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  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <algorithm>
  3. #include <vector>
  4. #include <cassert>
  6. template<typename It>
  7. void print_subrange(It first, It last, It subfirst, It sublast) {
  8. It c = first;
  9. for( ; c!=subfirst; ++c)
  10. std::cout << ' ' << *c;
  11. std::cout << '|';
  12. if (subfirst != last)
  13. std::cout << *c;
  14. for(++c ; c!=sublast; ++c)
  15. std::cout << ' ' << *c;
  16. std::cout << '|';
  17. for( ; c!=last; ++c)
  18. std::cout << *c << ' ';
  19. std::cout << '\n';
  20. }
  22. template <class BidiIter, class CompatitorType>
  23. void NotQuickSort(BidiIter first, BidiIter last, CompatitorType&& comparitor)
  24. {
  25. if(first==last) return;
  26. //move the maximum element to the front
  27. BidiIter max_it = std::max_element(first,last,comparitor);
  28. if (max_it != first)
  29. std::iter_swap(first, max_it);
  30. BidiIter cur_begin = first;
  31. BidiIter cur_end = last;
  32. //current state is a large element A followed by a bunch of elements less than or equal to A. (I call this a "chunk")
  33. //After this may be a larger element B followed by a bunch of elements greater than A but less than or equal to B.
  34. //etc etc until the end of the data
  35. while(cur_begin != last) {
  36. //if we don't know where the end of the current chunk is, simply search for the first element greater than the first element
  37. BidiIter pivot_it = std::next(cur_begin);
  38. if (cur_begin == cur_end) {
  39. auto&& max_value = *cur_begin;
  40. cur_end = std::find_if(pivot_it, last, [&comparitor,&max_value](const auto& e){return comparitor(max_value,e);});
  41. }
  42. //print_subrange(first, last, cur_begin, cur_end); //DEBUGGING PRINT HERE
  43. //if the chunk only has the "large" element, skip to the next chunk.
  44. //(cur_end ends up beingn equal to cur_begin, which triggers a search for the end)
  45. if (pivot_it == cur_end) {
  46. ++cur_begin;
  47. continue;
  48. }
  49. //if the chunk has a "large" element followed by one other element less than or equal to it, swap them and skip to the next chunk
  50. //(cur_end ends up beingn equal to cur_begin, which triggers a search for the end)
  51. BidiIter subrange_begin = std::next(pivot_it);
  52. if (subrange_begin == cur_end) {
  53. std::iter_swap(cur_begin, pivot_it);
  54. ++cur_begin;
  55. ++cur_begin;
  56. continue;
  57. }
  58. //here's the "recursive" step. We're going to split the "less than or equal" elements into two chunks.
  59. //the first element, A, is the largest in this chunk, and will be the "large" element for the right half.
  60. //we're going to pick the second element, B, to be our pivot, and thus our large element for the left half.
  61. //so partition the "smaller" elements based on the value of B, the pivot.
  62. auto&& pivot_value = *pivot_it;
  63. BidiIter mid = std::partition(subrange_begin, cur_end, [&comparitor,&pivot_value](const auto& e){return !comparitor(pivot_value,e);});
  64. //we're going to want B to be the first element, so swap A and B
  65. std::iter_swap(cur_begin, pivot_it);
  66. //if no elements are less than B, then A (at it's new position) to the end of the chunk is our next chunk
  67. if (subrange_begin == mid) {
  68. ++cur_begin;
  69. continue;
  70. }
  71. //otherwise, swap A to the middle of the partition.
  72. --mid;
  73. std::iter_swap(pivot_it, mid);
  74. //now it's [B][Elements less than or equal to B][A][Elements greater than B but less than or equal to A][C][Elements greater than A but less than or equal to C]
  75. //so we simply continue, operating on the B chunk, whcih ends at the partition point.
  76. cur_end = mid;
  77. }
  78. }
  79. template <class BidiIter>
  80. void NotQuickSort(BidiIter first, BidiIter last)
  81. {return NotQuickSort(first,last,std::less<void>());}
  82. template <class Container, class CompatitorType>
  83. void NotQuickSort(Container& c, CompatitorType&& comparitor)
  84. {return NotQuickSort(std::begin(c), std::end(c), comparitor);}
  85. template <class Container>
  86. void NotQuickSort(Container& c)
  87. {return NotQuickSort(std::begin(c), std::end(c), std::less<void>());}
  90. void TestNotQuickSort(std::vector<int> c) {
  91. NotQuickSort(c.begin(), c.end(), std::less<int>{});
  92. assert(std::is_sorted(c.begin(), c.end()));
  93. }
  94. int main() {
  95. TestNotQuickSort({});
  96. TestNotQuickSort({0});
  97. TestNotQuickSort({0, 0});
  98. TestNotQuickSort({0, 1});
  99. TestNotQuickSort({1, 0});
  100. TestNotQuickSort({0, 0, 0});
  101. TestNotQuickSort({0, 0, 1});
  102. TestNotQuickSort({0, 1, 0});
  103. TestNotQuickSort({1, 0, 0});
  104. TestNotQuickSort({0, 1, 1});
  105. TestNotQuickSort({1, 0, 1});
  106. TestNotQuickSort({1, 1, 0});
  107. TestNotQuickSort({0, 1, 2});
  108. TestNotQuickSort({0, 2, 1});
  109. TestNotQuickSort({1, 0, 2});
  110. TestNotQuickSort({1, 2, 0});
  111. TestNotQuickSort({2, 0, 1});
  112. TestNotQuickSort({2, 1, 0});
  113. std::cout << "PASS";
  114. }
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