fork download
  1. // C code
  3. // This program will provide options for a user to calculate the square,
  4. // cube, divide by 2 ,or multiple by 10 when users inputs a positive Integer .
  5. // Developer: Gilberto Nazario CMIS102/4060
  6. // Date: APR 23, 2017
  8. #include <stdio.h>
  10. // -- the newer C compilers require that functions be prototyped
  11. // -- this tells the compiler what the input and output datatypes of the functions are
  12. // -- the functions are later defined after the main.
  14. // function prototypes
  15. int Square ( int );
  16. int Cube ( int );
  17. float Divide2 (int);
  18. int multiply10 (int);
  20. int main ()
  21. {
  22. /* variable definition: */
  24. int intValue, menuSelect, Results;
  25. float quotient;
  26. intValue = 1;
  28. // While a positive number
  29. while (intValue > 0)
  30. {
  31. // Prompt the user for number
  32. printf ("Enter a positive Integer\n: ");
  33. scanf("%d", &intValue);
  35. // test for positive value input
  36. //if (intValue > 0)
  37. {
  38. printf ("Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 \n: ");
  39. scanf("%d", &menuSelect);
  41. if (menuSelect == 1)
  42. {
  43. // Call the Square Function
  44. Results = Square(intValue);
  45. printf("Square of %d is %d\n",intValue,Results);
  47. }
  50. else if (menuSelect == 2)
  51. {
  52. // Call the Cube function
  53. Results = Cube(intValue);
  54. printf("Cube of %d is %d\n",intValue,Results);
  56. } //endif - menuSelect
  58. else if (menuSelect == 3)
  59. {
  60. //Call Divide2 function
  61. quotient = Divide2(intValue);
  62. printf("%d divided by 2 is %.2f\n", intValue, quotient);
  64. }
  66. else if (menuSelect == 4)
  68. {
  69. //Call multiply10 function
  70. Results = multiply10(intValue);
  71. printf("%d multiplied by 10 is %d\n", intValue, Results);
  73. }
  75. else
  76. {
  77. printf("Invalid menu item, only 1, 2, 3 or 4 is accepted\n");
  79. }
  80. }
  83. } //EndWhile
  85. return 0;
  87. }
  89. /*** Function defintions ***/
  91. /* function returning the Square of a number */
  92. // This function will return the square of the input value
  93. // Input: value - input number
  94. // Output: return - input number squared (x*x)
  95. int Square(int value)
  96. {
  97. return value*value;
  98. }
  100. /* function returning the Cube of a number */
  101. // This function will return the cube of the input value
  102. // Input: value - input number
  103. // Output: return - input number cubed (x*x*x)
  104. int Cube(int value)
  105. {
  106. return value*value*value;
  107. }
  109. //function returing division by 2//
  110. //this function divide an integer by 2, the function will return a float
  111. //input: value - input number
  112. //output: return - input number divided by 2
  113. float Divide2(int value)
  114. {
  115. return (float)value/2.0;
  116. }
  117. //function returing multiplication by 10//
  118. //this function multiple an integer by 10, the function will return a float
  119. //input: value - input number
  120. //output: return - input number multipled by 10
  121. int multiply10(int value)
  122. {
  123. return value * 10;
  124. }
Runtime error #stdin #stdout 0s 9432KB
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multiplied by 10 is 40
Enter a positive Integer
: Enter 1 to calculate Square, 2 to Calculate Cube, 3 to Divide by 2, or 4 to multiply by 10 
: 4 multi