#Change the CODE and OUTPUT strings to test your program
CODE = r'''abb1'''
OUTPUT = r'''My source has 4 characters.
1 is "a"
2 are "b"
1 is "1"
Besides unquoted numbers, my output has 383 characters.
34 are "
79 are " "
63 are """
2 are "'"
2 are ","
4 are "."
2 are "1"
2 are "B"
2 are "I"
2 are "M"
39 are "a"
4 are "b"
6 are "c"
4 are "d"
38 are "e"
3 are "g"
5 are "h"
4 are "i"
4 are "m"
3 are "n"
8 are "o"
3 are "p"
2 are "q"
38 are "r"
12 are "s"
8 are "t"
7 are "u"
3 are "y"
It's good to be a program.'''
import re
amountPattern = r'(\d+) (is|are) "(.)"\n'
class IntrospectionException(Exception):
def getClaimedAmounts(string, errorOnIs):
groups = re.findall(amountPattern, string, re.DOTALL)
for amount, verb, char in groups:
if verb == 'is':
if errorOnIs:
raise IntrospectionException('\'1 is "%s"\' is unnecessary' % char)
elif amount != '1':
raise IntrospectionException('At "%s", %s must use "are"' % (char, amount))
elif verb == 'are' and amount == '1':
raise IntrospectionException('At "%s", 1 must use "is"' % char)
amounts = {}
for amount, verb, char in groups:
if char in amounts:
raise IntrospectionException('Duplicate "%s" found' % char)
amounts[char] = int(amount)
return amounts
def getActualAmounts(string):
amounts = {}
for char in string:
if char in amounts:
amounts[char] += 1
amounts[char] = 1
return amounts
def compareAmounts(claimed, actual):
for char in actual:
if char not in claimed:
raise IntrospectionException('The amounts list is missing "%s"' % char)
for char in actual: #loop separately so missing character errors are all found first
if claimed[char] != actual[char]:
raise IntrospectionException('The amount of "%s" characters is %d, not %d' % (char, actual[char], claimed[char]))
if claimed != actual:
raise IntrospectionException('The amounts are somehow incorrect')
def isCorrect(code, output):
p1 = r'^My source has (\d+) characters\.\n'
p2 = r'Besides unquoted numbers, my output has (\d+) characters\.\n'
p3 = r"It's good to be a program\.$"
p4 = '%s(%s)*%s(%s)*%s' % (p1, amountPattern, p2, amountPattern, p3)
for p in [p1, p2, p3, p4]:
if re.search(p, output, re.DOTALL) == None:
raise IntrospectionException('Did not match the regex "%s"' % p)
claimedCodeSize = int(re.search(p1, output).groups()[0])
actualCodeSize = len(code)
if claimedCodeSize != actualCodeSize:
raise IntrospectionException('The code length is %d, not %d' % (actualCodeSize, claimedCodeSize))
filteredOutput = re.sub(r'([^"])\d+([^"])', r'\1\2', output)
claimedOutputSize = int(re.search(p2, output).groups()[0])
actualOutputSize = len(filteredOutput)
if claimedOutputSize != actualOutputSize:
raise IntrospectionException('The output length (excluding unquoted numbers) is %d, not %d' % (actualOutputSize, claimedOutputSize))
splitIndex = re.search(p2, output).start()
claimedCodeAmounts = getClaimedAmounts(output[:splitIndex], False)
actualCodeAmounts = getActualAmounts(code)
compareAmounts(claimedCodeAmounts, actualCodeAmounts)
claimedOutputAmounts = getClaimedAmounts(output[splitIndex:], True)
actualOutputAmounts = getActualAmounts(filteredOutput)
compareAmounts(claimedOutputAmounts, actualOutputAmounts)
def checkCorrectness():
isCorrect(CODE, OUTPUT)
print 'Everything is correct!'
except IntrospectionException as e:
print 'Failed: %s.' % e