fork download
  1. (defun check (str)
  2. (loop with plist = nil
  3. for char across str
  4. do (incf (getf plist char 0))
  5. finally (format t "~{'~c'->~2d~%~}" plist)))
  7. (check "We will encourage you to develop the three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris.")
Success #stdin #stdout 0.03s 10568KB
Standard input is empty
'.'-> 1
'b'-> 1
','-> 2
'z'-> 1
':'-> 1
'm'-> 3
'f'-> 1
's'-> 4
'h'-> 3
'p'-> 3
'v'-> 2
'd'-> 2
't'-> 6
'y'-> 1
'g'-> 3
'a'-> 7
'r'-> 8
'u'-> 4
'o'-> 6
'c'-> 2
'n'-> 4
'l'-> 4
'i'-> 6
'w'-> 1
' '->16
'W'-> 1