; The Little Schemer in Clojure
; Chapter 10 - What is the value of all this?
; A Scheme Interpreter in Clojure
; http://j...content-available-to-author-only...e.com/blog/2012/10/15/the-little-schemer-in-clojure-chapter-10-what-is-the-value-of-all-this-a-simple-scheme-evaluator-in-clojure/
(ns Chapter10WhatIsTheValueOfAllThis)
(def null?
(fn [a]
(nil? a)
(= () a))))
(println "")
(def atom?
(fn [a]
(not (seq? a))))
(def build
(fn [a b]
(cons a (cons b '() ))))
(println "")
(println "build")
(println (build 'a 'b))
;//=>(a b)
(def new-entry build)
(println "")
(println "new-entry")
(println (new-entry 'a 'b))
(def lookup-in-entry-help
(fn [name names values entry-f]
(empty? names) (entry-f name)
(= (first names) name)
(first values)
true (lookup-in-entry-help
(rest names)
(rest values)
(println "")
(println "lookup-in-entry-help")
(println (lookup-in-entry-help 'entree '(mains dessert) '(chicken icecream) println))
(println (lookup-in-entry-help 'entree '(entree mains dessert) '(garlicbread chicken icecream) println))
(def couldntfind
(fn [a]
(println "couldn't find" a)))
(println "")
(println "couldntfind")
(println (couldntfind 'wally))
;//=>couldn't find wally
(println (lookup-in-entry-help 'entree '(mains dessert) '(chicken icecream) couldntfind))
;//=>couldn't find entree
(def first_
(fn [p]
true (first p))))
(println "")
(println "first_")
(println (first_ '(a b)))
(def second_
(fn [p]
true (first (rest p)))))
(println "")
(println "second_")
(println (second_ '(a b)))
(def third_
(fn [p]
true (first (rest (rest p))))))
(println "")
(println "third_")
(println (third_ '(a b c)))
(def lookup-in-entry
(fn [name entry entry-f]
(first_ entry)
(second_ entry)
(println "")
(println "lookup-in-entry")
(println (lookup-in-entry 'entree '((entree mains dessert) (garlicbread chicken icecream)) println))
(println (lookup-in-entry 'entree '((mains dessert) (chicken icecream)) couldntfind))
;//=>couldn't find entree
(def extend-table cons)
(println "")
(println "extend-table")
(println (extend-table '((breakfast lunch)(toast sandwiches)) '(((mains dessert)(beef fruit)))))
;//=>(((breakfast lunch) (toast sandwiches)) ((mains dessert) (beef fruit)))
(def lookup-in-table
(fn [name table table-f]
(null? table) (table-f name)
true (lookup-in-entry
(first table)
(fn [name]
(rest table)
(println "")
(println "lookup-in-table")
(println (lookup-in-table 'mains '( ((mains dessert) (steak gelato))) println))
;//=> steak
(println (lookup-in-table 'mains '(((starter entree) (bread soup)) ((mains dessert) (steak gelato))) println))
(def *self-evaluating
(fn [e table]
(println "")
(println "*self-evaluating")
(println (*self-evaluating '(+ 1 1) '() ))
;//=>(+ 1 1)
(println (*self-evaluating '1 '() ))
;//=> 1
(def initial-table
(fn [name]
(= name 't) true
(= name 'nil) nil
true (build 'primitive name))))
(println "")
(println "intial-table")
(println (initial-table 'a))
;//=>(primitive a)
(def *identifier
(fn [e table]
e table initial-table)))
(println "")
(println "*identifier")
(println (*identifier 'a '() ))
;//=>(primitive a)
(def atom-to-action
(fn [e]
(number? e) *self-evaluating
true *identifier)))
(println "")
(println "atom-to-action")
(println (atom-to-action '1))
(println (atom-to-action 'cons))
(def text-of-quotation second_)
(println "")
(println "text-of-quotation")
(println (text-of-quotation '(quote helloWorld)))
;//=> helloWorld
(println (text-of-quotation '(quote hello world)))
(def *quote
(fn [e table]
(text-of-quotation e)))
(println "")
(println "*quote")
(println (*quote '(quote helloWorld) '() ))
;//=> helloWorld
(def *lambda
(fn [e table]
(build 'non-primitive
(cons table (rest e)))))
(println "")
(println "*lambda")
(println (*lambda '(*lambda (b) (println b)) '() ))
;//=>(non-primitive (() (b) (println b)))
(def question-of first_)
(println "")
(println "question-of")
(println (question-of '((= 1 a) (println true))))
;//=>(= 1 a)
(def answer-of second_)
(println "")
(println "answer-of")
(println (answer-of '((= 1 a) (println true))))
;//=>(println true)
; stub this out to make it easier to load later
(def meaning)
(def evcon
(fn [lines table]
(question-of (first lines)) table)
(answer-of (first lines)) table)
true (evcon (rest lines) table))))
(def cond-lines rest)
(def *cond
(fn [e table]
(evcon (cond-lines e) table)))
; stub this out for later definition (cyclical dependencies)
(def *application)
(def list-to-action
(fn [e]
(atom? (first e)) (cond
(= (first e) 'quote) *quote
(= (first e) 'lambda) *lambda
(= (first e) 'cond) *cond
true *application)
true *application)))
(println "")
(println "list-to-action")
(println (list-to-action '(null? 'null)))
(println (list-to-action '(lambda 'a)))
(def expression-to-action
(fn [e]
(atom? e) (atom-to-action e)
true (list-to-action e))))
(println "")
(println "expression-to-action")
(println (expression-to-action '(lambda a)))
(println (expression-to-action 'a))
(println (expression-to-action '1))
;//=> *self-evaluating
(def meaning
(fn [e table]
((expression-to-action e) e table)))
(def value
(fn [e]
(meaning e '() )))
(def table-of first_)
(println "")
(println "table-of")
(println (table-of '((first second) (third forth))))
;//=>(first second)
(println (table-of '(*lambda (args0) functionBody)))
(def formals-of second_)
(println "")
(println "formals-of")
(println (formals-of '((first second) (third forth))))
;//=>(third forth)
(println (formals-of '(*lambda (args0) functionBody)))
(def body-of third_)
(println "")
(println "third_")
(println (body-of '(*lambda (args0) functionBody)))
(def evlis
(fn [args table]
(null? args) '()
true (cons (meaning (first args) table)
(evlis (rest args) table)))))
(println "")
(println "evlis")
(println (evlis '(+ 1 a) '() ))
;//=>(() () ())
(def function-of first_)
(println "")
(println "function-of")
(println (function-of '(+ 1 1)))
;//=> +
(def arguments-of rest)
(println "")
(println "arguments-of")
(println (arguments-of '(+ 1 1)))
(def primitive?
(fn [l]
(= (first_ l) 'primitive)))
(println "")
(println "primitive?")
(println (primitive? '(primitive a)))
;//=> true
(def non-primitive?
(fn [l]
(= (first_ l) 'non-primitive)))
(println "")
(println "non-primitive?")
(println (non-primitive? '(non-primitive a)))
;//=> true
(def add1
(fn [n]
(+ 1 n)))
(println "")
(println "add1")
(println (add1 2))
;//=> 3
(def sub1
(fn [n]
(- n 1)))
(println "")
(println "sub1")
(println (sub1 2))
;//=> 1
(def apply-primitive
(fn [name vals]
(= name 'car ) (first (first_ vals))
(= name 'cdr ) (rest (first_ vals))
(= name 'cons ) (cons (first_ vals) (second_ vals))
(= name 'eq ) (= (first_ vals) (second_ vals))
(= name 'atom? ) (atom? (first_ vals))
(= name 'not ) (not (first_ vals))
(= name 'null? ) (null? (first_ vals))
(= name 'number? ) (number? (first_ vals))
(= name 'zero? ) (zero? (first_ vals))
(= name 'add1 ) (add1 (first_ vals))
(= name 'sub1 ) (sub1 (first_ vals)))))
(def apply-closure
(fn [closure vals]
(meaning (body-of closure)
(formals-of closure) vals)
(table-of closure)))))
(def apply_
(fn [fun vals]
(primitive? fun) (apply-primitive (second_ fun) vals)
(non-primitive? fun) (apply-closure (second_ fun) vals))))
(println "")
(println "apply_")
(def *application
(fn [e table]
(meaning (function-of e) table)
(evlis (arguments-of e) table))))
(println "")
(println "*application")
;(println (*application '(+ 1 1) '() ))
;*** not a good example
(println "")
(println "meaning")
(println (meaning '(+ 1 1) '() ))
(println (meaning '1 '() ))
(println "")
(println "evcon")
(println (evcon '((= 1 a) (println true)) '() ))
(println "")
(println "cond-lines")
(println (cond-lines '(cond ((= 1 a) (println true)) (true 1))))
;//=>(((= 1 a) (println true)) (true 1))
(println "")
(println "*cond")
(println (*cond '(cond ((= 1 a) (println true)) (true 1)) '() ))
(println "")
(println "value")
(println (value '(+ 1 1)))
(println "")
(println "apply-primitive")
(println (apply-primitive 'atom? '(1) ))
;//=> true
(println "")
(println "apply-closure")
(println (apply-closure '((((u v w) (1 2 3)) ((x y z) (4 5 6))) (x y) (cons z x)) '((a b c) (d e f))))
;//=> (((x y) ((a b c) (d e f))) ((u v w) (1 2 3)) ((x y z) (4 5 6)))
(def cons_
(fn [u v]
(fn [b]
b u
true v))))
(println "")
(println "cons_")
(println (cons_ 'apple '() ))
;//=> #<Chapter10WhatIsTheValueOfAllThis$cons_$fn__862 Chapter10WhatIsTheValueOfAllThis$cons_$fn__862@272b72f4>
(def lunch (cons_ 'apple '() ))
(println "")
(println "lunch")
(println (lunch 'apple ))
;//=> 'apple
(println (lunch '1 ))
;//=> apple
(println (lunch nil ))
;//=> ()
(def car_
(fn [l]
(l true)))
(println "")
(println "car_")
(println (car_ lunch))
;//=> apple
(def cdr_
(fn [l]
(l nil)))
(println "")
(println "cdr_")
(println (cdr_ lunch))
;//=> ()
(println (value '(add1 1)))
;//=> 2
(println (value '(eq 2 1)))
;//=> false
(println (value '(eq 1 1)))
;//=> true
(println (value '(quote hello)))
;//=> hello
(println (value '((lambda (x) 1) 2)))
;//=> 1
(println (value '((lambda (x) x) 2)))
;//=> 2
(println (value '((lambda (x) (add1 x)) 2)))
;//=> 3
(println (value '(((lambda (y) (lambda (x) 1) y) 4) 3)))
;//=> 1
(println (value '(((lambda (y) (lambda (x) x) y) 4) 3)))
;//=> 3
(println (value '(((lambda (x y) (lambda (u) (cond (u x) (t y)))) 1 '() ) nil)))
;//=> ()
(println (value '((lambda (x) ((lambda (x) (add1 x)) (add1 4))) 6)))
;//=> 6