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  1. #include <cstring>
  2. #include <iostream>
  3. #include <sstream>
  4. using namespace std;
  6. long long memo[10][10][10][8][27][20];
  8. long long step_found(int a, int b, int c, int found, int next_digit) {
  9. // computes the next "found" bitmask if I'm looking for the digits "a", "b", "c"
  10. // and see the next digit "next_digit"
  11. if (next_digit == a && !(found&4)) return found|4;
  12. if (next_digit == b && !(found&2)) return found|2;
  13. if (next_digit == c && !(found&1)) return found|1;
  14. if (next_digit > c) return -1;
  15. return found;
  16. }
  18. long long go(int a, int b, int c, int found, int rem, int left) {
  19. // a,b,c = the three largest digits we want to have (a >= b >= c)
  20. // found = bitmask saying which of them we already have
  21. // rem = the remainder so far
  22. // left = the number of digits still left to fill in
  24. if (left == 0) return (found==7 && rem==0); // we are at the end -- did we construct a valid number?
  26. long long &result = memo[a][b][c][found][rem][left];
  27. if (result != -1) return result;
  28. result = 0;
  29. for (int d=0; d<=9; ++d) {
  30. // try appending the next digit
  31. int next_rem = (10*rem + d) % (a+b+c);
  32. int next_found = step_found(a, b, c, found, d);
  33. if (next_found != -1) result += go(a, b, c, next_found, next_rem, left-1);
  34. }
  35. return result;
  36. }
  38. long long solve(long long UB) {
  39. // count the good numbers in [1,UB)
  41. // convert UB to string to count its digits and get its prefixes easily
  42. stringstream ss; ss << UB;
  43. string S = ss.str();
  44. int D = S.size();
  46. long long answer = 0;
  47. // try all possibilities for the three largest digits
  48. for (int a=1; a<=9; ++a) for (int b=0; b<=a; ++b) for (int c=0; c<=b; ++c) {
  50. // first, count all numbers shorter than UB: iterate over their length and first digit
  51. for (int len=3; len<D; ++len) {
  52. for (int first=1; first<=9; ++first) {
  53. int found = step_found(a, b, c, 0, first);
  54. if (found != -1) answer += go(a, b, c, found, first%(a+b+c), len-1);
  55. }
  56. }
  58. // next, for each prefix of UB count all numbers with a smaller last digit
  59. int prefix_rem = 0, prefix_found = 0;
  60. for (int p=1; p<=D; ++p) {
  61. int pd = S[p-1]-'0';
  62. for (int d=0; d<pd; ++d) {
  63. if (p==1 && d==0) continue; // we don't want to count numbers with a leading zero
  64. int next_found = step_found(a, b, c, prefix_found, d);
  65. if (next_found != -1) answer += go(a, b, c, next_found, (10*prefix_rem+d)%(a+b+c), D-p);
  66. }
  67. prefix_rem = (10*prefix_rem + pd) % (a+b+c);
  68. prefix_found = step_found(a, b, c, prefix_found, pd);
  69. if (prefix_found == -1) break;
  70. }
  71. }
  72. return answer;
  73. }
  75. int main() {
  76. memset(memo,-1,sizeof(memo));
  77. int T; cin >> T;
  78. while (T--) { long long A, B; cin >> A >> B; cout << (solve(B+1) - solve(A)) << endl; }
  79. }
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