchHelper
KnightsTravailHelper( const Position& goal) : m_goal(goal) {}
virtual bool isGoal( const Position& s) const
return s == m_goal;
virtual UniformCostSearch<Position>::States getSuccessors( const Position& s ) const
Knight theKnight(s);
return theKnight.getValidMoves();
Position m_goal;
void solveKnightsTravail( const Position& start, const Position& end)
Position posStart(start), posEnd(end);
KnightsTravailHelper helper(posEnd);
UniformCostSearch<Position> solver( posStart, helper );
UniformCostSearch<Position>::States result = solver.findShortestPathToGoal();
for(UniformCostSearch<Position>::States::const_iterator i = result.begin(); i != result.end(); i++)
cout << *i << " ";
cout << endl;
int main()
Position start, end;
cin >> start >> end;
solveKnightsTravail( start, end );
catch( exception& ex)
// something bad happened - probably invalid arguments
cout << "error: " << ex.what() << endl;
return 1;
return 0;