#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
// Abstract
// [!] In C++14 many of this funcs can be 'constexpr' [!]
class MathUtils {
// 'hashSizeInBits' AND 'FNVPrime' should NOT be zero
// (for FNV primes see here: http://i...content-available-to-author-only...e.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/)
// 'hashSizeInBits' should NOT be larger (OR even equal)
// then size of 'unsigned long long int' in bits
// In the general case, almost any offset_basis will serve so long as it is non-zero
static unsigned long long int generateFNV1OffsetBasis(const size_t hashSizeInBits,
const unsigned long long int FNVPrime) throw()
static const auto ULL_SIZE_IN_BITS = sizeof(unsigned long long int) * 8U;
static const char* const OFFSET_STR =
"chongo <Landon Curt Noll> /\\../\\!"; // http://w...content-available-to-author-only...e.com/chongo/odd/bat.html
if (!hashSizeInBits || hashSizeInBits >= ULL_SIZE_IN_BITS || !FNVPrime) return 0ULL;
const unsigned long long int hashMod =
static_cast<decltype(hashMod)>(std::pow(2.0, ULL_SIZE_IN_BITS));
auto offsetBasis = 0ULL;
for (auto currChar = OFFSET_STR; *currChar; ++currChar) {
offsetBasis = (offsetBasis * FNVPrime) % hashMod;
offsetBasis ^= *currChar;
return offsetBasis;
// 'str' SHOULD be a POD C null-terminated str.
// Returns zero for an empty str.
// FNV-1a algorithm description: http://i...content-available-to-author-only...e.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/#FNV-1a
static size_t getFNV1aHash(const char* str) throw() {
if (!str || !*str) return size_t();
static_assert(4U == sizeof(size_t) || 8U == sizeof(size_t),
"Known primes & offsets for 32 OR 64 bit hashes ONLY");
//// C++11 OPTIMIZATION HINT: better use 'constexpr' instead of 'const'
// In the general case, almost any offset_basis will serve so long as it is non - zero
static const unsigned long long int BASISES[] =
{2166136261ULL, 14695981039346656037ULL}; // 32 bit, 64 bit
static const size_t OFFSET_BASIS =
static_cast<decltype(OFFSET_BASIS)>(BASISES[sizeof(size_t) / 4U - 1U]);
// Some primes do hash better than other primes for a given integer size
static const unsigned long long int PRIMES[] =
{16777619ULL, 1099511628211ULL}; // 32 bit, 64 bit
static const size_t PRIME =
static_cast<decltype(OFFSET_BASIS)>(PRIMES[sizeof(size_t) / 4U - 1U]);
auto hash = OFFSET_BASIS;
do {
hash ^= *str++; // xor is performed on the low order octet (8 bits) of hash
hash *= PRIME;
} while (*str);
return hash;
MathUtils() throw() = delete;
~MathUtils() throw() = delete;
MathUtils(const MathUtils&) throw() = delete;
MathUtils(MathUtils&&) throw() = delete;
MathUtils& operator=(const MathUtils&) throw() = delete;
MathUtils& operator=(MathUtils&&) throw() = delete;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unordered_map>
class HashTester {
typedef std::unordered_map<size_t, std::string> THashCodeToStrMap;
static const auto MIN_CHAR_ = 'a';
static const auto MAX_CHAR_ = 'z'; // 'a'-'z': 26
static const auto ALPHABET_LEN_ = MAX_CHAR_ - MIN_CHAR_ + 1U;
static const char* const OUT_FILE_NAME_;
static const char* const OUT_FILE_NAME_EXT_;
struct Stats {
Stats(const unsigned long long int comboCount = 0ULL) throw() : comboCount(comboCount) {}
unsigned long long int totalCount = 0ULL, duplicateCount = 0ULL, comboCount;
// Internal
template <const size_t BufCapacity>
struct Params {
Params(char (&strBuf)[BufCapacity], const size_t currLen = size_t(),
THashCodeToStrMap* const map = nullptr,
Stats* const stats = nullptr,
std::ofstream* const outFile = nullptr) throw()
: currLen(currLen), strBuf(strBuf), map(map), stats(stats), outFile(outFile)
size_t currLen = size_t();
char (&strBuf)[BufCapacity];
size_t lastCompletenessPercentage = size_t();
THashCodeToStrMap* map = nullptr;
Stats* stats = nullptr;
std::ofstream* outFile = nullptr;
// Char Sequence Generator Type
enum class ECCharSeqGenType {
CSGT_ALL_VARIANTS // a^N combinations (a - alphabet power; N - length of the seq., fixed)
template <class THashFunctor, const size_t MaxStrLen = 4U>
static double getCollisionProbability(bool& error, const bool logCollisions = true) throw() {
char strBuf[MaxStrLen + 1U] = {0}; // even to 8: MaxStrLen + 8U - (MaxStrLen % 8U)
strBuf[std::extent<decltype(strBuf)>::value - 1U] = '\0';
static const auto COMBINATION_COUNT_ =
static_cast<unsigned long long int>(std::pow(ALPHABET_LEN_, MaxStrLen));
THashCodeToStrMap map;
auto toReserveBucketCount
= static_cast<size_t>(COMBINATION_COUNT_ / static_cast<size_t>(std::pow(10.0, MaxStrLen / 2.0)));
while (true) {
try {
} catch (...) {
toReserveBucketCount /= 2U;
std::ofstream outFile;
static const auto OUT_FILE_NAME_BUF_SIZE_ = 64U;
char outFileName[OUT_FILE_NAME_BUF_SIZE_] = {0};
if (logCollisions && !openFile(outFile, outFileName, sizeof(outFileName))) {
error = true;
return nan("");
Params<std::extent<decltype(strBuf)>::value> params(strBuf, 0U, &map, &stats, &outFile);
if (params.stats->comboCount) std::cout << std::endl;
error = !createAndTestCharSeq<THashFunctor>(params, logCollisions); // returns false on ANY error
if (params.stats->comboCount) std::cout << std::endl;
if (!params.stats->duplicateCount) { // NO duplicates - empty file
outFile.close(); // file will be auto flushed
const auto fileDeleteResult = remove(outFileName); // on failure, a nonzero value is returned
{ // Shrink-to-fit
decltype(map) mapClearer(std::move(map)); // release mem. before flushing file
// File will be auto flushed AND closed here
return static_cast<double>(stats.duplicateCount) / stats.totalCount * 100.0;
// Generic strategy to test auto. generated char. sequences
// (used to test hashes, through can be useful elsewhere)
// [!] Will stop if mets zero hash. (AND return false) [!]
template <class TStrFunctor, const size_t BufCapacity>
static bool createAndTestCharSeq(Params<BufCapacity>& params, bool logCollisions = true) throw() {
static_assert(MIN_CHAR_ < MAX_CHAR_, "Invalid char. sequence");
static const auto LAST_CHAR_IDX_ = BufCapacity - 1U;
logCollisions = logCollisions && params.outFile;
const auto currIdx = params.currLen;
const auto nextIdx = currIdx + 1U;
const auto toReserveCount = nextIdx + 1U;
size_t currHash = 0U;
std::string currStr;
decltype(std::make_pair(currHash, std::move(currStr))) currPair;
decltype(params.map->insert(std::move(currPair))) insertResult;
TStrFunctor strFunctor;
auto completenessPercentage = 0U;
auto tryInsert = [&]() throw() {
//// Fill pair
currStr = params.strBuf;
currHash = strFunctor(currStr);
if (!params.map) return true; // skip other part
currPair.first = currHash;
if (logCollisions) currPair.second = currStr; // do NOT move, COPY
try {
insertResult = params.map->insert(std::move(currPair));
} catch (...) {
return false;
if (!insertResult.second) { // if NOT inserted (duplicate)
if (params.stats) ++params.stats->duplicateCount; // if collect stats
if (logCollisions) {
auto& dupStr = (*insertResult.first).second;
(*params.outFile) << currHash << ": '" << currStr << "' == '" << dupStr << "'\n";
if (!(*params.outFile)) return false;
return true;
static_assert(MIN_CHAR_ < MAX_CHAR_, "Invalid char codes");
for (char currChar = MIN_CHAR_; currChar <= MAX_CHAR_; ++currChar) {
params.strBuf[currIdx] = currChar;
if (nextIdx < LAST_CHAR_IDX_) { // prolong seq.
params.currLen = nextIdx;
if (!createAndTestCharSeq<TStrFunctor, BufCapacity>(params, logCollisions)) return false;
} else { // seq. end
if (!tryInsert()) return false; // saving OR logging failed
if (!currHash) return false; // force stop (skip other) [OPTIMIZATION]
if (params.stats) { // if collect stats
if (params.stats->comboCount) { // show progress
= static_cast<decltype(completenessPercentage)>(static_cast<double>(params.stats->totalCount)
/ params.stats->comboCount * 100.0);
if (completenessPercentage > params.lastCompletenessPercentage &&
!(completenessPercentage % 10U))
{ // step = 10U
std::cout << ' ' << completenessPercentage;
params.lastCompletenessPercentage = completenessPercentage;
} // 'for currChar' END
return true;
} // 'createAndTestCharSeqA' END
static bool openFile(std::ofstream& outFile, char* const fileNameBuf,
const size_t fileNameBufSize) throw()
if (!fileNameBuf || fileNameBufSize < 2U) return false;
//// Create unique file name (ALSO clock ticks can be replaced with the time AND/OR random)
//// i. e. C++11 'std::chrono' AND/OR 'std::uniform_int_distribution'
//// ALSO C 'tmpnam' / 'tmpfile'
strncat(fileNameBuf, OUT_FILE_NAME_, fileNameBufSize - 1U);
static const auto STR_TIME_BUF_SIZE_ = 32U;
char strTimeBuf[STR_TIME_BUF_SIZE_] = {0};
// Better use C++11 http://e...content-available-to-author-only...e.com/w/cpp/chrono/high_resolution_clock
const auto nowTime = time(nullptr);
sprintf(strTimeBuf, "%lli", nowTime);
strncat(fileNameBuf, strTimeBuf, fileNameBufSize - 1U);
strncat(fileNameBuf, OUT_FILE_NAME_EXT_, fileNameBufSize - 1U);
outFile.open(fileNameBuf, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
return !(!outFile);
const char* const HashTester::OUT_FILE_NAME_ = "collison_test_results#";
const char* const HashTester::OUT_FILE_NAME_EXT_ = ".txt ";
// Functor
#define ADD_HASHER_FOR(ClassName, HasherName) \
template <typename T = ClassName>\
struct HasherName {\
auto operator()(const T& obj) const throw() -> decltype(obj.hash()) {\
return obj.hash();\
// Functor
#define ADD_STD_HASHER_FOR(ClassName) \
namespace std {\
template <>\
class hash<ClassName> {\
size_t operator()(const ClassName& obj) const throw() {\
return obj.hash();\
template <class TStrType>
struct FNV1aHashFunctor {
auto operator()(const TStrType& str) throw() -> decltype(MathUtils::getFNV1aHash(str.c_str())) {
return MathUtils::getFNV1aHash(str.c_str());
template <class TStrType>
struct STLHashFunctor {
auto operator()(const TStrType& str) throw() -> decltype(std::hash<std::string>()(str)) {
return std::hash<std::string>()(str);
int main() {
bool error = false;
const auto FNV1aHashCollisionProbability_
= HashTester::getCollisionProbability<FNV1aHashFunctor<std::string>>(error, false);
std::cout << std::endl << "FNV1a Collision Probability: "
<< FNV1aHashCollisionProbability_ << ", error: " << error << std::endl;
// 'std::hash<std::string>' can be used directly
error = false;
const auto STLHashCollisionProbability_
= HashTester::getCollisionProbability<STLHashFunctor<std::string>>(error, false);
std::cout << std::endl << "STL Collision Probability: "
<< STLHashCollisionProbability_ << ", error: " << error << std::endl;
return 0;