; Count the operators in your DSL
; ------------------------------
; The Little Lisper 3rd Edition
; Chapter 7
; Exercise 3
; Common Lisp
; http://t...content-available-to-author-only...r.com/thelittlelisper
; http://t...content-available-to-author-only...t.com/2010/06/little-lisper-chapter-7-shadows.html
; http://t...content-available-to-author-only...t.com/2010/06/little-lisper.html
; ------------------------------
(setf l1 '())
(setf l2 '(3 + (66 6)))
(setf aexp1 '(1 + (3 * 4)))
(setf aexp2 '((3 ^ 4) + 5))
(setf aexp4 5)
; ------------------------------
(defun sub1 (n)
(- n 1))
(defun operator (aexp_)
(car (cdr aexp_)))
(print (operator '(1 + 2)))
(defun isoperator (a)
((null a) NIL)
((eq a '+) t)
((eq a '*) t)
((eq a '^) t)
(t NIL)))
(print (isoperator '^))
(defun 1st-sub-expr (aexp_)
(car aexp_))
(print (1st-sub-expr '(1 + 2)))
(defun 2nd-sub-expr (aexp_)
(car (cdr (cdr aexp_))))
(print (2nd-sub-expr '(1 + 2)))
(defun number_ (n)
((null n) t)
(t (and
(null (car n))
(number_ (cdr n))))))
(defun notatom (lat)
(not (atom lat)))
(defun number__ (n)
((null n) nil)
((notatom n) nil)
((= 0 n) t)
(t (number__ (sub1 n)))))
(defun mk+exp (aexp1_ aexp2_)
(cons aexp1_
(cons '+
(cons aexp2_ '()))))
(defun mk*exp (aexp1_ aexp2_)
(cons aexp1_
(cons '*
(cons aexp2_ '()))))
(setf aexp1 (mk+exp 1 (mk*exp 3 4)))
(setf aexp3 (mk*exp 3 (mk*exp 4 (mk*exp 5 6))))
(defun count-op (aexp_)
((null aexp_) 0)
((number__ aexp_) 0)
((isoperator (operator aexp_))
(+ 1 (count-op (1st-sub-expr aexp_)))
(count-op (2nd-sub-expr aexp_)))
(t 0)))
(print (count-op '(1 + 2)))
(print (count-op aexp1))
(print (count-op aexp3))
(print (count-op aexp4))
(defun countatomplus (a)
((null a) 0)
((eq a '+) 1)
(t 0)))
(print (countatomplus '*))
(print (countatomplus '+))
(defun count+ (aexp_)
((null aexp_) 0)
((number__ aexp_) 0)
((isoperator (operator aexp_))
(+ (countatomplus(operator aexp_)) (count+ (1st-sub-expr aexp_)))
(count+ (2nd-sub-expr aexp_)))
(t 0)))
(print (count+ aexp1))
(defun countatomtimes (a)
((null a) 0)
((eq a '*) 1)
(t 0)))
(defun count* (aexp_)
((null aexp_) 0)
((number__ aexp_) 0)
((isoperator (operator aexp_))
(+ (countatomtimes(operator aexp_)) (count* (1st-sub-expr aexp_)))
(count* (2nd-sub-expr aexp_)))
(t 0)))
(print (count* aexp1))
(print (count* aexp3))
(defun countatomexp (a)
((null a) 0)
((eq a '^) 1)
(t 0)))
(defun count^ (aexp_)
((null aexp_) 0)
((number__ aexp_) 0)
((isoperator (operator aexp_))
(+ (countatomexp(operator aexp_)) (count^ (1st-sub-expr aexp_)))
(count^ (2nd-sub-expr aexp_)))
(t 0)))
(print (count^ aexp1))