fork(4) download
  1. * make seed from stdin *
  2. ,+[-
  3. * make 7bit bitstring
  4. [[->[-->+>>>+<<]>>[-<<]<<+<]+>>]
  5. <<[-<<]
  6. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,+]
  7. * current memory state: (s_)*s_s_s*
  8. * create a counter ( some initial random numbers should be discarded )
  9. >++++++++++[->++++++++++<]
  10. * M sequence generation loop
  11. * r(n)=r(n minus 3)xor r(n minus 28)
  12. * memory layout:
  13. * (r_)*r_r_r__C
  14. >[
  15. * slide and decrement the counter
  16. -[->>+<<]
  17. * move to the oldest random number ( 28 terms before )
  18. * ( making 2 markers to return )
  19. -<<<<<<++++[-<<++++++>>]-<<[-[-<<+>>]<<]
  20. * slide that to the next cell
  21. <[->+<]
  22. * move r(n minus 28) towards the top
  23. >>>+[-<<[->>+<<]>>>>+]
  24. * add r(n minus 3)
  25. <[-<+>>+<]>[-<+>]
  26. * move again
  27. +[-<<[->>+<<]>>>>+]
  28. * fix the bit ( change 2 to 0 )
  29. <<[-[->-<]>+<]
  30. * watch the counter
  31. * if over 4: do nothing
  32. * if 1 thru 4: only print "zun" or "doko"
  33. * if 0: print "zun" or "doko" and judge wheter to extend the counter
  34. >>+>+>>+<
  35. * memory layout:
  36. * (r_)*r_rpjCt
  37. * p: print flag
  38. * j: judge flag ( extension of the counter )
  39. * t: temporary
  40. [-[-[-[-[++++<<->->>-
  41. ]>[-< ++++< ->>>]<
  42. ]>[-< +++ < ->>>]<
  43. ]>[-< ++ < ->>>]<
  44. ]>[-< + < ->>>]<
  45. ]>[- >]
  46. * print "zun" ( if the last random number is 0 ) or "doko" ( else )
  47. <<<<[
  48. ++++++[->>>>+++++>--------->-------->->--[---------<]<<<]+
  49. <[>->>> ->-.>+.>.<<.>-.>>>.+[,+<+] ]
  50. >[->>>-> -.>.>>.<<<.>+.>>>.+[,+<+]> ]
  51. <<<<]
  52. * judge wheter to extend the counter
  53. * calculate the sum of r(n minus 4) thru r(n minus 1) and ( 1 minus r(n) )
  54. * extend the counter except the sum is 0
  55. >[-
  56. >-<<<<<<<<+[-<<<[-<+>>+<]<[->+<]>>[->>+<<]>>>>+]<
  57. <+<[-<+>>-<]<[->+<]>>[[-]>>+<<]>
  58. ]
  59. >]
  60. * print "kiyoshi!"
  61. +++++++[->>+++++++>------->->+>+++++<[-----------<]<]
  62. >>-.>.>+.<<.>+.>>+.<<<.>.>-----.<<.>.>>.<<<.>-.>>----.>--.
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 1912KB