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  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <type_traits>
  4. template <std::size_t...> struct index_sequence {};
  6. template <std::size_t N, std::size_t... Is>
  7. struct make_index_sequence_helper : make_index_sequence_helper<N-1, N-1, Is...> {};
  9. template <std::size_t... Is>
  10. struct make_index_sequence_helper<0, Is...> {
  11. using type = index_sequence<Is...>;
  12. };
  14. template <std::size_t N>
  15. using make_index_sequence = typename make_index_sequence_helper<N>::type;
  17. // Merging two packs of numbers.
  18. template <typename, typename> struct Merge;
  20. template <template <std::size_t...> class P1, template <std::size_t...> class P2, std::size_t... Is, std::size_t... Js>
  21. struct Merge<P1<Is...>, P2<Js...>> {
  22. using type = P1<Is..., Js...>;
  23. };
  25. // Obtaining the last element from a pack.
  26. template <typename, typename> struct LastType;
  28. template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T Last>
  29. struct LastType<T, P<Last>> : std::integral_constant<T, Last> {};
  31. template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T First, T... Rest>
  32. struct LastType<T, P<First, Rest...>> : LastType<T, P<Rest...>> {};
  34. // Checking if t of type T exists in a pack of T objects.
  35. template <typename T, T t, T...> struct ExistsInPack;
  37. template <typename T, T t, T First, T... Rest>
  38. struct ExistsInPack<T, t, First, Rest...> : ExistsInPack<T, t, Rest...> {};
  40. template <typename T, T t, T... Rest>
  41. struct ExistsInPack<T, t, t, Rest...> : std::true_type {};
  43. template <typename T, T t>
  44. struct ExistsInPack<T, t> : std::false_type {};
  46. // Checking if t of type T is a last child. Using ExistsInPack will not work correctly here.
  47. template <typename T, T t, T...> struct IsALastChild;
  49. template <typename T, T t, T Child, T Parent, T... Rest>
  50. struct IsALastChild<T, t, Child, Parent, Rest...> : IsALastChild<T, t, Rest...> {}; // Here is the difference with ExistsInPack. We must skip the parent and check the next child (if any) because we don't want the child to be read as a parent.
  52. template <typename T, T t, T Parent, T... Rest>
  53. struct IsALastChild<T, t, t, Parent, Rest...> : std::true_type {};
  55. template <typename T, T t>
  56. struct IsALastChild<T, t> : std::false_type {};
  58. // Obtaining the adjacent vertices of a given vertex.
  59. template <std::size_t, typename, typename> struct AdjacentVerticesHelper;
  61. template <std::size_t Vertex, template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t From, std::size_t To, std::size_t... RemainingPairs, std::size_t... Accumulated>
  62. struct AdjacentVerticesHelper<Vertex, P<From, To, RemainingPairs...>, P<Accumulated...>> : AdjacentVerticesHelper<Vertex, P<RemainingPairs...>, P<Accumulated...>> {};
  64. template <std::size_t Vertex, template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t To, std::size_t... RemainingPairs, std::size_t... Accumulated>
  65. struct AdjacentVerticesHelper<Vertex, P<Vertex, To, RemainingPairs...>, P<Accumulated...>> : AdjacentVerticesHelper<Vertex, P<RemainingPairs...>, P<Accumulated..., To>> {};
  67. template <std::size_t Vertex, template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t... Accumulated>
  68. struct AdjacentVerticesHelper<Vertex, P<>, P<Accumulated...>> {
  69. using type = P<Accumulated...>;
  70. static const bool nonempty = sizeof...(Accumulated) > 0;
  71. };
  73. template <std::size_t, typename> struct AdjacentVertices;
  75. template <std::size_t Vertex, template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t... Edges>
  76. struct AdjacentVertices<Vertex, P<Edges...>> : AdjacentVerticesHelper<Vertex, P<Edges...>, P<>> {};
  78. // Given Child, find its parent from the pack P<LastChildAndParent...>.
  79. template <std::size_t Child, std::size_t First, std::size_t Second, std::size_t... Rest>
  80. struct GetParent : GetParent<Child, Rest...> {};
  82. template <std::size_t Child, std::size_t Parent, std::size_t... Rest>
  83. struct GetParent<Child, Child, Parent, Rest...> : std::integral_constant<std::size_t, Parent> {};
  85. template <std::size_t, typename, typename> struct RemoveChildAndParentHelper;
  87. // Given Child, remove Child and its parent from P<LastChildAndParent...>.
  88. template <template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t Child, std::size_t First, std::size_t Second, std::size_t... Rest, std::size_t... Accumulated>
  89. struct RemoveChildAndParentHelper<Child, P<First, Second, Rest...>, P<Accumulated...>> : RemoveChildAndParentHelper<Child, P<Rest...>, P<Accumulated..., First, Second>> {};
  91. template <template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t Child, std::size_t Parent, std::size_t... Rest, std::size_t... Accumulated>
  92. struct RemoveChildAndParentHelper<Child, P<Child, Parent, Rest...>, P<Accumulated...>> {
  93. using type = P<Accumulated..., Rest...>;
  94. };
  96. template <template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t Child, std::size_t... Accumulated>
  97. struct RemoveChildAndParentHelper<Child, P<>, P<Accumulated...>> {
  98. using type = P<Accumulated...>;
  99. };
  101. template <std::size_t, typename> struct RemoveChildAndParent;
  103. template <template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t Child, std::size_t... LastChildAndParent>
  104. struct RemoveChildAndParent<Child, P<LastChildAndParent...>> : RemoveChildAndParentHelper<Child, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<>> {};
  106. // Removing from a pack all the elements in P<Visited...>.
  107. template <typename, typename, typename, typename> struct RemoveThoseAlreadyVisitedHelper;
  109. template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T First, T... Rest, T... Visited, T... Accumulated>
  110. struct RemoveThoseAlreadyVisitedHelper<T, P<First, Rest...>, P<Visited...>, P<Accumulated...>> : std::conditional<ExistsInPack<T, First, Visited...>::value,
  111. RemoveThoseAlreadyVisitedHelper<T, P<Rest...>, P<Visited...>, P<Accumulated...>>,
  112. RemoveThoseAlreadyVisitedHelper<T, P<Rest...>, P<Visited...>, P<Accumulated..., First>>
  113. >::type {};
  115. template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T... Visited, T... Accumulated>
  116. struct RemoveThoseAlreadyVisitedHelper<T, P<>, P<Visited...>, P<Accumulated...>> {
  117. using type = P<Accumulated...>;
  118. };
  120. template <typename, typename, typename> struct RemoveThoseAlreadyVisited;
  122. template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T... Ts, T... Visited>
  123. struct RemoveThoseAlreadyVisited<T, P<Ts...>, P<Visited...>> : RemoveThoseAlreadyVisitedHelper<T, P<Ts...>, P<Visited...>, P<>> {};
  125. template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T... Ts>
  126. struct RemoveThoseAlreadyVisited<T, P<Ts...>, P<>> { // These remaining specializations are to avoid using the above specialization since 'type' is immediately obvious and needs no computation.
  127. using type = P<Ts...>;
  128. };
  130. template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T... Visited>
  131. struct RemoveThoseAlreadyVisited<T, P<>, P<Visited...>> {
  132. using type = P<>;
  133. };
  135. template <typename T, template <T...> class P>
  136. struct RemoveThoseAlreadyVisited<T, P<>, P<>> { // This is needed to avoid ambiguity with the above two specializations.
  137. using type = P<>;
  138. };
  140. // Removing duplicates from a pack. This is only used for the alternate Graph class that allows using any values for its vertices (not necessarily consecutive).
  141. template <typename, typename, typename> struct RemoveDuplicatesHelper;
  143. template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T First, T... Rest, T... Accumulated>
  144. struct RemoveDuplicatesHelper<T, P<First, Rest...>, P<Accumulated...>> : std::conditional<ExistsInPack<T, First, Accumulated..., Rest...>::value,
  145. RemoveDuplicatesHelper<T, P<Rest...>, P<Accumulated...>>,
  146. RemoveDuplicatesHelper<T, P<Rest...>, P<Accumulated..., First>>
  147. >::type {};
  149. template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T... Accumulated>
  150. struct RemoveDuplicatesHelper<T, P<>, P<Accumulated...>> {
  151. using type = P<Accumulated...>;
  152. };
  154. template <typename, typename> struct RemoveDuplicates;
  156. template <typename T, template <T...> class P, T... Ts>
  157. struct RemoveDuplicates<T, P<Ts...>> : RemoveDuplicatesHelper<T, P<Ts...>, P<>> {};
  159. // Now the main structs.
  160. template <typename, typename, typename, typename, typename> struct TopologicalSort;
  161. template <typename, typename, typename, typename, typename, typename> struct TopologicalSortHelper;
  162. template <typename, typename, typename, typename, typename, bool> struct CheckIfLastAdjacentVertex;
  164. // End of the topological sort loop. Replacing P<Visited...> with typename Visited and/or P<Edges...> with typename Edges and/or P<Vertices...> with typename Stack will cause ambiguity compiling error since neither this nor the above partial specialization is more specialized than the other.
  165. template <template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t... Visited, std::size_t... Edges, std::size_t... LastChildAndParent, std::size_t... Vertices>
  166. struct TopologicalSort<P<>, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<Vertices...>> {
  167. using topological_sort = P<Vertices...>; // The final stack of vertices describing a topological order.
  168. };
  170. // The topological sort loop.
  171. template <template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t First, std::size_t... Rest, std::size_t... Visited, std::size_t... Edges, std::size_t... LastChildAndParent, std::size_t... Vertices> // First, Rest... are the vertices to be visited now (in that order).
  172. struct TopologicalSort<P<First, Rest...>, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<Vertices...>> :
  173. TopologicalSortHelper<P<First, Rest...>, P<Edges...>, P<Visited..., First>, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<Vertices...>, // Append First to P<Visited...>.
  174. typename RemoveThoseAlreadyVisited<std::size_t, typename AdjacentVertices<First, P<Edges...>>::type, P<Visited...>>::type> {}; // Pass the adjacent vertices of First (if any), except those that have already been visited.
  176. // First has adjacent edges, so visit its adjacent vertices, and prepend First to P<Vertices...> AFTER these visits. To ensure this last part, add First and its last child into P<LastChildAndParent...>, and check later on when this last child of First is visited. Note that since all vertices have UNIQUE std::size_t ID numbers, there will be no mix-up with other vertices when this last child is visited.
  177. template <template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t First, std::size_t... Rest, std::size_t... Visited, std::size_t... Edges, std::size_t... LastChildAndParent, std::size_t... Vertices, typename AdjacentVertices>
  178. struct TopologicalSortHelper<P<First, Rest...>, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<Vertices...>, AdjacentVertices> :
  179. CheckIfLastAdjacentVertex<typename Merge<AdjacentVertices, P<Rest...>>::type, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, // Go into CheckIfLastAdjacentVertex, because it First is the last adjacent vertex of some parent vertex, that parent vertex shall be prepended to P<Vertices...> immediate after First is prepended to P<Vertices...>.
  180. P<LastChildAndParent..., LastType<std::size_t, AdjacentVertices>::value, First>, P<Vertices...>, IsALastChild<std::size_t, First, LastChildAndParent...>::value> {};
  182. // First has no adjacent vertices, so prepend it to P<Vertices...>. Here too, we must go into CheckIfLastAdjacentVertex in case First is the last adjacent vertex of some parent vertex.
  183. template <template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t First, std::size_t... Rest, std::size_t... Visited, std::size_t... Edges, std::size_t... LastChildAndParent, std::size_t... Vertices>
  184. struct TopologicalSortHelper<P<First, Rest...>, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<Vertices...>, P<>> :
  185. CheckIfLastAdjacentVertex<P<First, Rest...>, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<First, Vertices...>, IsALastChild<std::size_t, First, LastChildAndParent...>::value> {};
  187. // First is the last adjacent vertex of some parent vertex, so prepend its parent vertex to P<Vertices...>. Note that First cannot be mixed up with another vertex because all vertices in the Graph have UNIQUE values.
  188. template <template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t First, std::size_t... Rest, std::size_t... Visited, std::size_t... Edges, std::size_t... LastChildAndParent, std::size_t... Vertices>
  189. struct CheckIfLastAdjacentVertex<P<First, Rest...>, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<Vertices...>, true> : // First and its parent vertex must be removed from P<LastChildAndParent...> right now.
  190. TopologicalSort<typename RemoveThoseAlreadyVisited<std::size_t, P<Rest...>, P<Visited...>>::type, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, // We MUST remove all vertices that have already been visited before going into TopologicalSort, since TopologicalSort always assumes First has not been visited before.
  191. typename RemoveChildAndParent<First, P<LastChildAndParent...>>::type, P<GetParent<First, LastChildAndParent...>::value, Vertices...>> {}; // Do NOT prepend First into P<Vertices...> because this was already done in TopologicalSortHelper<P<First, Rest...>, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<Vertices...>, P<>>.
  193. // First is not the last adjacent vertex of some parent vertex, so simply do the regular TopologicalSort (but removing the vertices already visited first, of course).
  194. template <template <std::size_t...> class P, std::size_t... ToVisit, std::size_t... Visited, std::size_t... Edges, std::size_t... LastChildAndParent, std::size_t... Vertices> // No need for First, Rest... here since First needs not be identified in this case.
  195. struct CheckIfLastAdjacentVertex<P<ToVisit...>, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<Vertices...>, false> :
  196. TopologicalSort<typename RemoveThoseAlreadyVisited<std::size_t, P<ToVisit...>, P<Visited...>>::type, P<Edges...>, P<Visited...>, P<LastChildAndParent...>, P<Vertices...>> {};
  198. template <std::size_t N, std::size_t... Edges>
  199. struct Graph : TopologicalSort<make_index_sequence<N>, index_sequence<Edges...>, index_sequence<>, index_sequence<>, index_sequence<>> {};
  201. // -------------------------- Testing --------------------------
  202. template <std::size_t Last>
  203. struct index_sequence<Last> {
  204. static void print() {std::cout << Last << std::endl;}
  205. };
  207. template <std::size_t First, std::size_t... Rest>
  208. struct index_sequence<First, Rest...> {
  209. static void print() {std::cout << First << ' '; index_sequence<Rest...>::print();}
  210. };
  212. int main() {
  213. using DAG1 = Graph<6, 5,2, 5,0, 4,0, 4,1, 2,3, 3,1>;
  214. DAG1::topological_sort::print(); // 5 4 2 3 1 0
  215. std::cout << std::boolalpha << std::is_same<DAG1::topological_sort, index_sequence<5,4,2,3,1,0>>::value << std::endl; // true
  217. using DAG2 = Graph<8, 0,1, 0,2, 0,3, 1,4, 1,5, 2,4, 2,6, 3,5, 3,6, 4,7, 5,7, 6,7>;
  218. DAG2::topological_sort::print(); // 0 3 2 6 1 5 4 7
  219. std::cout << std::boolalpha << std::is_same<DAG2::topological_sort, index_sequence<0,3,2,6,1,5,4,7>>::value << std::endl; // true
  220. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 3140KB
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5 4 2 3 1 0
0 3 2 6 1 5 4 7