fork(1) download
  2. module leveshtein.Main
  4. open System
  5. open System.Collections.Generic
  7. let chars = [|'a'..'z'|]
  9. let Levenshtein (a: array<char>) (b: array<char>) =
  10. let cache = Dictionary<_, _>()
  11. let rec lev i j =
  12. if cache.ContainsKey(i, j) then cache.[i, j]
  13. else
  14. let x =
  15. match i, j with
  16. | 0, j -> j
  17. | i, 0 -> i
  18. | _, _ -> min (min (lev (i - 1) j + 1) (lev i (j - 1) + 1)) (lev (i - 1) (j - 1) + (if a.[i - 1] = b.[j - 1] then 0 else 1))
  19. cache.Add((i, j), x)
  20. x
  21. in lev a.Length b.Length
  23. let add i c a = Seq.concat [Seq.take i a; Seq.singleton c; Seq.skip i a] |> Seq.toArray
  25. let delete i a = Seq.concat [Seq.take i a; Seq.skip (i + 1) a] |> Seq.toArray
  27. let change i c a = Seq.concat [Seq.take i a; Seq.singleton c; Seq.skip (i + 1) a] |> Seq.toArray
  29. type Tree<'a> = Nil | Tree of 'a * list<Tree<'a>>
  31. /// Creates a tree with all the Levenshtein minimum paths from a to b
  32. let EditChain a b =
  33. let rec generate a =
  34. let d = Levenshtein a b
  35. let gens = seq {
  36. for i in 0..(a.Length - 1) do
  37. let c1 = delete i a
  38. if (Levenshtein c1 b) < d then yield c1 else ()
  39. for c in chars do
  40. let c2 = change i c a
  41. if (Levenshtein c2 b) < d then yield c2 else ()
  42. for i in 0..(a.Length) do
  43. for c in chars do
  44. let c3 = add i c a
  45. if (Levenshtein c3 b) < d then yield c3 else ()
  46. }
  47. gens
  48. |> (fun g -> Tree(g, generate g)) |> Seq.toList
  49. let c = generate a
  50. in Tree(a, c)
  52. /// Flattens a Tree giving a list of all the paths from the root to the leaves
  53. let rec Flatten = function
  54. | Nil -> [[]]
  55. | Tree(a, []) -> [[a]]
  56. | Tree(a, ts) ->
  57. let ts2 = ts |> (fun t -> Flatten t) |> List.concat
  58. in ts2 |> (fun t -> a::t)
  60. /// Prints the edit chain paths given by Flatten
  61. let PrettyPrint (t: char array list list) =
  62. let pca (a: char array) = new System.String(a)
  63. t |> List.iter (fun cw ->
  64. printf "%s" (pca (List.head cw))
  65. (List.tail cw) |> List.iter (fun w -> printf " -> %s" (pca w))
  66. printfn "")
  68. [<EntryPoint>]
  69. let main args =
  70. let a = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray()
  71. let b = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray()
  72. PrettyPrint (Flatten (EditChain a b))
  73. 0
Success #stdin #stdout 0.45s 12688KB
media -> vedia -> vidia -> vida
media -> vedia -> veda -> vida
media -> midia -> vidia -> vida
media -> midia -> mida -> vida
media -> meda -> veda -> vida
media -> meda -> mida -> vida