fork download
  1. Imports System
  3. Public Class Test
  4. Public Shared Sub Main()
  5. ' your code goes here
  8. Dim Options() As String = {"0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0, "1","1","1","1,"1","1","1","1"}
  9. For x As Integer = 0 To 15
  10. For y As Integer = 0 To 15
  11. Console.WriteLine(Options(x) & " " & Options(y))
  12. Next
  13. Next
  16. End Sub
  17. End Class
Compilation error #stdin compilation error #stdout 0s 0KB
Standard input is empty
compilation info
Visual Basic.Net Compiler version (Mono 3.8 - tarball)
Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Rolf Bjarne Kvinge. All rights reserved.

/home/fQoyMX/prog.vb (8,77) : error VBNC90019: Expected '}'.
/home/fQoyMX/prog.vb (8,77): Compiler error around this location, the compiler hasn't implemented the error message, nor error recovery, so the compiler will probably crash soon.
   at vbnc.Helper.ErrorRecoveryNotImplemented(Span Location)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseArrayElementInitializer(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseVariableInitializer(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseVariableDeclarator(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent, Modifiers Modifiers, vbnc.ParseAttributableInfo Info, IList result, Boolean local)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseLocalVariableDeclarator(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent, Modifiers Modifiers, vbnc.ParseAttributableInfo Info)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseLocalVariableDeclarators(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent, Modifiers Modifiers, vbnc.ParseAttributableInfo Info)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseLocalDeclarationStatement(vbnc.CodeBlock Parent)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseCodeBlock(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent, Boolean IsOneLiner)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseSubDeclaration(vbnc.TypeDeclaration Parent, vbnc.ParseAttributableInfo Info)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseTypeMembers(vbnc.TypeDeclaration Parent)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseClassDeclaration(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent, vbnc.Attributes Attributes, System.String Namespace)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseTypeDeclaration(vbnc.ParsedObject Parent, vbnc.Attributes Attributes, System.String Namespace)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAssemblyMembers(vbnc.AssemblyDeclaration Parent, System.String RootNamespace)
   at vbnc.Parser.ParseAssemblyDeclaration(System.String RootNamespace, vbnc.AssemblyDeclaration assembly)
   at vbnc.Parser.Parse(System.String RootNamespace, vbnc.AssemblyDeclaration assembly)
   at vbnc.Compiler.Compile_Parse()
   at vbnc.Compiler.Compile()
   at vbnc.Compiler.Compile(System.String[] CommandLine)
   at vbnc.Main.Main(System.String[] CmdArgs)
/home/fQoyMX/prog.vb (8,77) : error VBNC90019: Expected 'End'.
/home/fQoyMX/prog.vb (9,12) : error VBNC90019: Expected 'End'.
/home/fQoyMX/prog.vb (10,16) : error VBNC30203: Identifier expected.
/home/fQoyMX/prog.vb (11,24) : error VBNC30203: Identifier expected.
/home/fQoyMX/prog.vb (12,17) : error VBNC30203: Identifier expected.
/home/fQoyMX/prog.vb (13,13) : error VBNC30203: Identifier expected.
/home/fQoyMX/prog.vb (16,9) : error VBNC30203: Identifier expected.
/home/fQoyMX/prog.vb (17,10) : error VBNC30203: Identifier expected.
There were 9 errors and 0 warnings.
Compilation took 00:00:00.6247850
Standard output is empty